Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 141: Changes in Shencheng

The temporary suppression of the blood curse can also be regarded as a large stone crushed to Lin Lang's heart. At least before the Golden Dan Realm, the trace of heavenly air in his body was enough to suppress the blood curse that could not occur.

Sweeping over the blood-stained shoulder, Lin Lang's body shook slightly, and the stains on her body shuddered off.

Then he got up and walked out of the cave. A long-lost sun looked straight into the corner, with comfort and warmth.

The former three hegemons have been waiting around for a long time. Lin Lang was closed for three months, and they were here for three months.

"You are too weak."

Eyes glanced over the three fierce beasts, Lin Lang shook his head secretly and waved his screen back.

Their talents are much worse than those of the Dragon God, and the signs of returning to their ancestors are almost zero. If there is no accident, they will probably stop at the second-order monster. Lin Lang had no interest in subserving them.

Many of the formations of the Yunwu Mountain were left under that minefield, and the one that was destroyed, especially the 'Zhulingzhen', has long been beyond recognition and can no longer serve as a spirit gathering.

As for the aura that had been accumulated for hundreds of years, Lin Lang broke into the foundation to consume it.

Naturally, he had no need to stay.

"Parents' body forging should have laid the foundation, it's time to go back to Shencheng."

Lin Lang thought secretly.



In front of the company's building.


A violent explosion sounded, the black Mercedes broke in response, the door was blown up and pinned on the wall. Many luxury cars parked aside were also affected. Under the aftermath of the explosion, the windshield was spared, and the siren sounded continuously.

A working woman on high heels stood on the edge of the explosion. Although the shock wave did not hurt her, it made her face extremely ugly.

When she turned around, she took the bodyguards around her to the elevator and went up to a spacious conference room.

In the conference room, a group of businessmen in formal clothes had already waited there. When Mo Bingzhu arrived, they all got up.

As early as after the Yueyue Conference, Mo Bingzhu took into account that the company was just starting and the foundation was still shallow, so he simply delegated some equity to many South Liao gangsters.

This is the case. This group of big brothers are still overjoyed. The development of the company in the month is in their eyes. The half-year net profit is 100 billion yuan, which is more than double the expected sales volume. Each of them has a share. There are also billions in it.

This is also a big number for them.

What's more, they value the opportunity to join Yueyue Company and make a good relationship with Mr. Lin. They will get a holy spirit water and be on the list of rich people in China. After the relationship is established, it is inevitable to follow the chicken and dog to rise to the sky.

However, success is also the Holy Spirit, and failure is the Holy Spirit.

The emergence of the Holy Spirit turned the sky, and at the same time as Yueyue's rapid development, it also laid a deep hidden danger for Yueyue.

I don't know how many people are raving about the formula of Holy Spirit Water, and secretly I don't know how many people are behind the scenes. Changing to Lin Langzai can still scare these people. Now Lin Lang is gone, and these people jump out immediately.

"Bingzhu, are you okay, just downstairs ..." Mo second child asked with concern.

"It's okay, they're still old-fashioned. The bomb detonated before I got on the car, so it didn't hurt me." Mo Bingzhu shook his head, and sat a little hesitantly to the top.

"These guys want to grab it, it's too much."

"Yes, these guys are getting more and more noisy. These days, I see the police more often than in the first half of my life." Jiang Chutai said helplessly.

"There are more and more forces involved now, I'm afraid that we can't solve it by our influence alone."

There was a sigh of anger mixed with sighs. Some people's eyes are on Mo Bingzhu. As the general manager and the largest shareholder, she is the ultimate speaker.

"First talk about the sales situation in various places."

Mo Bingzhu was complacent, but from the exhaustion on her face, it can be seen that these days, in order to cope with the successive assassinations, she has already exhausted her heart.

"Our stock has been hit by several large groups, and now the stock price has fallen very badly."

"Jiangdong's dealers showed signs of turning against water, but they were hesitant to pay for three batches of Holy Spirit Water."

"A large number of holy spirit water appeared on the black market in Beihai, which caused a serious impact on the holy spirit water in the normal channel over there. The local distributor requested that the purchase and sales price be halved."

"The only thing that is stable is our Nanliao Province and Chuanshu."

The crowd gathered the news they had received. Listening to Mo Bingzhu's scorched head, and if this continues, I am afraid that the company will be ruined throughout the next month.

Next, Mo Bingzhu sorted out his thoughts and arranged a series of response plans, so that all shareholders present nodded secretly. Although Mo Bingzhu's operation delayed the development of the company, it could at least cope with the past crisis. .

The company's operation is no problem, but personal safety cannot be guaranteed.

In particular, Mo Bingzhu, as the de facto leader of Yueyue Company, she was threatened with almost ten abductions during this period of time. If she stays deadlocked, it is difficult to ensure that the group of people will not run out. patient.

‘The people’ are doing everything to get the recipe for the Holy Water.

Finally someone couldn't help but asked at the meeting: "Mr. Lin has disappeared for three months, will he ..."

In a word, everyone's eyes were cast on Mo Bingzhu.

Without Mr. Lin's Leiyue Company, the forces of all parties have become active. If Mr. Lin can come back at this time, these problems will naturally be solved.

Mo Bingzhu also knew very well that the reason why these gang members from South Liao were able to gather at the Yueyue Company was entirely because of Lin Lang. Without him, this fragile alliance would soon fall apart.

"Shut up, Chairman Lin is okay. I also contacted a few days ago. He is busy with some things now and can't get away for a while. He will be back in about ten and a half months." Mo Bingzhu reprimanded.

After hearing Mo Bingzhu's assurance, a group of South Liao gangsters took a shot to strengthen their heart and temporarily settle down.

By the end of the resolution, shareholders stood up and left.

"When will you be back? I can't hold on."

Mo Bingzhu looked at the high-rise building outside the window, and couldn't help feeling sad.

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