Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 287: East Asia Shock (1)

In a secret meeting room in Japan.

The Chief Justice and others are sitting here, with important figures such as the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Justice and so on. The purpose of their collective gathering is to eradicate Lin Youye's affairs.

"Now Lin Youye has completely fallen into the siege circle of the Magnesium Army, and forgive him for his inability to escape."

"Oh, by the way, just talking to me over Huaxia, it probably means temporarily letting go of Lin Youye for a while." The chief of the room laughed.

"The Huaxia military has contacted you?" The Foreign Minister flashed his eyes. "Then they must pay a lot of price?"

"It's true that they are thinking about replacing Lin Youye's life with several cutting-edge technology drawings. They also came with the shadow of their own country that sneaked into Huaxia a few years ago, but I was pushed out for the time being." The official chief laughed.

"It's good to refuse. The Huaxia people have always attached importance to those worthless Chinese people. I believe they will contact us again soon. At that time, we will make Lin Youye into a half-dead vegetative person, and then they will rumble."

Foreign Minister Haha laughed: "Hua Xia wants to redeem Lin Youye for the formula of life fluid and holy spirit water, and I will send someone to tell them."

After speaking, the Foreign Minister contacted the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inform the Huaxia military and explain the conditions one by one.

"We have made a lot of money. When Huaxia sends the formula of Holy Spirit Water and Life Liquid to the army, our country ’s national strength will more than double. There is no one in East Asia except China. We fight. "

Excited clapping hands of the foreign minister.

"Indeed, we are quite finished in this move. After removing Lin Youye's confidant, he will get a fair reward."

The head of the government room was smiling and turned to look at the man who looked at Ise Jingu, praising, "Thanks to Ise Jingu this time, otherwise we'll probably destroy Lin Youye directly, maybe by then There will be heavy losses. "

"Adult ridiculous, or you have a good leadership, I just put forward an opinion, without everyone's perfection and the consent of the adult, it may not be able to do so." Ise shrine said politely.

As the voice fell, a secretary on the other side hurried over.

"Well, did Huaxia pass back the conditions? How much did our conditions Huaxia promise?" The chief housing officer laughed.

"Master Chief Officer, it is not the news from China." The secretary shook his head: "It was news from Kongdao that Lin Youye shot down a dozen fighters and rushed into the third wing. The third wing was directly defeated and escaped into the Magnesium Army base. "

In a word, everyone was shocked.

Numerous appalling glances seemed that even the head of the official room asked again, and the secretary repeated again. All the ministers present took a breath of air.

"How can ..." the Minister of Defense muttered. He really couldn't believe that the Magnesium Army stationed in Japan was far superior to the Japanese in terms of personnel quality and equipment technology, not to mention the flying brigade sitting in town, even if it encountered a field brigade.

However, such an elite army was actually penetrated by a 'person'?

What a terrible news for them.

"Is he alone enough to regret an army?" A flash of confusion flashed across the defense minister's face.

Since Lin Youye can defeat even the coalition of the Magnesium Army, if he encounters the Japanese Self-Defense Force, which is even less powerful, I am afraid that it will be difficult for a brigade to retain him?

"Lin Youye did not retire the third wing from a head-to-head battle, but adopted a decapitation strategy. Now that General Jefferson and dozens of generals have died, if the magnesium army who really died in his hands should be No more than three hundred. Most of the formation of the third wing is their own chaos. "The secretary shook his head.

The crowd was slightly relieved. But even so, it still makes them cold sweat.

One person, one by one, killed dozens of senior officers one after another. Even if they did not directly resist the army, but they could achieve this level, I am afraid that the third wing has no ability to leave him.

The decapitation plan sounds easier, but it is harder to put it into practice. A person needs to face the bombardment of various grenades and missile mortars at the same time, and he needs to ram through the army. He also needs to avoid all kinds of high-tech weapons with great lethality.

Perhaps one or two high-ranking officers were killed in the battlefield, and the Grandmaster could still do it.

