Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 196: School gathering

Ignoring the shock of others, at this time Lin Lang got out of Guyu Lake and quickly returned to the dormitory.

In the dormitory, Liu Xiaochuan and others were sitting in front of the computer, and they were playing "black-hot" games.

Beating, Sun Mingze was hungry there, and couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it that William treats you to dinner at night? What about this guy?"

"The event was canceled. The guy rolled away to accompany his girlfriend and gave our brother a few tossing hungry here."

Liu Xiaochuan tooted on the other side. According to the degree of this broken mouth, it is estimated that the teammates in those games also suffered.

Lin Lang smiled, these two guys are still the same as before.

Shaking his head, Lin Lang went to bed to rest, tinkering with his old-fashioned touch-screen phone and downloading a stand-alone game to pass the time.

Although he came to school for the first time, Zhou Shihai had already arranged the basic luggage items.

The night went by like this, and William never came back that night. Don't think, this guy must be doing bad things with his girlfriend.

The next morning, Lin Lang listened to a few courses, and roughly recovered the familiar feeling of that year.

At this time, he had begun to wonder when to buy a house in Chuanshu. After all, if he stayed in the bedroom every day, he wouldn't think about cultivation.

At night, William finally called and said it was necessary to form a bureau to make up for yesterday's missing appointment.

As for the two boneless roommates, when they heard that they had a meal, they immediately came to the spirit and dragged Lin Lang to drive to the appointed place.

Chuan Shu prefers hot pot, but everyone's purpose is to drink, and this non-drinking meal is naturally avoided.

Because the university town is nearby, and the nearby catering industry is naturally very developed, William will arrange everyone together in a bar with a booming business.

Compared to other unhealthy music bars, William is looking for a high-end place in this place. I don't know how much. With soothing music, all the decoration and atmosphere seem very Buddhist.

Because of the need to take care of the feelings of several girls, William greeted the front desk and asked for a single room in the Hibiscus Hall.

As he opened the door, Lin Lang held his arm slightly.

"She was there, too." Lin Lang's mouth raised a soft smile.

Because he found that among these young men and women, Chen Miaoxuan was here.

It seemed that Lin Lang's gaze was perceived, and a flash of light flashed in Chen Miaoxuan's eyes.

She always had the feeling that this boy seemed to have seen him everywhere.

Out of courtesy, Chen Miaoxuan nodded to Lin Lang, then turned and shifted her eyes. This is probably the result of good culture.

"I rub, Chen Miaoxuan is saying hello to you." Liu Xiaochuan muttered quietly, and said in my heart why I didn't have this treatment.

However, as Lin Lang's roommate, Liu Xiaochuan posted it to Lin Lang's ears and introduced a sentence: "This is the freshman school flower of Chenshu University, Chen Miaoxuan, which is 100 times more beautiful than the school flower of our affiliated college."

"I know."

Lin Lang smiled and didn't need Liu Xiaochuan's introduction at all. I believe no one in the world should know Chen Miaoxuan better than him.

"But if you have ever had an eye addiction, Chen Xiaohua is a famous flower owner. Seeing that younger man who looks better than a woman, it is Chen Dahua's gossip boyfriend, Bai Zhihuan."

"You may not have been sure when you first came to school. Bai Shao is our favorite character at Sichuan University. From the beginning of the school to now Lamborghini, Parni have changed five or six supercars."

Liu Xiaochuan shouted, to say that the student in the school had the best family life, and Bai Zhishang refused to let it go.

"Also, don't you think that Chen Daxiao ’s flowers are vases that have been cultivated by others. Their own family situation can't be found there compared to Bai Zhizheng, but it's just a low-key one."

"Everyone has a Mercedes-Benz shuttle bus every night."

Liu Xiaochuan eloquently said that although he is not from these rich and young circles, the gossip in the school did not hide his ears.

Lin Lang nodded, he knew all this.

He also had the impression of Bai Zhizheng, and had pursued Chen Miaoxuan for several years without success, but later he was left alone. However, Lin Langke didn't take him to heart. After all, Bai Zhizheng was just a small character. The real thing to deal with was those who persecuted her marriage.

Especially from the Xu family in Kyoto.

As for Bai Zhihuan, he is not worthy of being his rival!

William stepped forward, arranged a few roommates, and turned around and mingled with the others.

It seems that these people should be together often and know each other very well.

The topic of chat between them, girls naturally can not escape brand-name bags, jewelry and the like, as for the majority of boys are luxury cars, games or fun things.

Of course, there are occasionally one or two girls come together to talk about games.

For example, the hottest kings on the Internet today have attracted a large group of female players, and there are still a few boring people waiting for meals, even lying on the table and playing games.

Anyway, these people's conversations with Lin Lang couldn't get in, and he simply opened his old touch-screen phone and seriously played the game.

It wasn't long before William and his girlfriend were tired enough, and then they remembered that several of his roommates had forgotten to entertain.

"Introduction, this is my girlfriend Sun Xiaohan."

William approached several people and introduced himself.

They all met William ’s girlfriend Liu Xiaochuan. The only thing he has n’t seen is Lin Lang, which is equivalent to introducing him to Lin Lang in disguise.

"This is the fourth child in our bedroom, Lin Lang, only returned to school today."

Sun Xiaohan looked at Lin Lang up and down. Seeing that his clothes were plain, he didn't take it seriously.

She estimated that this was the master who lived in a remote mountainous area at home, and after a month's journey, she rushed to school.

Otherwise, the clothes are not so bad.

But this is William's roommate, after all, some face to give.

"I heard William mention you. No one arrived in the first month of school, but my baggage stayed almost a month."

Sun Xiaohan made a joke, but instead her eyes fell on Lin Lang's phone, and she suddenly exclaimed.

"I trust, isn't this the legendary Plants vs. Zombies?"

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