Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 190: Wan Jianyi

Lin Lang was injured? !!

This news was like a plague, which kept spreading out, and made a lot of noises in the military circle in a short time.

"I said that there would be such a strong person in this world. It turned out that he was still injured."

"Injured, I think he is strong. We all look at Wan Jianyi's tricks. How could it be resolved so easily?" Bai Cheng said in a shameless manner.

Wan Jianyi's trick was not inaction, at least it also hurt the boy. Although on the surface, he suffered only minor injuries, but who knew what was going on inside.

It is also because everyone can see that Lin Lang is injured, otherwise they will definitely treat Lin Lang as an old monster built for thousands of years.

"Fortunately, although he is evil, he is not the kind of super-cognitive evil."

Wan Jianyi also gave a sigh of relief. If his trick was really so easily blocked by Lin Youye, he would definitely turn around and run.

Lu Huowu was beside him, but a heart mentioned his throat. Having known each other for so long, he knew that Lin Lang was never the one who lost and never lost. On the surface, he was not injured. Maybe it was already a serious injury.

"Don't worry about anything." Lu Huowu secretly prayed.

"I said that no one could be unharmed under Tiannan Sword. Presumably, in order to stop me, this boy also paid a lot of money."

Although Wan Jianyi was shocked, anyway, he returned to a little confidence.

Although Lin Youye was strong, he wouldn't be so arrested.

"It's always you that you're shooting, now it's my turn." Lin Lang fainted.

Lin Lang's words fell, and all the speculations and questions followed. Although he was injured, he was not without the fight.

"Just what I want!"

"Let the old man come to teach you your skills."

Wan Jian was not weak at all, and took a step forward steadily. It seemed that just as you could stop me, I would admit that it was not something he said from his mouth.

The fights between the masters have always been false, and he is not sure if Lin Lang is cheating him.

In other words, he didn't want to miss the opportunity he thought he was.

Everything ... has to be played before.

As soon as Wan Jian held the sword again, he flew forward and fought with Lin Lang.

Ping! Pong!

A sound of golden iron clashes sounded, it was the sound of the Tianjian sword colliding with Lin Lang's body.

Although there is a peerless move ahead, this does not mean that Wan Jianyi has no resistance. Unlike ordinary martial arts, the faculty of the Huajing Grandmaster is more than ten times stronger, and even if it is consumed, it will be replenished soon.

However, the dark energy can only be used as a kind of heaven and earth aura, and the real contact with Lin Lang is still far behind. After all, one is Reiki, and the other is a variant of Reiki. The innate gap is enough to become the crux.

"After all, he was wounded, and I was healthy, and it cost him too much." Wan Jian thought secretly.

Slowly, Wan Jian kept sweating down his head. Although the dark energy reserve in the Grand Master was amazing, he had never left the realm of people, and his physical strength was eventually exhausted.

"Stuck again."

Wan Jian thought in his heart that at this time he was already at the end of his crossbow. With only perseverance in insisting, he felt that he might persist until Lin Lang was exhausted.

In contrast, Lin Lang, not only has a long breath, is still alive and well, and he has not been exhausted after fighting for a long time.

Gradually, Wan Jianyi couldn't hold on. A pair of brows frowned and panted.

No matter how much he can bear, let alone the consumption of dark energy, a sword with iron sword always needs strength.

He couldn't consume such a pair!

"He doesn't look a little hurt!"

Wan Jian was startled deeply, and his heart had gradually retreated.

But how could Lin Lang let him go, the more he fought, the more brave his hands and feet, but he saw no disadvantages in the face of sharp weapons.

He threw forward a beautiful whip leg, Wan Jian was unable to dodge, and his head was just hit by Lin Lang.

As soon as Wan Jian was kicked, his head was chaotic. He reached out and pressed his temples.

After all, he was a swordsman. The iron sword in his hand could not be thrown away, and he once again waved to kill Lin Lang.

"If this set of swordsmanship can't test his depth, I have to temporarily give up the plan of revenge for the kid of Fang Mu." Wan Jian thought secretly.

Although this set of swordsmanship is not as good as his skill, it is the crystallization of enlightenment for more than ten years. It belongs to the type of sword-boxing swordsmanship.

With one breath, Wan Jian's mind was immersed in a state of mindlessness. In his thoughts, there was no Lin Lang and no fighting scenes. Only one sword character flowed repeatedly.

Wan Jian raised his hand slowly, and then slowly raised his sword, stabbing forward like a slow-motion playback.

But it was such a slow sword that fell into the eyes of others but it was extremely fast. It was a little faster than a bullet.

This is a fast sword, almost an extreme sword!

On kendo attainment, on the speed of the sword, when the sword of the world was ranked first, no one dared to call it second.

It is such a speed that makes Wan Jianyi's temperament change and become sharp.

Everyone has an illusion, as if the sword came straight to their throat, in fact, the point of the sword was Lin Lang's throat. The magnitude of the power is not to be said for the time being, such a sword, almost no one can react when he became a master.

Wan Jianyi definitely affirmed this.

When he opened his eyes again, he found a scene that shocked him.

I saw Lin Lang holding the sword tip with one hand, the iron-cut sword, which fell into Lin Lang's hands at this moment, but it looked like a paper toy. He twisted lightly, and the century-old sword made by the meteorite was so bent.

"You are not injured!"

Wan Jian shrank his pupils, and his hair grew backwards.

He only reacted at this moment, but Lin Youye couldn't be injured, he just showed it to him.

He also realized that Lin Lang had such a physique that he would not be injured by a full blow.

The ending is doomed from the beginning. It's a pity ... everything is too late.

Lin Lang waved his fist silently, and a loud groan came from ancient times, shaking Wan Jian's brain with chaos.

Among the countless horrified eyes of a few people, a wide column narrowed by a few people fell from the sky and stepped Wan Jian into the ground.

Those who are far away may still see that it is just a golden elephant leg, and the other three distant directions, each with an Optimus Prime-like leg.

Jin Xia disperses, Wan Jian has been vomiting blood for a long time, and his face is pale and inhuman. What is noticeable is his body, his chest and limbs collapsed, and the whole person flattened, as if run over by a road roller.

After the first golden elephant, Wan Jian was seriously injured, and there was no resistance.

Wan Jian looked at the sky with four eyes, lying on the ground like a dead body,

"Boy Fang Mu, incompetent as a teacher, can not avenge you, but can only go down with you."

He laughed sorrowfully, as if the hero was late.

To this day, he has both regret and inability, and his mind is mixed.

But before he died, he still wanted to ask the last sentence.

"Why do you pretend to be injured, do you have the intention to play with the old man?" Wan Jian exasperated.

A man can be killed, not insulted, and he has his pride among the abominable people. Even more so as a guru.

"I don't need to humiliate you, the fisherman and the fish, there will always be a day of frankness, I might as well let the fish hook up earlier." Lin Lang shook his head.

Wan Jianyi's heart could understand a little, spit out the last effort, his head crooked to the side weakly.

This old Chinese devil who has been working for many years has died with hate today.

Lin Lang didn't look at Wan Jianyi's body, either. This was the position of the two, and it was not wrong to die in his hands.

After a long while, Lin Lang slowly turned his head and looked at Bai Mu and others.

Now it's time to calculate the general ledger!

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