But now, the senior generals above the third corps non-commissioned officer are over!

From them, take the enemy first!

If you can do this, you must be a horrible giant who can not only repair the sky, but a hero with invincible courage!

"How could there be such a monster in the world, and even a heavy ambush of this level could not kill him, but also let him kill a **** road." The Foreign Minister couldn't help muttering.

"Then who can reach him in this world, it is estimated that there are only nuclear bombs."

"That's it, what else can we do?" The Chief Chief laughed bitterly: "Let's get ready to meet Lin Youye's anger."

Now that the third wing is broken up, there is no need to know that Lin Youye has escaped from birth. And that Lin Youye is always a must-pay, and the cruel man who cannot tolerate the sand in his eyes, thinking with his toes, knows that he will not give up.

Perhaps using the army, Lin Youye didn't dare to compete head-on. After all, there are beheadings in the army. Even if they have the right, he has no more soldiers, and he can't hold a peak grandmaster who is secretly watching.

Perhaps one day the heads of men separated in their sleep.

The cold sweat that everyone heard heard ran up. Counting Lin Youye's affairs, but they have a copy, and revenge naturally has them.


At this moment, Huaxia is also holding a high-level meeting. From the moment Lin Youye fell into the siege, the high-level officials of these parties gathered to discuss the countermeasures.

"The Japanese are too greedy, and there is a formula for life fluid on the additional conditions! No, this is our bottom line and we must not promise them!"

A general rose up in anger.

"General Zhang, be calm and restless." Minister Qi sitting at the top raised his hand and pressed down: "Now things have not deteriorated to that momentum, and we have no clear news now, not necessarily Lin Youye You'll be arrested. "

Rao said so, Minister Qi still seemed worried. If Lin Youye only faced one Japanese National Self-Defense Force, now it is the entire wing of the Magnesium Army in Japan that is responsible for blocking him. Invincible aircraft group that dominates the sky. Even the divine realm is difficult.

Not to mention that Lin Youye fought with the four gods before, whether it is physical strength or mentality, the layers of the layout later will explain a problem.

In order to arrange all this, the Japanese nation is definitely not a day or two. In order to leave Lin Youye, they almost squeezed the original, how could they easily let it escape.

Both Minister Qi and other members of the staff seemed worried at this time.

At this time, a young man came hurriedly and almost tripped to the corner of the table along the road, his body stunned.

"What's the matter, what's the system?" Minister Qi scolded seriously.

"Mr. Qi, something has happened ..." Xiao Li panted and continued to speak.

The crowd listened, too.

"Lin Youye successfully escaped from the empty island and is currently missing."

"What are you talking about?" Minister Qi suddenly stood up and couldn't give up: "You mean that Lin Youye not only was not captured by the magnesium army, but also successfully escaped?"

Other surprised eyes also looked.

"Not only that," Xiao Li nodded, and murmured, "He also shot down nearly ten fighters including F16 and F-15SE. He killed 68 generals, including Lieutenant General Jefferson."

The word fell, and the white tiger who was sipping tea, sprayed Xuanwu's face politely. As for Suzaku, he had crossed his legs and almost turned the stool over.

"What are you talking about? Dare to repeat it again." Xuanwu opened his mouth wide and forgot to wipe off the saliva on his face.

"Oh my God, this sounds almost like Tian Fang Ye Tan, and the gods can't do it to such an extent."

The white tiger was shocked secretly. Although in recent years there has not been any war between the powerful gods and the regular army, it is expected that the masters of the gods will not be able to destroy them to such an extent.

"That's what the fax said, and a detailed battle scene will come back later."

Xiao Li repeated it again. Minister Qi Qiruo dreamed, for a long while, then exhaled slowly.

What is boldness? This is boldness!

Facing the siege of thousands of troops and flying groups, not only did they not rush to escape, but they also shot down more than a dozen planes without any hassle and cut off dozens of senior generals.

When things go, I hide my strength and name, but that's it.

"Lin Youye, it's amazing."

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