Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1359: Demon King

"The Immortal Emperor is a soldier, and the Great Emperor is a general. You should be able to imagine how terrifying the Demon Race is."

After a pause, the old woman said again: "Don't underestimate the demons. Their ability to multiply and assimilate is extremely strong. Even if there is only a little spark, they must be extinguished in time."

After the meeting, the Central Universe united with the major forces on the margins of the universe to fight against the invasion of the demons. As the battle deepened, they finally learned that the demons had already occupied dozens of cosmic regions, and there were hundreds of millions of monks who had been demonized.

It is said that there is also a sleeping God among the demons. It was the fish that slipped through the net before the battle of the Immortal Palace.

However, it is such a sleeping Demon God that brings heavy pressure to the top powerhouses in the universe.

Yes it is.

At present, there is no top master in the universe, even if it is a God, it is enough to lock the victory in advance. Fortunately, the Demon God did not really wake up.

The Central Universe united the major forces to form an alliance army and the demons fought fiercely. It is hard to say who has the advantage, each has its own victory and defeat.

With dozens of wars down, the demons have successively occupied two nearby universes.

At this moment, the bad news came that the sleeping Demon God recovered and led the Demon army straight to the central universe. The Alliance army was completely vulnerable to the demon god, and the war almost showed a one-sided trend.

The central universe was surrounded by flames of war, but in the end, the two half emperors who participated in the war came forward, exhausting the heritage left by the various sects, and finally worked together to repel the Demon God.

However, these two half emperors paid their lives as a price.

As for the God of the Demon Race, he also suffered heavy losses in this battle, and he rarely shot in the subsequent wars. But this is the case, the demon army still took advantage of the chaos to take away several crucial territories in the central universe.

The first to fall was the Great Zongmen in the north. Including Daomen, several holy sites were destroyed one after another.

At this point, the universe has plunged into a dark and turbulent era.

Although the monks of various races tried their best to fight against each other, the demon God who had been seriously injured would often take action to slay some of the top combat powers of the ten thousand races. All beings are completely caught in the shadow of the rule of the demons, and the territory of the central universe is also shrinking.

And the closest battle was the holy land of the human race known as the great emperor's clan, the Daye Immortal Sect was captured by the demons.

That is to say, in this battle, masters from all sides came to help, and barely rescued a few disciples of Daye Xianzong, as well as dozens of monks who were sealed in the spirit of God.

It was not a monster that was sealed in the spirit liquid, but a disciple who had been sealed in Daye Immortal Sect a few Yuanhui ago. Among them, the two men, one man and one woman, are particularly eye-catching.

"Heir of Heaven Smiting gentleman!"

According to the information handed down by Daye Immortal Sect, in that battle, Jietianjun's three heirs did not participate in the battle. The high-level people of the human race were shocked, and it took a lot of effort to rescue Lin Xian and Lin Wan who were sealed in the spirit liquid.

They are not concerned about the two saints' heirs, but their own secrets.

Lin Xian. As Jie Tianjun's parent and child, whether Lin Wan possesses the hole cards to contend against the demons, this is the most important thing. It's just that... when Lin Xian and Lin Wan's sister and brother were sealed, they were only in the realm of the immortal emperor. In the battle of the immortal palace, the whole universe was sacrificed. Where could there be any other players?

Countless masters were disappointed, but instead, they put all their hopes on Jietianjun's eldest son.

After all, Lin Qiu had already been promoted to the eleventh eternal catastrophe that year. According to the data, he had not participated in the war either. If this master can be found, the central universe crisis can be solved.


It was Lin Chou who sealed Lin Xian at the beginning, and how could he know the whereabouts of Lin Chou.

"My elder brother should have also fallen into the fairy palace. With his combat power, there is no reason not to participate in the war." Lin Xian shook his head. No one in the universe knew about him, including him. Heaven Jie had already been in the fairy palace He died before the war, the Jietianjun was just replaced by Lin Qiu.

"How can this be good!"

The experts sighed helplessly.

In the face of the demon race in the sky, they have nothing to do.

In fact, since the Battle of Immortals and Demons, all the masters of the immortal emperor realm in the entire universe have been transferred to join the battle of Immortal Palace. The central universe and other universes on the edge of the universe are not far behind in the top combat power, and there are no top masters.

The two half emperors who died in the battle before are already the last details of the various races.

"If the emperors are still there, how can the demons be arrogant."

Everyone sighed helplessly, but it was a pity that the outcome of the first battle in the fairy palace was unknown, and no one knew which side was the winner in the closed fairy palace.

They are looking forward to the scene where the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will achieve a complete victory and the emperors will return. Unfortunately, the probability of this situation is too small.

If the Ten Thousand Clan side wins, the fairy palace would have been opened long ago...

At this time, the guards outside the fairy palace heard an urgent report.

The immortal palace changes, and the big array is running.

"Could it be... the fairy palace is about to open again!"

The monks of all races were shocked and hurried to the vicinity of the fairy palace.

