Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 312: Have something to say

For Lin Lang, who is able to achieve the form of deities, he has no shortage of deities, and the pure deities are also not bad.

In fact, it is not difficult to solve the neurotoxins in monkeys.

In the eyes of everyone, the monkey's face turned ruddy with the speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, it was almost a flushing state.

In the end, the monkey's face was almost sauce-purple, and even his lips became swollen.


Lin Lang took the consciousness into his body and took a deep breath.

"Are you sure it's okay? How do I think his problem seems to be getting bigger?" Suzaku questioned. I don't know if she is really worried about the state of the monkey or if she is still worried about what happened yesterday.

"If you don't believe you come to rule." Lin Lang said lightly.

"I know what medicine is and ask what you do?" Suzaku snorted coldly.

Lin Lang ignored her and turned around, leaving his voice still echoing.

"He is damaged now and needs to rest for a while, you all quit."


According to the words, one after another came out one after another. Even if there were a few mind-set leaders who were in danger and wanted to stay and take care of the monkeys, Tieshan was kicked out.

After these new people were kicked out, they were still wondering.

"Who the healed the team leader just now, how to listen to his tone, it seems like a big deal." A team member was puzzled, he was recruited only this year.

"Everyone calls him the leader of the group, but our fifth group leader is not only a monkey."

His companions were also confused, unable to explain why. Bai Yutang also came close. Although he was a half step master, his qualifications were the shallowest among these people, and his status was basically the same as that of the elementary team members.

"That's our old team leader." Lu Huowu came out faintly. "He was the previous team leader of me and the monkey, and he left in the middle of last year."

"That's it. I didn't expect him to still have this identity." Bai Yutang took a deep breath, and he didn't understand the real horror of the national power until he entered the organization. To his character. Guru who is hard to see in the martial arts world on weekdays has even seen several here.

"Fortunately, he left, otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to be put on his head for the rest of my life." Bai Yutang had a hint of glee. His expression moved, and he was curious: "Who is the woman in red who came with him? You all call her Suzaku, as if her status is more honorable than the team leader."

"That is one of the four major generals of our special operations department. Their status is equal to that of the general. Each is a high-level master above the late stage of transformation.

Lu Huozhu's lips lightly opened.

The general will be equal to the general!

Bai Yutang was frightened.

At that time, Bai Mucai's cultivation in the middle period had already claimed the first momentum in the world, and even pushed the Bai family to the first family of Chuanshu. In the late stage of transformation, even the peak master, how much influence should it be!

"Fortunately, Suzaku doesn't seem to deal with him very much. Hey, a general will wear small shoes for him, forgive him for not thinking about mixing up in the special operations department."


After a while, Suzaku convened the team members and pulled them to Lin Lang, ready to study the next countermeasures.

"Old team leader, in addition to the monkeys, there were seven team members who went down to the grave at the time. Can you also rescue them?" Lu Huowu said suddenly.

"Can they be transformed?" Lin Lang asked.

"No." Lu Huowu shook her head: "There is a half-step master who went to the grave with the monkey, and the rest are from the middle to the peak of the warrior."

"Then don't have to look at it." Lin Lang shook his head: "Hurry up and don't let the heroic bones cold."

The red-haired monkey is only because of the highest cultivation. Although the spirit is not developed, it is ten times stronger than others. As for those half-step masters, it is impossible for anyone to survive this disaster.

"Is that so?" Lu Huowu felt sad. Lin Lang's words basically confirmed the death news. The former comrades-in-arms comrades died in this way, and no one felt uncomfortable.

"It is necessary to apply for a thick funeral. It is useless to write a pension. They must be seized and their families must be treated with kindness." Lu Huowu thought silently.

"Don't you go and see for yourself, and it won't take you much time, in case it can be sustained?" Suzaku sneered: "Why is this person so hard-hearted and cold-blooded."

The word fell and the audience was silent.

Originally, the atmosphere below was fairly normal, and it was immediately cold.

The eyes of everyone looked at Lin Lang at the same time. After all, this was a general who spoke in person, let alone an ordinary team member, even the team leader should obey orders.

Only Bai Yutang's heart is gloating, and the battle will be fought. Even if your strength can kill Wan Jian, how can you leave the team leader, and can not compete with the boss and the country.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Lang slowly got up and walked in front of Suzaku, his head was slightly off.

"I think you are dying in front of me." Lin Lang looked at Suzaku coldly.

Everyone is sluggish.

This is a general, and there are people who dare to threaten her in person.

Just when they felt their heads couldn't turn around, Lin Lang's cold voice came again.

"Do you really think I dare not touch you? Suzaku."

Lin Lang took another step forward, almost facing Suzaku's face. Suzaku's heart was also tense, and the tip of the noses of the two were almost stuck together, and they could feel the heat of the nasal breath between each other.

At this moment, instead of being afraid, Suzaku had a little nervousness in her heart, which made her face flushed with redness.

At this moment, Lin Lang gently tilted his head to Suzaku's ears, and the heat rushed to the ears, using a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I have warned you last time, and you think I am waste If you do it yourself, how will the headquarters take me? "

"I ..." Suzaku stagnated.

Indeed, if Lin Lang did not kill her, but just abolished her practice, there would be no substantial punishment for Lin Lang. After all, a strong man comparable to Divine Realm is far more valuable than her.

As long as it is not killing her, it is basically ignoring punishment.

Since the last time, Suzaku knows better than anyone that Lin Lang has never been the kind of fragrant and precious person. As long as he dares to speak, he will definitely dare to do it.

At this moment, a rushing sound outside broke the quiet air.

"General Lin, wait a minute, keep your staff, I have something to tell you."

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