Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1335: One Hundred Thousand Calamities

Lin Lang returned from traveling in the universe, the first calamity he had to face was a terrible calamity comparable to the eleventh eternal calamity.

The power of the Silver Heavenly Dao poured down and instantly submerged Lin Lang. In the eyes of everyone, Lin Lang's figure had begun to distort, and the powerful energy fluctuations directly overturned everyone around him hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

This is a little farther away.

As for the monk closest to the Tribulation Area, he was directly wiped out by the power of Heaven, and he didn't even struggle.

Inside the silver light area, Lin Lang raised his head and tried to use the power of the godhead to resist. But he suddenly discovered that at this moment, under the suppression of the heavenly energy, the dual godhead actually fell silent, let alone mobilizing the power of the godhead, even if he wanted to move the godhead, it was extremely difficult.

"The power of the Heavenly Dao and the Godhead are originally homologous, so it is impossible for the Godhead to exert its original power under the suppression of the pure power of the Heavenly Dao." Lin Lang thought about this situation. He had expected this situation long ago, and he did not reveal too much. A lot of panic.

Instead, he confronted the Heavenly Dao by himself, without any extra action, allowing the energy of the Heavenly Dao to bombard into the body.

In the past, he was also a body of heaven, and he had a strong ability to adapt to this kind of energy, and he could also withstand the first disaster with the strength of the flesh.


The energy of Heavenly Dao penetrated into the body, instantly spreading across every meridian in Lin Lang's body. But after all, this is the purest heavenly energy, the strongest avenue in the world, even if Lin Lang's physical body has been tempered to the extreme, the toughness of the meridians is not enough to withstand the weight of the heavenly energy.

In an instant, 80% of the meridians in Lin Lang's body were broken.

What is left in the body that can hold the energy to operate is only those fragile meridians like capillaries in the Linghai position.

Although it is no longer necessary to cultivate to the realm of Lin Lang, Linghai is the foundation of cultivation after all, and the consequences of damage are incalculable.

But Lin Lang still decided to introduce the Heavenly Dao energy ramming around in his body into Linghai.


Under Lin Lang's guidance, the moment the violent Heavenly Dao power touched the Linghai meridians, it directly took on a destructive posture, smashing all meridians in a devastating manner.

Ling Hai couldn't bear the pressure of Heaven's Dao either. Heaven's Dao transformed into a sharp knife and directly divided the Linghai area into two.

Linghai was hit hard, and Lin Lang's figure couldn't help but sway, but soon, Lin Lang stabilized his mind again, and saw the broken Linghai area suddenly emitting a misty gleam, a flower of heaven, in the original The location of Linghai took root.

"Linghai planting Daohua, this is the change that will only appear in the eleventh eternal catastrophe."

After reading the books of the prefectures, Lin Lang actually knew what he would experience when he crossed the eleventh eternal catastrophe. For example, the sword of Tao that day would directly destroy the foundation of the monk.

And in the broken spirit sea, the flower of heaven will be born, and the flower of heaven will continue to occupy the initiative of the body, so that the monk will have no power to fight back in the face of the next catastrophe.

From the eleventh eternal catastrophe, he fell into the rhythm of heaven.

"But what's the matter?"

Lin Lang raised his head to look at the sky, replaced the sword with his hand, and pointed at the sky.

"Where is the next tribulation?!"

In the distance, Emperor Yunluo saw this scene and shook his head lightly, saying: "Jietianjun first crossed the catastrophe, he may not be aware of the terrifying aspects of Linghai's cultivation of Taoist flowers."

"When the flowers of the Tao of Heaven are planted in the Spirit Sea, they will continuously absorb the energy of the monks as nutrients, and the final result is nothing more than two."

Emperor Yunluo said in a deep voice, "Either it is controlled by the flower of the heavens and reduced to a puppet of the heavens. The other is the flower of the heavens, which comes at the same time as the external catastrophe, and eventually destroys all of the monks. vitality."

"Jie Tianjun didn't remove the flower of heaven in his body, I am afraid that the subsequent process of crossing the catastrophe will become more difficult."

While he was speaking, the second calamity of Heaven's Path came again.

There was a violent wind in the starry sky, and the thunder flickered, followed by endless flames blazing, evaporating all the surrounding space into nothingness.

In the violent wind, the flames were spinning at extreme speed, and fireballs were constantly being thrown out, and in the middle of the starry sky, countless flames turned into a wheel of wind and fire, and swiftly attacked in the direction of Lin Lang.

Wind and Fire!

When the wheel of wind and fire landed, Lin Lang did not evade, mobilizing the profound meaning of fire between steps, extracting the power of the flame in the space.

In an instant, the flame energy attached to the top of the Hot Wheels was evacuated by him, leaving only the purest wind power.

Without the power of fire, the disaster of wind and fire is no longer threatened?

Quite the opposite!

The power of the violent wind in the wind and fire calamity is not simple, it is a throbbing wind that can blow out the soul. The gust of wind passed, Lin Lang's form and spirit dissipated, and his solid body was also weathered, turning into dust and dissipating.

Only Lin Lang's soul remained in the field.

The force of wind separates the flesh, and the force of fire burns the flesh.

This is the most terrifying place of Feng Huo Tribulation!

But fortunately, Lin Lang is proficient in the Dao of Fire, and when Wind and Fire Tribulation is first born, he drives out the negative effects of fire attribute energy, otherwise his soul will be directly exposed to the outside, and there will be no chance of rebirth.