It's just that the palace that gave birth to the opportunity to become a fairy is still tightly closed, and there is no fairy qi leaking out. The fairy gate has never been opened, and no emperor has walked out.

The so-called observed vision is probably just the hope that everyone has pinned.

As for the re-operation of the big formation, it was just that Lin Xian and Lin Wan had reactivated the big formation. Facing the demons, they still have no confidence in defeating them, so they can only retreat to the next best place, and use the large formation area outside the fairy palace as the last escape route for all races.

Countless people returned in disappointment. They thought that what had really changed in the fairy palace, and those ancient seniors were about to return. Don’t ask for more...even if only one emperor returns...

The fairy palace is extremely quiet, like a deadly empty city, the faint stars are scattered, and the fairy palace is covered with a solemn and majestic veil.

It's just that no one noticed.

At this time, below the fairy palace array, a black meteorite fell rapidly, igniting a raging flame under the friction of the air.

In the high altitude, it looked like a falling meteorite, cutting through the silent night.

In a certain planet in the universe, a ray of fire pierced the dark night, illuminating half of the starry sky. Immediately afterwards, with a loud bang, the meteorite fell into a virgin forest, quaking the earth in a radius of hundreds of miles.

This night.

The fierce beasts in the primeval forest were alarmed, not only with the loud noise, but also with a terrifying coercion. That is a completely different life level, these low-level primitive fierce beasts hardly have any resistance.

And on the periphery of this crater, there are three lucky beasts, they are only a few meters away, and they are included in the fluctuation of the explosion. Outside the virgin forest, the beasts roared, terrified and the meteorite that fell from the sky.

Only the three lucky and fierce beasts seemed to be enlightened at this moment, and they actually made a pious posture of worship. The circle of energy visible to the naked eye is nourishing the flesh of the three fierce beasts, and their combat power has been continuously increasing in the process.

Let's talk about the other side.

After Lin Xian opened the tens of thousands of races, it became the last habitat of the human race.

This was indeed a wise move. In the follow-up, the demons attacked increasingly fiercely. After several battles, the cultivators of the fairy world had already lost most of their territory at the border.

The old and weak women and children were organized by many masters and sent to the tens of thousands of races.

In addition, bad news kept coming.

First, the demon emperor recovered, healed his injuries, and re-commanded the demon army to invade the central universe. Later, a demon was born, with the power of a single person, monopolizing several tens of thousands of masters.

You know, that young master of the Demon Race is just a realm of cultivation for the True Immortal of the Bidding Race.

It is conceivable that after a few years, when this demon really grows up, it will be a huge hero for the creatures of all races.

The power of the human race is shrinking day by day, and it is completely plunged into a dark and turbulent era. The demons dominate one side, wantonly mutilating creatures, and attack the border area. The situation is not as good as the day.

Recently, in the final battle between the Human Race and the Demon Race, Lin Xian led the masters of all races to resist the attack of the Demon Race Great Emperor and put aside the vitality of the Human Race.

After this battle, the monks of the ten thousand races also paid a huge price.

In that battle, except for a few people like Lin Xian and others who fled back, all the others died at the hands of the Demon God Lord, and only then did they gain a short period of peace.

In the fairy world, in the dense virgin forest, in a lake full of spiritual energy, the clear air rises and the muddy air sinks, forming a unique space.

In the forest, a lot of monsters have been born, and of course, there are also some super fierce beasts with strong physical bodies and extraordinary talents. There are three major beast masters, including Ming snake, Qiongqi, and Yingtong, jointly dominate this vast forest dense land.

There are thousands of spirit beasts in this forest, but without exception, no spirit beast can compete with the three major beast owners. The three of them have lived for a long time and have cultivated extremely high spiritual wisdom.

On this day, several young figures swiftly passed by, seeming to avoid the chase of some fierce beast.

During the flight, a young woman suddenly stopped and settled in the sky above the lake.

"Huh? That seems to be a Zhu Lingguo."

The young woman's gaze fell not far below, on the rhizome of an outgoing plant in the dense bush.

The others also stopped the flight and landed slowly. One of the young cultivators stretched out his palm. When he touched Zhu Lingguo, he quickly retracted his palm like an electric shock.

"The appearance of this Zhu Lingguo is a bit wrong. The ordinary Zhu Lingguo should be crimson red and only the size of a palm. This fruit has grown to the size of a watermelon. In addition to the texture similar to that of Zhu Lingguo, there is electricity."

"Zhu Lingguo is only a Tier 4 herbal medicine, and it is impossible to grow to look like this. I feel that this Zhu Lingguo should have grown for too many years, or that there is a special place here, Zhu Lingguo has been nourished too much..."

The two of them were still discussing, but they heard an impatient voice behind them. A young brunette came from the depths of the forest and said: "If you want to pick it, you can pick it. This is Jinghu, the border of the three beast masters. There may be fierce beasts."

When several young monks saw the brunette young man coming behind him, they couldn't help showing a trace of jealousy on their faces: "Gongsun Murong, he is here." Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the city: fairy king in the city txt download address: fairy Wang reads on the city mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you You can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1359 Demon King), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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