Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 128: I am Lin Shenyi

The inner court of the Wang family is now evening, and all the guests of the Wang family have been dispersed. All that remains is the family of the Wang family. Each of them is looking at Lin Lang with doubtful eyes.

A cup of hot tea stands steaming at the corner of the table. The Wang's family were all choking on their throats, staring at each other without saying a word, and the room was full of weird atmosphere.

For a long while silent, the cup of cold tea was cold.

Father Wang finally couldn't help but say, "Grandson Lin Lang, can you explain me what happened during the day?"

"Is there any good explanation?" Lin Lang said leisurely.

"That's why so many big names are rushing for you ..."

"They? A group of people who are asking me." Lin Lang re-poked a cup of tea and thought it out.

"They asked for you."

Mr. Wang's silence went down, as if in the Linlang dialect.

"Impossible, who are they, not the big brothers in Nanliao Province, or the senior officials in the army, how could they intersect with you?" Lin Lang's aunt said subconsciously.

"Oh, believe it or not, why don't you agree with me." Lin Lang said lightly.

Auntie turned pale and pale, biting her lips bitterly and then backed away. If Lin Lang dared to speak like this before, she would definitely rush to give a lesson to this unreliable relative, but after going through today's events, she has no courage.

"You said these people are asking for you, I do believe, but I really can't think of anything that would make a general admired."

"who are you?"

Wang Lao stared at Lin Lang with scorching eyes, and seemed to want to see the other side through the same, but he failed. This is a teenager who looks ordinary and cannot be ordinary again.

"Yeah, what's going on with your son. I'm the mother of you, but you've been caught in the dark." Wang Xiaomei also interposed in a timely manner, a question he wanted to ask long ago.

"Say, let's say, what can you do with our ears, it's better than blindfolded and closed."

Wang Jinglun also urged.

"Well, don't you want to know who I am, let me tell you."

Lin Lang put down the tea cup, her voice was not stubborn, but it contained a great shock.

"I am the Lin Shenyi who is near to God in the medical way in their mouths, and it is also I who rescue Mo Mo and give him amazing creations."

"You turned out to be Dr. Lin ..."

Having said this, Wang Hai fell into contemplation. If Lin Lang had claimed to be Lin Shenyi before, they would sniff and laugh at each other, but after experiencing today's shock, he was somewhat convinced.

How many people can do this in Nanliao Province, only Lin Shenyi and Mr. Lin are here.

This time Lin Lang Daoming's identity was not doubted or shocked, because the emotion of shocking them had been exhausted during the day. Everyone was silent, and it seemed that only this identity could explain everything.

"No wonder, it is indeed possible to do this step with the influence of Lin Shenyi." Wang Hai exhaled heavily.

"No wonder Xiaolang once told me that he had a close relationship with Lin Shenyi. It turns out that you are him. I should have thought of it."

Lin Xiao relieved Changshu with a sigh of relief, then remembered something, and then asked, "So, the noble person who helped me and your mother behind me a while ago is you?"

Lin Lang nodded.

"In the position of Dr. Lin, I really have the honour to ask the rich in Nanliao Province, but this alone doesn't seem to be enough for everyone to ask for you, right?" Father Wang's words hit the bullet and asked for an idea.

Lin Lang secretly admired that Father Wang was indeed a high-ranking figure, and his eyes were sharper than others. I don't know how much.

"Yes, it is not enough to surrender them by virtue of being a divine doctor. I rely on strength."

"The power to control life and death!"

Lin Lang's momentum became fierce at this moment, no longer like the big boy just next door, but like a sharp sword, full of sharpness.

Controlling life and death, but now in a legal society, killing and breaking the law, even if you have the ability to master life and death, dare to kill? Aunt Ma snorted in their hearts, and the concept of modern society had long been ingrained in their hearts.

"I don't know if you have ever said anything by a warrior?" Lin Lang's momentum decreased slightly and he asked back.

"What is a warrior?"

Most people are dazed and confused. Only two thought long.

Lin Xiao frowned. He was the sister-in-law of the born Lin family in Kyoto. He naturally touched these things.

"I remembered that my father ’s bodyguard seemed to claim to be a martial artist. Others could easily escape by holding a gun and pointing at him, even fighting back. When I was young, I had seen the Qigong master of the Lin family with one hand. Split a dozen red bricks. "Lin Xiao said slowly.

Lin Lang nodded, quite agreeing.

"The martial arts are divided into martial arts and grandmasters. These people have far more extraordinary powers. Like my dad, the only free-armed martial arts is the entry-level martial arts. Go, even if the river is turned over. "

"What it says is similar to ancient martial arts films." Grandma's mother poked and thought that Lin Lang was too exaggerated. If there is such a capable person in the world, it would not be a mess.

"The Grand Master of Huajing can gather in one side of Feng Shui, and the aftermath of the mighty battles of the mighty can cause the destruction of several galaxies, what a special effect of martial arts." Lin Lang smiled.

Auntie glanced up at the roof. She just returned to a martial arts movie, and now it's Star Wars again.

"Yes, there are indeed warriors in the reality of our lives."

Mr. Wang has ruled Linhai for many years, and there are many strange people and strangers he meets.

"So you are a warrior?" Father Wang cried.

"No, I should be a guru, according to them."

Lin Lang shook his head, then threw the tea cup in his hand, and then turned it into a knife, slicing across the tea cup a few meters away.

Invisibly, a sharp energy surged out, the tea cup in the air shattered and the water splashed.

With a bang, the table on which the tea cup had just been placed split into two at this instant, and collapsed in the horrified eyes of everyone.

If only that was the case, a clear crack at the foot of Lin Lang passed through, crossing the marble floor, the crack was getting bigger and bigger, and finally, to the sides, countless fine cracks extended.

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