It was gradually getting late, at this time Lin Lang was not in a hurry to find the stigma of the Nozawa family, but took Li Xiaoman back to the hotel directly.

The two lived in the president's room and the wife lived in peace.

Lin Lang was okay. After taking an elixir, he started to practice, but Li Xiaoman was lying on the other side of the bed and couldn't sleep.

Until now, Li Xiaoman remembered things that were a little absurd when thinking about the daytime. From the moment Lin Lang met him, he went on to help her, and then entered the Umeda Jinba Building, where Akasaka was subservient.

What I see and hear in a day, it is enough to put together a book.

She thought that Lin Lang was acting for her, and it was a fake not to be touched in her heart. There was no white horse prince dream in that girl's heart. And now Prince Baima really appeared in front of her.

Unconsciously, Li Xiaoman wanted to sleep, but with his eyes closed, Lin Lang's shadow was lingering.

If she hadn't met him, she would have been afraid that she would never have known in her entire life. Such a man in the world would go to a country alone and easily conquer the overbearing ground snake.

"Maybe he didn't show up, I'm afraid I've been given it by Akasaka now. Fortunately, I was greedy for his money and didn't leave directly, otherwise no one could save me."

"No matter who he is, he's really good." Li Xiaoman's face was crimson, and his head was full of manly figures that were not burly.

No words overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Lang set off early and took the tram directly to the front of the palace.

Knowing the specific address, it is easy to find Li Xiaoman's way.

According to the description of the woman in black robes, the Nozawa family's building is very obvious. Just at the end of the street, there is a small two-story Tang-style building with a sloped roof eaves and a high wall outside it.

Huaxia has a profound influence on the Japanese architectural culture. Even if there are many high-rise buildings on modern streets, there are still many shadows of Chinese buildings in the Tang Dynasty. There is a saying that Japanese-style buildings emerged from the architectural style of the Tang Dynasty.

"So what you're looking for is here." Li Xiaoman stunned, if she hadn't come in person, she wouldn't have thought that Lin Lang's Yeze family was here.

"Here is the most famous ancient street in Japan. It can be traced back to a hundred years ago. Later, because of economic development and construction, large areas of ancient buildings were demolished. Only this area survived. This is also known as the ancient altar house. . "

"It is a pity that it is not open to the public. What are we doing here?" Li Xiaoman wondered.

"Come and visit a friend."

"You wait for me outside, I'll come as soon as I go." Lin Li commanded to Li Xiaoman, Ye Ze family must be a master in the cloud, Li Xiaoman and Lin Lang entered with fear that it would only increase danger.

According to Li Xiaoman, he was seated in a coffee shop in the back, his eyes were seeing through the transparent glass, and he could fully see the opposite scene.

The architectural layout of the Nozawa family resembles a Chinese courtyard house, and there are more than a dozen similar two-story buildings around it. The center is not an empty courtyard, but a tall palace. It is surrounded by partial halls, and the main hall is in the center.

The direction of the high wall discontinuity is the main entrance. Near the main entrance, two young men in military clothes, one left and one right, stood side by side. When Lin Lang approached, the two blocked the portal.

"What do you do?"

"Let Ye Zejian come out and say that Lin You is here at night." Lin Lang said lightly.

"What kind of thing are you? Master Lao Jianshen is what you want to see!"

The two guards shouted together.

"I wanted to politely kill an old Nozawa man, but now I have to force me to kill him." Lin Lang sighed.

If you ca n’t treat each other with courtesy, then only swordsmen will meet.

Lin Lang pointed his left and right hands and pointed at the two. Suddenly, a horrible suction suddenly broke out. The two tried hard to resist, but Lin Lang caught him easily.

He shook his hand and pushed forward, and the two flew out in an instant, hitting the iron gate behind him, making a loud deafening sound, no less than the sound of a cymbal.


"Well, a solid portal." Lin Lang snorted softly, how powerful he was, even if he just threw the two at will and smashed a door easily. But now this iron gate has not moved.

Regardless of the two people on the ground, Lin Lang looked at the iron gate from left to right. This iron gate was made of stainless steel and was extremely thick. It seemed to weigh only a few hundred pounds. It was like an ancient city gate. This is mostly for bulletproof purposes.

"The portal is painstakingly built, but it is not enough to guard against a master with a good skill. You can easily cross the iron gate through the wall, and the master of martial arts has the ability to enter through the main gate."

Lin Lang shook his head slightly, his palms were stirred up, his fingers twisted a mountain formula, and his palms became thicker instantly. The force was deep, and the palm was photographed in vain.

The fine steel door couldn't bear its weight, and it was broken when it was shot. The only remaining axle supported the half-door, crunching back and forth.

Li Xiaoman looked at the corner of his mouth and drew: "This is an old friend. It's clear that he is here to get revenge. Why is this guy so fierce."

At this time, Lin Lang's cold voice sounded.

"Nozawa Sword God came out to fight, I Lin You came to kill you at night."


The ancient altar house is not so much the private house of the Nozawa family, but rather a country within a country, how amazing the defensive force within it is. As a huge family that can be used in all walks of life in Japan, the ancient altars are not only the members of the Nozawa family, but also many distinguished members, governors, and even one or two cabinet ministers.

In addition, there are other surnames and lords here to visit.

As the home base of the Nozawa family, the defense force here is not weak. Not only are the kendo champions personally trained by various sword masters, but also well-trained fierce thugs, armed with modern weapons, there are no fewer than 1,000 people in total.

It is because of this power that the ancient altar dwellings were called the state within the state.

"Who is going to live wild in my Nozawa family and die!"

The movement at the door was so great that even the fine steel door was broken, no one could notice. Before Lin Lang approached the main hall, the Yeye people rushed out of the room. Some held swords and sticks, and some of them were more fierce and directly brought out hot weapons.


There is no need for anyone to command, the savages rushed forward, and Lin Lang was killed here.

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