Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 183: White Mu debuts

Bai Ting gritted his teeth, and even if he was unwilling, he had to let Lin Lang go first.

Moreover, Bai Mu, the strongest person in the Bai family, is not here, even if they fight, they may not be able to reap the benefits.

It is not too late to plan when the investigation makes clear the reason for the great advancement of Master Lu's strength.

"This time my Bai family is in trouble. We will no longer participate in the case of Yaowang Zongmen."

Bai Ting is indeed the person in charge of the martial arts conference. He is in control of the overall situation and naturally picks up and releases.

"As for whether Yao Wangzong has lost the item, it should be confronted by both of you."

Bai Ting kicked the ball back to Xu Zhan. Since he couldn't solve it, he let the other party decide.

Xu Zhan's face was also cloudy.

After a little groaning, Xu Zhan slowly said, "This matter has been temporarily suspended. I will contact Zong Nei to investigate again."

Yao Wangzong also chose to evade the edge.

This made the masters of martial arts boo, but fortunately there was the master of the Lu family, otherwise this chaotic battle of the masters would never have disappeared.

"If it wasn't for the Master Lu family, I'm afraid that Lin Youye would never get out of here without any injuries."

The warriors had different thoughts, but they all had to admit that Lin Youye's influence was so great that he provoked a strong man like Master Lu Jia.

Some people have envy.

In their eyes, Lin Youye was just a good luck boy who provoked Yao Wangzong to retreat.

In other people, there is no such strong force as Master Lu Jia, who can only wait for the wolves to eat, and there is no residue left by the masters.

"Good luck!"

The soldiers sighed.

In any case, today the Bai family and Yao Wangzong bowed their heads to one person at the same time. I believe that this matter will spread to the world before the end of the martial arts conference.

Bai Ting realized that he was losing face, and quickly shifted the topic, and greeted the masters to discuss in the palace.

"and many more."

At this moment, there was a sound of full spirit behind everyone.

The crowd turned around and saw the source of the sound.

When this person hit white clothes, his eyebrows were similar to Bai Chen in five or six points. The only thing that was worse was probably his age.

On the surface, this person is about the same age as Bai Ting, a middle-aged person, but those who know him know that he is already in his sixties.

"Bai Mu, his old man is out!"

The audience was uproared and looked at the people in shock.

Bai Ting is even more happy, because this person is Bai Mu's homeowner Bai Mu.

At the top of the last martial arts conference, the top power of the Bai family was a peerless man who had reached the peak of the middle period of transformation.

Before the person approached, the momentum that came over him was crushed, and the monk who was under the guru was panting, as if a huge rock was pressed behind him.

This feeling is unprecedented for Xu Zhansuo.

It is extremely difficult to upgrade a realm above Huajing. Similarly, every breakthrough made by the Master of Huajing brings them the power to crush the previous realm.

It is the same realm, the first entry and the peak are two different attitudes.

The masters could barely be free under the pressure of Bai Mu, but looked at Bai Mu with envy.

"It's terrible. I'm afraid Bai Mu is only one step away from the late stage of transformation."

When the gap between people is relatively small, they will be jealous and chase, but if they are too far away, they can only look up.

Bai Mu can be convinced by the proud master, which is already a powerful manifestation.

When Bai Mu approached, his eyes turned on Lin Lang, without even a pause.

It's just trouble, such a small character, he can't even raise a trace of interest.

In the end, his eyes fell on Master Lu's body.

The only person present who could make him a little bit eye-catching, it is estimated that there is only Master Lu Jia.

"Lu Beidou, ten years later, you have the courage to return to the rivers and lakes."

Bai Mu said expressionlessly.

Father Lu snorted and did not answer.

Instead, Bai Mu's eyes were on Bai Ting again.

"Bai Ting, after all, you did something wrong."

"Think about the gains and losses before doing the next thing, and don't give other unrelated people the opportunity." Bai Mu sighed softly.

Suddenly, Bai Ting was full of cold sweat, and a chill passed from behind.

Although they are all Bai family members, Bai Mu's majesty is enough to make anyone tremble or surrender.

"From today on, I will teach you a truth. What the Bai family wants to take, and why it is necessary to find the medicine Wang Zong to join hands, it is nothing in it."

Bai Mu waved his sleeves and turned his hands back, as if educating the younger generation.

Bai Ting's head was like pounding garlic, he even understood.

Xu Zhan was told that his face was blue and white for a while, and his heart was full of resentment. Bai Mu, the old guy, really didn't pay attention to him.

But if he were to stand up and prove, he really couldn't do it. Although both are in the middle of transformation, he knows that it is impossible to defeat the opponent with his cultivation.

Rather than bear it for the time being.

"So, do you really think I'm in the bag?"

Lin Lang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly made a noise.

The words fell, and everyone looked blankly at Lin Lang.