An immortal flame ignited on Lin Lang's soul, and the weathered body grew back.

And immediately followed by the more terrifying Tribulation of Wind and Thunder!

In the storm, the thunder intertwined, and the wind and thunder aimed at the soul's origin successively smashed down.

"My palm robbery, how can I be injured by the wind and thunder?"

Lin Lang's eyes were clear, his body and soul exerted force at the same time, and while controlling the power of Tribulation Dao, he contained the Tribulation of Wind and Thunder in his body. The power of Tribulation Dao directly affected the operation of Wind and Thunder Tribulation. The power of the original violent thunder was as meek as a lamb, hanging around Lin Lang's body.

next moment.

The scene in front of Lin Lang changed again, and a sea of ​​fire flooded the sky. This is not an ordinary flame, but a supreme thunder fire bathed in lightning attributes. Even if it is contaminated with the slightest trace, the power of double catastrophe will kill anything approaching in an instant. .

Lin Lang raised his hand to squeeze the big seal, and the thunder attached to his body continued to fall. After an instant, a huge handprint was reflected in the starry sky, which was consistent with Lin Lang's movements in all directions, and the seals were formed at the same time.

A golden leaf emerged from the foot of Lin Lang, and as everyone watched, the golden leaf continued to enlarge, until finally, it turned into a flat boat, carrying Lin Lang slowly through the area covered by thunder and fire.

Three calamities of wind, thunder and fire can't hurt Lin Lang the slightest!

And after this, it is the immeasurable calamity!

"Next is Immeasurable Tribulation!"

Far away in the void, the Emperor Luo Tian, ​​who is a transcendence in this life, slowly said, "What is immeasurable?"

"It cannot be counted, nor can it be estimated how powerful it will erupt! This heavy catastrophe does not have the changes of wind, thunder and fire, nor does it have the power of will for the catastrophe of heaven, but it is real physical damage."

"Starting from the third calamity, Tiandao will drop a steady stream of thunder tribulations, the number of which is uncertain, until the monks crossing the tribulations are killed. This is the so-called immeasurable tribulation." Di Luotian said solemnly.

The many half emperors around couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "So, the eleventh eternal catastrophe is definitely not a catastrophe for proving the Dao, but a catastrophe descended by the Heavenly Dao?"

Di Luotian nodded.

The eleventh eternal catastrophe, every catastrophe is the real calamity of extermination, and the monks who crossed the catastrophe are wiped out in the most terrifying posture. It can't be avoided, only passively.

Just as everyone was talking, Lin Lang had been smashed thousands of times by the thunder brought down by Immeasurable Tribulation, but fortunately, the power of the previous catastrophes was not so terrifying. broken.

But this is only the beginning!

These previous thunders were the immortal emperor's calamity that Lin Lang had never experienced from the immortal king realm to the immortal emperor realm, so it was not as terrifying as he imagined.

But as time goes by, the thunder behind will only become more and more terrifying.

Lin Lang raised his hand to face the robbery, he raised his hand and wiped the thunder robbery that had not yet landed. Along with this action, Lin Lang's face also began to become serious.

He could clearly feel that the next thunder power was another level of intrepidity!


A terrifying thunder tribulation that was hundreds of miles wide landed in the sky, directly smashing Lin Lang and staggering, and the formation of the bodyguard was also broken.

He was still in the future and adjusted his own state, and more and more thunder fell in the next, forcing Lin Lang to separate all his mind to contend.

But even so, Lin Lang was still overthrown by the power of thunder.

Lin Lang has already cultivated to the extreme of the great emperor's realm, and can even be comparable to the level of the eleventh eternal catastrophe. The current Thunder Tribulation can't even move freely, and the horror is evident!


Lin Lang raised his hand, the energy in his body was agitated, and the strong power of the avenue spread all over his body, which suddenly blasted a blow to the thunder that descended in the sky.


The sky shook, and the power of Thunder and Lin Lang's physical power collided heavily, and the power of thunder and lightning penetrated into every corner of Lin Lang's body through his physical body.

The tingling sensation that had experienced thunder and lightning instantly transmitted to every nerve in Lin Lang's body, and even his actions became a little slower. But then the Thunder, which had doubled its power, landed again.

boom! Boom!

Lin Lang's figure was instantly overwhelmed by endless lightning.

The monks who were watching the ceremony were unable to capture Lin Lang's figure at this time, and only the distant starry sky was submerged by endless thunder in the naked eye.

In the sky, still continuous thunder descended.

"It has been seventy-eight thousand times, and I don't know what is going on with him inside."

Daozu stood in the distance, muttering to himself.

Seventy-eight thousand thunder tribulations, although each of these blows could not directly kill a monk in the realm of the emperor. But it is important to know the truth that water droplets pierce through stones. Even if you smashed the tofu into a stone, it will be broken after 78,000 times of heavy blows.

What's more, Lei Ting is not tofu that can be described. The constant superimposed power and the intrusive negative effect of invading the body will make the strength of the monk weaker and weaker.

"Not to mention, there will be thunder enough to kill the emperor in the future." the latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city :Https:// the full text of Invincible Fairy King in the City: https: // fairy king in the city txt download address: https://www. fairy king reads on urban mobile phone: read/111222/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1335 One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Tribulation) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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