Lin Lang took out his mobile phone and took a look. Sure enough, Chen Miaoxuan added his friend to V letter, and also sent a cat with a paw expression.

After chatting for a while, Lin Lang probably figured out what Chen Miaoxuan was going to do. William was right, Chen Miaoxuan was indeed asking him, asking him to have coffee tomorrow ...

Unsurprisingly, when Lin Lang put down his mobile phone, the three roommates immediately sentenced him to be honest, and they were tangled up in an instant.

Suddenly, Lin Lang's phone rang again.

"Come here, let's see if Chen Dahua spent sending him a letter V again. We'll help you come up with ideas. I'm good at chasing girls." Liu Xiaochuan laughed.

Speaking of which, Liu Xiaochuan winked, and the two of them immediately rushed up, taking Lin Lang's arms to the left and right, holding him in place. Lin Lang couldn't help smiling, his helpless face.

"Well, it's not Chen Miaoxuan, it's a new contact plus you. This guy's nickname is a series of English, but looking at the avatar should be a beauty, let me chat for you."

"It is enough for you to have Chen Miaoxuan, buddy's lifetime happiness, it is decided to be this girl!" Liu Xiaochuan's face was dishonest.

He turned the other person's circle of friends first, and determined that he was a beautiful woman, and then stared at the screen in disdain.

Within two words, the fat man was frightened and almost dropped his phone on the ground.

"What happened?" William wondered, glanced across the screen of the phone, and suddenly struck by lightning, stunned on the spot.

There is only a simple question and answer on the screen: beauties, are you? This is Xia Bingbing.

"Xia Bingbing added your V letter!"

William took a deep breath, Lin Lang knew Xia Bingbing, but he knew Xia Bingbing took the initiative to add a letter V, which was unexpected.

"Let's return the phone to Lin Lang. There seems to be an adultery between them ..."

"No! Anyone who has the opportunity to chat with the big stars, said that they are all in the face. Whoever advises me today should be anxious to whom!"

"Goddess Bingbing ... I'm here!" Liu Xiaochuan yelled horribly as if he had taken a hormone.

"You're not so good, after all, it's Lin Lang's phone ..."

"To shut up."

"Alright. Or ... let's take three turns?" William beamed.

The three of them either packed the old tree or hugged their thighs. In short, they tried their best to separate Lin Lang from the machine.

After a while, I just listened to the various ridiculous laughter in the bedroom. There were rough laughter, and there was also a ridiculous laugh from a villain.

As for Xia Bingbing from the network, she sometimes looked crimson and sometimes serious, especially William, the master of the love field, and she was embarrassed.

"Ashamed! Ashamed! They have no boyfriend yet!"

Xia Bingbing stomped his feet, and his face was even more blushed than a ripe apple.

She didn't know that she had changed to three generals to chat with her at this meeting.

The three men behaved as if they were mad, even Lin Lang shuddered and hurriedly regained his mobile phone.

"What about the chat history?"


Lin Lang's face turned dark, he looked at the phone neatly, and didn't know what the three guys did.

But look at their expressions and know ... it must not be a good thing.

"Ahem, don't look at me that way, I didn't say anything extraordinary, considering your happiness ..."

"If you lend me your phone for three days, I promise to talk to you about a celebrity wife!" Liu Xiaochuan patted his chest.

"Cangtian has no eyes, Chen Xiaohua even asked him, even Xia Bingbing wanted to pursue him!"

"Where is he good? I can learn half of it ..." William sighed.

Lin Lang's face was darker and he was about to fight. The three of them even laughed and ran out of the bedroom, disappearing without a trace.

"What did they say," Lin Lang said.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Lang also dressed up rare, and went out early for an appointment.

In a Starbucks store in Shuzhong city. Lin Lang sat at the table and sat down comfortably. Opposite him, the girl had bright eyes and dazzling teeth, and she sat elegantly and elegantly. Unlike Xiaojiabiyu, every word and deed revealed the style of ladies.

Today she is wearing a black gauze dress, with flat heels under her feet, and a delicate watch on her hand. The whole person looks like a hibiscus.

"I want a cup of vanilla latte, how about you." Chen Miaoxuan laughed.

"I'm free."

The waiter stepped down, and Chen Miaoxuan chatted with Lin Lang with her chin. Lin Lang was not bad at talking, nor was he a straight steel man. Saying a few words to make girls happy, such a skill is naturally available.

It didn't take long before the two started a heated conversation. At this time, the waiter brought in two cups of coffee, and while they were drinking coffee, they talked about various interesting things.

"Do you have time?" Chen Miaoxuan said suddenly.

"No free time," Lin Lang said earnestly.

"Well, since you're not free, then forget it ..." Chen Miaoxuan was a little lost, and Cherry's little mouth sipped her coffee.

"You asked me to come out, and I naturally arranged the time for you, so there is no free time. Hmm, you arrange me today." Lin Lang laughed.

"That's what you said!" Chen Miaoxuan was overjoyed.

"Where do you want me to go ..." Lin Lang's heart rose awkwardly.

"Go shopping with me!"

"I have so many things to buy, face creams, masks, and a piece of clothing I liked a while ago, well, and ..."

Chen Miaoxuan proudly took out his portable notebook, and saw a dense line of Juan Xiu text, and Lin Lang looked dazzled for a while.

At this time, a woman wearing a denim suit, a peaked cap, and sunglasses on her nose came to the table to stand.

A shawl with hair, blue silk like a waterfall, even wearing sunglasses is difficult to hide her unparalleled beauty, faintly, Lin Lang still identified who this woman is.

"Why are you here?" Lin Lang frowned.

This woman is Xia Bingbing.

Xia Bingbing froze slightly, then smiled sweetly: "Did you forget that you didn't call me last night?"

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