This is Bai Mu, not those ordinary masters can compare! Did you see Xu Zhan and meet Bai Mu?

"This guy isn't counseling anyone." Wu Xinghe twitched at the corner of his mouth.

There was a flash of cold light in Bai Mu's eyes, and maybe only in this case could Lin Youye make him feel existence.

"Very well, you successfully caught my attention."

Bai Mu's face was calm, and he could not see the slightest mood.

"But you shouldn't get my attention because I pinch you as easily as stepping on a little ant."

The voice dropped, Bai Mu stretched out his hand in the direction of Lin Lang, a burst of energy shot instantly, just like a bullet shot at Lin Lang.

This is the power of the peak in the middle of the realm. With this hand, the ordinary master must be serious.

Lin Lang remained motionless, looking pale, and didn't seem to notice it at all.

Just when the energy was about to reach Lin Lang, a figure suddenly flashed out, blocking him.

With the stabbing, the energy wiped out a series of Mars, which was blocked in advance by Lu Beidou.

"Want to hurt him, go through my level first." Master Lu chuckled coldly.

"Lu Beidou, when is there in front of my Bai family, there is room for your subordinates to talk." Bai Mu said indifferently.

"I was defeated in your hands then, but now it is not necessarily strong and weak."

Lu Beidou took a step forward and was not afraid.

"You? Forget it." Bai Mu shook his head slightly.

"A candle in the wind that is supported by elixir is very good even today. What capital is crazy about me?"

Bai Mu said to break the mystery.

"It turned out to be this way. I said why Master Lu's family was able to increase their strength to this level in a short time. It turned out to be an elixir of overdraft vitality."

Everyone was amazed. If Bai Mu had not learned the truth and revealed the facts, I am afraid they are still in the dark.

Xu Zhan's body was shocked. As the resident guest secretary of Yao Wangzong, he could not see it with his eyesight.

"So what, it's enough to fight you."

Lu Beidou looked up, the battle was full.

"court death."

Bai Mu Leng hummed, stepped forward one step, splitting the steps under his feet.

"Since you're determined to die, I'll do it for you!"

As the voice fell, Bai Mu's figure disappeared instantly.

Appeared again, he has come to the Master Lu family.

Bang Bang!

In a blink of an eye, the two figures are intertwined and entangled.

Hurry, they are moving too fast!

At that speed, the dazzling warriors under the guru are dazzled, and the masters can only look at it with supernatural eyesight.

"Lu Beidou after taking the elixir was really too strong, and even Bai Mudu couldn't help him in a short time."

Everyone took a cold breath.

Although he knew that Master Lu's family had taken banned drugs, it was enough to shock the martial arts.

When Shi Shi can fight with Bai Mu for more than ten or twenty strokes, it is estimated that few can be found.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly appeared above the belligerent.

"Well, the warm-up is over."

When the word fell, Lu Beidou was hit and flew out. Several unfortunate warriors were unable to dodge, and were knocked down by the flying body.

The crowd then realized that Bai Mu had not used all his strength before.

Father Lu barely got up, spit out a black blood, and rushed again.

Bai Mu shook his fist with one hand and blasted forward without fancy motion.

Lu Beidou, who had just rushed to the front, was blown out if he was severely hit.

Only this time, his chest had been punched through, and it was transparent back and forth, and he could even see the scenery ahead through his chest.

Everyone can see it, and the black blood in it is constantly flowing.

"So strong!"

Xu Zhan's eyes were dignified, even though Lu Beidou's body shell could not help even the King Kong Temple host, Bai Mu's attack could easily penetrate.

To what extent should he be strong?

Father Lu seemed to be unaware, and he rushed up again without fear of death.


Father Lu was beaten up again.


This scene was repeated until the black blood of his body remained dry, and he could no longer crawl on the ground.

War, then shed blood.

"It's a flash, but it's the brightest moment when it blooms."

"At the last moment of life, the last glorious glory bloomed. This is probably the wish of my military."

The soldiers were extremely hurt, but they also admired Lu Beidou in their hearts.

"You will never be my opponent. This was the case when you were young. Now, you are still not my opponent after taking elixir."

Bai Mu stepped on the back of the old man, kicked him at will, and kicked him into the distance.

Lu Beidou opened his mouth and wanted to continue to vomit blood, but the blood covering his body had already dried up.

At this time, there was a hint of weakness in his heart. When he was young, he was defeated in the hands of Bai Mu, leaving him with a dark wound on his body that could not be broken for ten years.

When he was young and strong, he was thrown off the street. Now he is using the elixir of overdraft life, and he is still not an opponent.

That's the only thing in life.

Master Lu Jiazong was completely desperate, and had to look back, repeating a silent mouth to Lin Lang.

You go away!

However, how could Bai Mu, as he wished, almost locked in Lin Lang at the moment when Lu Beidou looked at Lin Lang.

"Now it's time we liquidate."

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