Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 133: Wash the lead, build the foundation!


A low, depressing roar sounded like a response, faintly coming from the inside of the cave.

Boom! Boom!

What followed was the tremor of a trembling mountain, as if there were some behemoths coming.

Looking along Lin Lang's eyes, in the depths of the dark cave, there were actually a pair of copper bells, and the dark pupils gradually became clear.

This is a lion whose size is completely larger than normal. The shiny golden coat on the body is drooping like a steel needle poured with gold paint.

A sweep of strength is probably about the foundation of the immortalist. The true power is far beyond ordinary masters, and even the strong masters in the middle of the master may not benefit from it. This should be what they call the lion ancestor.

It squatted down on the ground, and its body like a mountain of meat blocked the entrance of the hole. It crooked its huge head and roared to the outsiders as if to warn the other party not to cross the boundary without permission.

Lin Lang's divine thought penetrated the shelter of the lion ancestor's huge body, and the situation inside the cave was unobstructed.

Behind the lion ancestor, there is a delicate flower with buds to be put on it. Seven tender white petals are mixed with bright red spots, which are dazzling like blood.

"It turns out that a blood demon flower can be born here."

Lin Lang was so enlightened, no wonder the lion ancestor did not immediately rush out to fight him. It turned out that he was guarding the blood demon flower that was about to bloom.

"The blood demon flower belongs to the second-grade spirit grass in the fairy realm. It can be used as the main medicine for refining Zengyang Dan. Its efficacy is far above that of Zhujidan, and the monk food in the foundation period can be improved by one or two small realms."

However, this blood demon flower has not yet fully matured, and the effect of picking it in advance is less than one-tenth of the heyday, and Lin Lang has to press his mind.

"Well, let your beast help you for a few days."

Lin Lang said to himself, stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and cut a clear trench on the ground. It goes without saying that I am here, you are there, and our wells do not violate river water.

Then Lin Lang sat up at the cave entrance.

"The aura on the top of the mountain is very strong, and here should support me to complete the foundation."

Lin Lang closed his eyes. At this moment, it was like a mallet smashed into the water, thoroughly mixing the abundant aura of Yunwu Mountain, the endless aura quickly sprang up, and finally converged into a vortex, swallowed up by the figures in it.



This **** human!

How dare to practice in its old nest, but also confined it to the cave, is simply provoking majesty as a lion ancestor!

The anger of the Lion ancestors instinctively rushed to fight with each other.

However, the birth wisdom told him that he couldn't do this, he had to stare at Lin Lang tightly, and didn't dare to relax a little. He could feel that the human being was absolutely threatening its strength, fear, and instinct.

When it is changed, it will surely take advantage of the other side's practice to sneak up, but now Lin Lang shows the strength comparable to it, and there are other beasts in the mountains who are scornful of the blood demon.

It also had to hold back its anger, where one person and one beast confronted each other.

In fact, as early as in the hilltop villa, Lin Lang could use the aura to break into the foundation, but the foundation was also divided. He was unwilling to be inferior in this foundation.

The foundation is built, and the foundation is built. As the so-called high-rise buildings rise from the ground, the more vigorous the foundation construction, the greater the future achievements.

There are three ways to build the foundation: the foundation of the Tao, the foundation of the Tao, and the foundation of the heaven. The foundation of the Tao is naturally the most common form of foundation. The total amount of aura required is far below the other two. The foundation is slightly stronger, and by absorbing the breath of the earth's veins, the future is limitless.

As for the foundation of the heavenly path-the same level can be called the king!

However, the conditions for the foundation of the heavenly path are extremely harsh, and a heavenly air must be poured into it.

Ordinary people want to find the spirit of heaven and do not know how many rivers and rivers they need to travel, strange and dangerous, but it is not difficult for Lin Lang.

After more than a month and a half, the total amount of aura in Lin Lang's body has climbed to a rather horrible capacity.

On this day Lin Lang opened his eyes suddenly and suddenly sang to the sky.

"Thunder comes!"


Out of nowhere, a silver thunder descended suddenly and fell on Lin Lang's body.

The thunder and lightning dissipated, the ground of Yunwu Mountain was covered with scars, the fruits and trees were withered, and the air was exuding a scorching smell.

The mist was surging, separated from the left and right, and a tall and erect figure stood proudly, like a crown and jade, with a well-proportioned figure, and a faint expression of dust came out from the inside out.

This person is similar in appearance to Lin Lang, which is not him?

"Still familiar."

Lin Lang squeezed his chin slightly, letting his neck move a few times, and his body made a crisp sound like fried beans.

The foundation is the transformation from the mortal to the cultivator, washing up the lead, like rebirth, which is why there are few ugly and weird among the cultivators.

"Yuezong ’s Ming Wang cited Lei Jue is not bad. It is no wonder that only the core disciples of Yu Leizong can reach. The Thunder brought about by this technique is afraid that any monk in the foundation period is difficult to stop. The Yunwu Mountain Formation has withstood a large number of thunder and lightning, I'm afraid I can't easily collect the breath of heaven. "

"This kind of magical power that kills an enemy one thousand and damages one hundred is still better. In the future, Lin Lang shook his head secretly.

Suddenly Lin Lang's gaze was fixed.

Because he found that the mist that trapped the entire Yunwu Mountain at this time was rapidly dissipating at this time, and eventually merged into the ground, disappearing completely.

East, purple light, Xiangrui.

In the West, a horrible sword burst into the sky, breaking the sky.

A long ray of sunlight fell, completely exposing the entire mysterious cloud and mist mountain to the air.

"It seems that the lightning triggered by the Thunderbolt completely destroyed the formation of Yunwushan."

Lin Lang smiled.

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