Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 322: Terrible earth fairy

Dixian, also known as the Land Fairy, each is a stunning figure. They have an extremely long life, and they can reach heaven and the sky from the sky, and they can go down to the Jiuyou Huangquan, with incredible magical power.

If they can take the last step, they can break through the barriers between the two realms, and lift Xia Fei to Gaoxian Realm.

Their strength is beyond doubt.

However, here, a ground fairy was chopped off her head and sealed in a tank! In the modern era, this matter may just invite some experts and scholars to treat the head of Dixian as a heterogeneous treatment of ancient history. But if it is placed on a certain cultivation star, it is definitely a shocking event.

At this moment, Dixian's head slowly recovered, and its huge size was daunting, especially the eyes of the pair of lanterns. Although thousands of years of invasion, they were still full of flame-like warfare. The offender wipes away the general.

Even though the immortal is dead, the majesty still cannot be blasphemed!

An invisible coercion came, at that time belonged to the oppression of the Dixian strong. The air seemed to turn into a puddle of mud, making it difficult for everyone to move. Under the influence of huge pressure, everyone felt that the weight behind them was more than a thousand pounds.

The sword of the Qing Dynasty buzzed, and the air of the sword fell naturally, and at the same time exuded a sharp breath that was no less than the head of Dixian, and the latter resisted the court.

One is the treasure made by Dixian, and the other is the head of Dixian before thousands of years. The power surged, fighting each other.

Rao was sheltered from the outside world by the Qing sword. In the special operations office, many members of the group were still bent over, their legs and feet were soft and they fell to the ground with a thud. Suzaku is also considered a master in the late stage of the transformation, but under this coercion, he is still overwhelmed and crushed to the ground, and he can't afford to kneel.

Kneel down!

Dixian's face was full of majesty and silent gaze.

The special operations elite present, without exception, couldn't lift their heads under this pressure. Only Lin Lang stood in the field, his clothes were spontaneous without a wind, and hunting sounded. On him, a breath resembling wildness came out of his face.

But even more horrible is still behind.

Suddenly, two gorgeous beams of light erupted in Dixian's eyes and pupils, seeming to come through the endless stream of history, stunning the whole space. Lin Lang raised his hand to seal, facing the light beam rushing in front of his eyes, his face could not help but rose a dignified.

If this beam of light is just Yuwei after the death of Dixian, Lin Lang naturally has countless means to fight it, but the reality is not just that. He was faced with a strong shot from the Dixian strong.

I do not know why, this immortal left a magical power in his eyes and pupils before his death, and his power was probably equivalent to his full blow. Although more than half of it has been consumed in four thousand years, the remaining energy is still no less than the ordinary blow of a strong land fairy.

The light beam collided with the guardian sword qi of Shangqing sword, the earth trembled endlessly, and many spaces had collapsed. Shang Qingjian was overwhelmed only by insisting on two breaths, and flew out suddenly.

As for the triple sacred light barrier under Lin Langbu, in the face of the horrible beam, he only persisted for less than two breaths, and was directly torn apart, and the space was broken, as if in no one's realm.

It was this time of less than four breaths that gave the members of the Special Operations Division a chance to survive.

Lin Lang was expressionless, his cuffs swayed backwards, and a violent wind suddenly set off, sweeping everyone out in all directions.


The group members were like raindrops, hitting the wall behind them. At the same time, two beams of light fell on the spot, completely penetrating the entire ground, leaving two terrible deep bottomless horror pits.

The power of earth fairy, so horrible.

With one blow, Dixian's head turned to stare at Lin Lang, as if preparing for the next attack.

"I watch you fight to death. It should be Yingjie. I don't want to hurt your body, so go back." Lin Lang fainted, looking at the lantern-like eyes of Dixian's head.

Dixian's head was suspended in the void, unmoved.

The reason why Dixian's head was able to seal off two attacks was entirely because when the man died in battle, a great magical power was brewing, and the skull was severed without wanting to be able to do so. So the supernatural powers in the skull can be kept to this day.

Now, the two supernatural powers are completely consumed, and it is much easier for Lin Lang to destroy it.

"Then don't blame me, wisely, not worthy of prestige before me, and want to make waves in front of me after death?"

Lin Lang's face gradually cooled down.

At this moment, Dixian's head suddenly shook violently, staring deeply at Lin Lang, slowly retreating into the tank, and then silent.

Dixian's head receded.

Lin Lang then waved again, and took the Qingqing sword back into his hand and put it away.

The coercion of terror disappeared invisible, and everyone was relieved. They wanted to stand up at this time, but suddenly realized that their knees seemed to grow on the ground, and they couldn't lift them at all.

"I really don't feel like my body."

Until a short while later, Suzaku finally stood up first, only feeling that the bones on his body were like rusty machines, and his legs seemed stiff.

After moving her arms and legs in place for a while, Suzaku gathered her hair and finally was able to move freely. When she walked to Lin Lang's side and passed the two terrible pits, she couldn't help looking.

Several members of the group walked up to the rear and turned on the flashlight to take a picture of the deep pit. The huge pit was not bottomed out, and less than a hundred meters deep.

"Dare to imagine what would happen if that attack fell on us." The crowd was afraid for a while.

"Yes, the power of this strike is no less than that of a hundred laser cannons at the same time, and even surpasses a lot, with modern technology it is impossible to do so."

"People are not human, ghosts are ghosts."

"It understands you?"

Like a bottomless pit

No one can tell what exactly happened in ancient times. Even as strong as the earth fairy, he failed to escape the fate of the fall. The corpses separated, and the sky was not seen until four thousand years later.

To this day, Dixian may have become extremely loud, and no one knows the power of Dixian. But today, in this age of prosperous science and technology, the culture of civilization and the imperiousness of the earth immortal are blooming again.

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