Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 309: Special task

Zhonghai Xu Ershao went to Liao Province, but his legs were abolished because of angering Lin Shenyi. Has been carried back to Zhonghai from Beiliao Province.

This matter immediately caused a stir. Not only the young people in Liao province, but even many young people in Kyoto also turned their attention to this newly born Lin Shenyi.

"People who hit the Xu family, do you think the Xu family is a paper tiger, idiot!" Someone laughed at him in the back.

"What kind of thing is Lin Shenyi? It's just a prisoner trapped in a square inch of land in Liao province. A land snake is still invisible. Not to mention the Xu family, even my Qiao family can easily break through."

A young and middle-aged sneer.

"I believe that it won't be long before the Xu family will start working with Lin Shenyi and even the Wang family. At that time, it will also be an opportunity for us to act."

The various Liao provinces are also closely watching the movement of the Xu family. For them, the only thing they have to fear is Lin Shenyi. If the pillar of Lin Shenyi falls, the little Wang family is a lamb to be slaughtered.

However, they looked forward to each other, and did not hear any wind after a week. It's like ... The Xu family completely ate this dumb loss.

"Did the Xu family just endure so?"

When everyone was puzzled, the Xu family suddenly launched an attack on the Yueyue company in business. Mo Bingzhu was too tired to cope with it. The splendid real estate was added together, and the fund operation was slightly smoother. Finally, the Xu family's first sanction was blocked .

The news no doubt excited everyone.

"The Xu family is finally going to operate on Lin Shenyi!"

Everyone looked forward to it.

However, after all, everyone did not wait for the desired result. After this shock, the Xu family actually transferred funds and completely gave up the attack on the company. This was the case for a month. The Xu family was calm and peaceful. Only Xu Ziao was sent abroad for treatment.

The Xu family fired a shot in Nanliao Province, which basically ended like this, and turned its attention to other competitors.

The economic war of the Xu family is complete ... no more!

The thunder and rain were small, and it had been for a long time.

This is the beginning of everyone, Xu family is showing its strength to the company! No wonder they have never explicitly expressed their intentions for revenge. It turned out that from the beginning, they had no intention of tearing their faces.

All this is done to tell everyone that the Xu family has this ability to destroy your company.

"It's weird."

Those eyes that had been expected gradually reduced to disappointment, after all, they did not wait for the desired result. Although they were curious as to why the Xu family was so, they also had deep fears about Lin Shenyi.

Even the Xu family couldn't help him!

At first, he was clamored that Lin Shenyi was the young man in the soil. At this time, his face seemed to be slapped. After many investigations to no avail, he had to retreat ashamed.

"Forget it, the water in Liao province is too deep. I don't need to go anymore."


As for the Wang family, no doubt relieved, the crisis finally resolved.

"But why did the Xu family let us go, did Lin Xiaozi do anything shocking during this time out?" Father Wang was equally confused. However, thinking about the words of Lin Lang who could fight in the divine realm, he had to think in this regard.

"Perhaps the Xu family got the news. Don't **** Lin's force?"

Mr. Wang wanted to ask Lin Lang to verify it, but since the party at Honglin Restaurant came back, Lin Lang has been closed. He didn't have a chance if he wanted to ask.

Father Wang had to press down the doubts in his heart, and after Wang's annual meeting, he followed the retreat.

Recently, because of the relationship between the villas at the top of the hilltop villa and Lin Lang, the aura between heaven and earth has become heavier. Naturally, Wang Wang will not miss this opportunity.

About half a month later, Lin Lang was out of customs, and his face was full of interest. Although Juling array was transformed and expanded by him a lot, but it was already faintly insufficient after he almost absorbed it like a whale.

At present, the hilltop villa has little gain to him. If he absorbs it again, he will be afraid that an area near the hilltop villa will be turned into a barren land by him.

This is his technique, the overbearing technique from Jiuxiaoxiandian!

In addition, his cultivation also has a lot of gains. It is not far from the breakthrough of the foundation and the peak of the so-called congenital small realm.

On the third day after this day, a special guest came to the hilltop villa.

This person is Suzaku.

Compared to the last time he rushed up the mountain, Suzaku was completely respectful. When he came down to the mountain, he knocked on the door and completely lowered his attitude.

Perhaps it was the last time Suzaku had been taught, not as bold as before.

Today, Suzaku's dress is as eye-catching as ever, but only minor adjustments have been made to make it more charming and sexy. The crimson tights, hollowed out from the chest, just exposed the left and right hemispheres to the air.

Only today, she was more tired in the eyebrows.

After Suzaku entered the room, he looked around and looked for Lin Youye's figure, but in the living room stood only a young man who looked similar to Lin Youye. Lin Lang is now in the past, and Suzaku has contacted Lin You Ye's face, so he didn't recognize it at first glance.

"How did you become like this? Will you still change your face?" Suzaku was slightly surprised. But soon it calmed down. For the great master, it is indeed possible to change the facial bones slightly.

"You have made the right decision. If you choose to attack the mountain now, you will not be able to reach the mountainside."

Lin Lang looked at Suzaku with a smile.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? If the two of us haven't played one match, how do you know who loses and who wins?" Suzaku stared, still a familiar character.

"You can try, of course, you have confidently played the word of God."

"I fear you?!"

Suzaku raised his eyebrows, gritted his teeth and raised his hands, but he relaxed back the next moment.

"Forget it, my sister didn't fight with you this time. Instead, she had a task and was assigned to you by the headquarters."

"Remember the commander-in-chief who told you about quasi-combatants last time. After the completion of the incident, it is almost a stubborn thing for the headquarters to grant you the position of a general."

"Mission? Any mission that can use me?" Lin Lang curiously asked.

"Here is the official document, you can take a look for yourself. It's true that because of this mission, both White Tiger and Xuanwu were ambushed and seriously injured. Now they are being sent to the Army General Hospital for rest."

Suzaku sighed deeply, the sorrow between the eyebrows lingered.

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