Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 276: Four gods come together

People were killed in car crashes on the ground, and there were countless deaths and injuries. In addition to the glass fragments in the compartment, there is blood, and the sound of countless wailing is mixed with the grief of losing a loved one.

Among the dozen or so carriages, the fewest one or two were lucky. Instead of overturning directly, they crashed into a nearby garage. None of the people inside simply lost their lives, but were slightly injured.

Waiting for Ren Xuetao and others to stumble out of the carriage, there was still a lot of fear. They stared at the large humanoid hole at the top of the carriage, shocked. When they turned around and looked at the distant sky, they were even more frightened.

"What the **** is this, is it a fairy?" Ren Xuetao said dumbly.

The male white-collar worker was even more embarrassed. When he saw this scene, his neck was crooked and he fainted.

Above the sky, four huge figures filled this heaven and earth, each of which is taller than the first floor, some with sharp heads and horns, and some with three heads and six arms, their eyes are indifferent and majestic, like the devil.

In contrast, the figure was much smaller, under the naked eye, as if an ant stood in front of an elephant, but his aura was not smaller than the four deities.

They face each other in the sky.

"Among these people are your people. Perhaps there are many of your followers. You were buried for nothing." Lin Lang still frowned, regardless of whether the Chinese were dead in the carriage, but this practice has been Very extreme.

Even if the killing is decisive, he only kills those who threaten him or offend the dignity of the immortal king. But the four gods turned their hands over and destroyed thousands of their own countrymen. This can only be described as heartbroken.

"So what, as long as there is a possibility of weakening you, you can do it." The deities in the two horns above his head fainted.

"I am really sad for those who believe in you." Lin Lang whispered softly.

"No more nonsense, you still have to worry about yourself first. If you walk away honestly after killing the **** of betrayal, then we also don't want you. But if you actively seek us, that is a self-injection. The six-armed **** sneered.

"How do you know that, in order to deal with you, we have deployed the Tianluodi net!"

Its voice dropped, a sudden masterpiece of light burst into the sky, and a small temple was established at the top of the spires. In the small temple, there were four tall and mighty idols. The source of light is these four deities.

These four demon gods are the four gods that Lin Lang couldn't find. The only four gods in Japan: Kasuga, Yasaka, Meiji, and Otowa.

"Here are four shrines we built together in order to prevent the masters of the gods from smashing us one by one. The great gods of the past, the priest of Ise, was seriously injured by our ambush here, and was silent for hundreds of years Is dying. "

"Now it's an honor for you to use God together for your kid." Kasuga's voice billowed, spreading a few miles away.

"In order to ambush me?" Lin Lang chuckled, his eyes sharpened in vain: "How do you know, I deliberately trapped you."

While the hair was flying, Lin Lang's gigantic sword in front of him was shaped. The long sword was invisible to the naked eye, but actually had a length of nearly ten meters. He held the sword in one hand, as if the gods were born.

At this point, the two sides shot violently!

The Great God of Spring Day leaned against the scorching sun, and a hot wave swept across his hands and went straight to Lin Lang's body. This move was not aimed at Lin Lang's consciousness, but his physical body.

Yasaka came in the air, shuttled through the flames, and the huge palm turned into the size of a sky, covering a sky and pressing down.

"Lin Youye, suffer!"

The Otowa God is screaming in the sky, and the strange syllable that surrounds Tianyu with a stern sound is long-lasting. He is good at the sonic offensive, and is even more threatening than Yasaka ’s body.

As for the Meiji God, there was no movement at all, and he calmly acted on the wall and did not mean to shoot at all.

The three gods each have their own skills, and any one of them is better than the **** of selling.

The three gods move in unison, and the Thunder Killer is one shot.

Lin Lang's gaze was also dignified, and the long sword was slashed with consciousness, and the shadow of the mysterious sword technique was mixed with it, and the close Yasaka **** was repelled.

At the same time, the weird sound waves lingered in Lin Lang's ears forever. Secretly, the treacherous rhythm shakes the mind and seems to tear Lin Lang's spirit out of his body.

"Don't miss it!" Lin Lang whispered, his palm facing the sky, a small little golden bell appeared on his hand, then zoomed in quickly, covering his head.

The shimmering gleams, like curtains, cut off the harsh sounds. At this point, his feeling of excitement just disappeared.

"go to hell!"

At the same time, a sea of ​​horrible fire turned over the stormy sea, brewing the momentum of burning everything, and devouring Lin Lang completely.

There was only a sea of ​​fire in the sky, and no one was seen.

"Lin Youye should be dead. The Kasuga Great God's Da Nishen Fire claims to be able to burn everything in the world. If he can avoid it in time, it's OK." Yasaka shook his head as he said.

"The big sun **** Fire God can reach the level of baking spirits, he should be completely extinct."

There was no sound in the sea of ​​fire. There was only a low burning sound and a burning smell. There was no earth-struggling struggle and no painful hissing.

Everything comes from silence.

A long while ago, Yasaka said slowly: "Lin Youye should have been refined to death. No one can withstand such a long time under the fire of the big god, so let's take back the sea of ​​fire and see his life and death."

Kasuga's great **** opens his mouth and is about to take back the magical power.

"Wait a second," Meiji said suddenly.

The Kasuga Great God waited in accordance with the words. For a long time, the temperature of the Kasuga Fire had burned and decreased to a level, and then it was sucked back into the body.

The original location of the sea of ​​fire was empty, and no humans or bones could be seen.

"Lin Youye should be dead. Even under the fire of the sun, the bones will be burned to ashes."

"It's really a waste, it's also a waste than selling gods. I knew that I wouldn't have to use such a big battle when I waited. I can cut him by myself."

Yasaka shouted softly.

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