Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 305: Lin Shenyi is here

The Wang family has arrived!

Honglin Restaurant immediately caused a big wave.

Today, as the newly-rising third-largest family, their every move naturally attracts much attention. More importantly, because of the rise of the Wang family, I don't know how many veteran forces' interests have been touched.

The cake in Liao province is so big in total, six people can barely eat when they share it, but suddenly there is a seventh more cake, who wants to share some of it, who wants to?

Breaking people's wealth is tantamount to stealing food from the tiger's mouth. Naturally, their eyes must be fixed on the Wang family. If every new family wants to establish a foothold completely, it must go through all kinds of suppression and hostility from other forces.

The current Wang family is in this state.

Everyone was looking at the door.

I saw that it was not Wang Hai or Wang Wen who was polite at the door. It is two young men who have never met, and behind them are slightly familiar Wang Bingsu.

"Is this the Wang family?"

"Why doesn't it look old? Doesn't the Wang family pay so much attention to this party, why sent two children over?"

This argument is endless.

People around were puzzled, and some even showed contempt. It's not too much, it's not without. I started to figure out how to pit the Wang family in my heart, and it should be easy to deceive two children.

Lin Lang and his two are both in their early 20s. Compared to those around them who are seriously in the third place, they are naturally standing tall and easy to notice.

Some people naturally have no access to the level of Lin Shenyi, so they don't need to talk about the problem of recognition. Only a few people present had their pupils shrink, and they were all uncomfortable.

These people are the people of several big families!

Wen Zhichao stared at the door tightly, stiffened, and froze for a while.

"How could it be him!" The oil-faced young man stood up and looked at him in shock.

"It's him!"

Zhuang Weiwei also took a sip of air-conditioning, her body shivering unconsciously. As one of the banker's next-generation owner candidates, she naturally has countless channels to know what Lin Shenyi looks like, and she has also seen Lin Lang's photos.

The others also noticed the changes in the atmosphere, frowning aside, and asking about friends was also an ambiguous answer.

"Who the **** is this person? Does the Wang family have such an influential person? All the young generations in the entire Wang family do not count these young people so much?

"Is he ..."

Someone has a ridiculous idea in their hearts.

"Doctor Lin, why are you here!"

Wen Zhichao finally recovered from the shock, took a few steps, and approached Lin Lang.

The word fell and the audience died.

All doubts and speculations were announced at this moment.

"He ... is Lin Shenyi ?!"

Until this moment, Wen Zhichao said Lin Lang's first name and surname, and everyone was still dreaming, they looked unbelievably ahead.

Lin Shenyi came here in person!

To this day, the name of Lin Shenyi has spread throughout Liao province. When most people thought that Lin Shenyi and Mr. Lin were two people, this group of young people had linked two equally frightening identities.

Lin Shenyi, rejuvenated with wonderful hands, healed the Mo family, healed the Wen family, and shined at the medical conference. Since then, he has developed the Holy Spirit Water, which has attracted countless families. The company he founded, Yueyue, has already occupied 90% of the pharmaceutical market with an overwhelming advantage.

Mr. Lin, the words of the antique auction were astonishing. He burned his white eyebrows and subdued the evil dragons. Since then, he has fought against the grand master Xiao Zhengning on the Yangliu River. When the prestige reaches, which family avoids.

At a small junior meeting, the Wang family even moved the great god, Lin Shenyi!

"Does Lin ’s identity qualify for this meeting? Is it a bit bullying for him to be ..." Many people muttered in their hearts.

Someone slaps the vocalist and said, "Fart! Doctor Shen Lin is not as big as us this year, why is it not enough!"

Almost everyone here knew Lin Shenyi, but no one expected that Lin Shenyi was so young. In their impression, Lin Shenyi's title should be an old man with a flower mirror.

"I didn't expect Lin Shenyi to be so young. It was so wicked. I thought I was good enough at this age. I did not expect Lin Shenyi to be younger than me."

Countless complex eyes, looking at the young man who was light and windy, gently nodded to those who were familiar with him, and then took the two of the Wang family across the red carpet and found a place to sit.

Yu Xiaoxiao stood near the red carpet, just passing by Lin Lang. But the latter didn't seem to see her, didn't squint, and didn't even pay attention to her.

The former is quite complicated.

If detailed calculations, she should also be a predecessor. After all, there was also a relationship, no matter what the purpose was, whether it was because she abandoned Lin Lang, or if she held all kinds of reasons, it could be called his ex.

But goodbye is a stranger.

Standing in front of her now is no longer the incompetent boy whom she hates and cannot help him in any way. But standing in the entire Liao province and looking down, the stomping Lin Linyi will change to heaven.

With his ability, in Shencheng, he almost covered the sky with his hands, but he was still very easy to face the other homeowners.

And she stood at the foot of the mountain and could only look up, that once teenager!

"Maybe the fate between me and him just stopped at that elixir."

"If it hadn't happened then, I might as well now, why did he look at me with no regrets, could it really be irreparable ..."

Yu Xiaoxiao's heart is mixed with emotions and emotions, and there is always remorse.

She doesn't know what Lin Lang thinks. If she knew, she would be more desperate.

From cutting off the feeling and breaking the thought, no matter what Yu Xiaoxiao has any trouble, for whom. See you for the rest of your life, you and I are just strangers.

Not heartless, but unintentional.


"Brother, the young man with a shiny face is Huo Chengzhou, the tuxedo is Jing Yongnian, and the narrow-eyed Dan Fengyan is called Chang Feiwen. The girl is Zhuang Weiwei. They are the representatives of the four major families in Beiliao. There is movement, and sometimes it involves business mergers. Well, it's similar in nature to commercial blows. "

Listening to the meaning of Wang Tingting, the purpose of this gathering was to divide up the business fields in the North and South Liao provinces. The elites competed for each other and won the share of the family. However, what kind of disputes are mixed in, Lin Lang doesn't understand these.

These things, Lin Lang also only played a deaf ear, without any interest, just let Wang Bingsu talk about these things.

"Lin Shenyi, I have heard of your name for a long time, and today I saw that it really deserves its name." Zhuang Weiwei came over and whispered.

"You are Zhuang Weiwei. I have heard of you. You are young and very successful." Lin Lang said lightly.

"It is also a great blessing to be praised by Dr. Lin. I am a good friend of Sister Bingzhu. Sister Bingzhu must have me before you." A bright smile appeared on Zhuang Weiwei's face, which made many people intoxicated Endlessly.

Obviously, Zhuang Weiwei is pulling together to pull the relationship. However, Lin Lang was lacking in interest. After a few words, there was no more. Zhuang Weiwei had to retreat to the circle of rich and young.

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