Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 168: Island god

At night, a godlike remnant of miracles was delivered to Lin Lang's hands.

Lu Chunfeng didn't play those tricks because he knew that Lin Lang was the only one who could save the Lu family.

Excessive means can only cause unnecessary annoyance.

These two things came from the Lu family's clan old and Lu Huowu. The elixir of the elixir was okay, but Lin Lang was alarmed by the golden statue.

The gold idol is golden yellow throughout, and looks like a fox praying for blessings. It is very charming. Each corner has a roundness that is extremely ingenious.

A glance at Lin Lang's consciousness revealed this clue.

Inside the golden idol, there is a fluctuation of consciousness.


Lin Lang's mouth slightly tilted, and he immediately noticed something extraordinary. The moment he took the idol from the veteran Lu family, a huge sense of God penetrated into it.


This is a small world of gold. The ground is covered with lush rice paddies, reflecting the golden sky above. The peaks are overflowing with gold, and the trickling water is also golden.

Gold is the only color here.

If you have to find something unusual, it may be Lin Lang, a little black spot.

At the top of the sky, there is an idol, which is exactly the same as the appearance of the golden idol.

The next moment, that 'Idol' actually moved.

A golden streamer flashed, and the idol appeared on the mountain in front of Lin Lang, like a little fox.

"Human? How did you come here?"

The little fox frowned.

Lin Lang frowned.

"Well, since you can come here, I will satisfy you with one condition."

"Just say, are you asking me to do anything, marriage or a bumper harvest?"

Seeing that Lin Lang was silent, the little fox asked.

Her voice is very pleasant, but she speaks a lot of incomprehensible words. It sounds like an island language.

Lin Lang's brow twisted again, and now he finally made a noise.

"I don't understand you and don't want to listen. I just need you to surrender."

Lin Lang waved his sleeves, and his sense of power swept out immediately.

Looking at the fox, she probably didn't understand what Lin Lang said, but the movement of waving her sleeves made her understand.

This man did not come to pray, but to find fault.

The fox grinned its teeth and became angry. A golden-colored horse-racing was born from the ground, and it would be wrapped around Lin Lang's legs.

"Forget it, the uncultivated native deities, you only know that you will be my nourishment."

Lin Lang said indifferently, taking a step forward, breaking down the gold on his side.

This little fox is all made up of the power of faith, which is undoubtedly a ready-made supplement to Lin Lang's consciousness.

I met, there are reasons to give up.

In the blink of an eye, one person and one fox were fighting in one place.

The little fox's total amount of consciousness is not inferior to Lin Lang's, even more than half a faint, but it does not seem to be good at fighting. In addition, it encounters Lin Lang's wicked mastery of consciousness.

Defeat is inevitable.


After a long while, Lin Lang's body shook and his consciousness returned to his body.

It can be seen that his face was not only pale, but even anemia.

This is a sequela of excessive consumption of consciousness.

Even if the little fox is no longer good at fighting, after all, it is not far from the total amount of Lin Lang ’s consciousness. It is killing, and only a group of pure spiritual power is left, which makes Lin Lang consume a lot of light.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is not a one-time consumable. He slightly adjusted his breath, and his face gradually became rosy.

"This battle was not a trivial exercise, but the battle was fruitful and absorbed its spiritual power, enough to transform my consciousness to another level."

Lin Lang thought secretly.

However, this incident still reminded Lin Lang that an idol obtained by chance contained a local deity.

Can reach the level of consciousness of the little fox, if it has a physical body, I am afraid that it has reached the level of Jin Danjing. The master of the Jindan period, now Lin Lang's cultivation is not enough to compete.

There is a limit to absorbing the energy of heaven and earth during the foundation period, but the monks forming Jindan are completely different. They can control the energy of heaven and earth to fight at any time and place.

The gap between them is that if gas refining is a drop of water and the building base is a stream, then Jindan is a river that flows from end to end.

If such a monk is encountered by Lin Lang, unless he escapes from his own body or urges the secret method to force Ning Dan. Either way, it is an irreversible injury.

"Leader, are you okay?"

Lu Huowu saw the changes in Lin Lang before, and could not help feeling a little worried. If something didn't get the right thing and hurt others, it would make a joke.

"It's all right." Lin Lang shook his head.

Lu Huowu was relieved, and Lin Lang's voice over there rang again.

"Can you tell the origin of the idol?"

Now that he can start, presumably the ancestors of the Lu family have already studied it for him.

The Lu family nodded old and picked out the key information.

"This idol is carved from the inari **** of the island country. The main farmland is rich in farming and production, and the fox **** and fox fairy are all listed here. Therefore, the fox **** is also called miqian inari."

"In addition, the islanders also believe that Inari God can give people a marriage, which has won the incense and devotion of young men and women, and the Inari deity also prefers to play the role of a month old."

"My grandpa was in an accident, from ..."

The Lu family kept raging, but there were black lines on Lin Lang's face.

He seemed to understand what the little fox murmured in a bird's language before, presumably he wanted to give a marriage or the like, but he was only clicked because of a lack of language.

If you let the people of the island know that their gods have been killed because they don't speak Chinese, I don't know how they will feel ...

But then again, that is why Lin Lang has no regrets. Xiuxian is a path you fight for, and you can't give up when you meet a tonic.

What kind of immortal is not to fight?

Local deities, worshipped by the beliefs of ignorant people, absorb the power of faith, and gradually condense into the form of gods. They are simply the products of faith and divine knowledge, which are of great benefit to the monks.

Most of these local gods are singular, and they think that they are ‘gods’. Their combat effectiveness is not strong. Therefore, monks like to capture some uncivilized gods to supplement themselves.

"That being the case, you can take a trip to the island country to find some unexpected gains."

Lin Lang thought.

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