Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 334: Jewelry shop storm

"I wish you a beautiful return soon."

Lin Lang smiled and shook his head, too lazy to share his general knowledge.

Could he still throw away a bunch of money to kill each other with you, who is more money and who is rich? Isn't that something purely mentally retarded?

"No blessings. I've hugged this anchor chick a hundred times last night. Let's meet again."

Fei Yingzhe seemed to taste a bit of sourness from the other party's words, which made him even more happy, leaving the beautiful cashier beauty admired after the checkout, leaving chicly.

Lin Lang stood in place, shaking his head again and again. If he had such a retarded son in the future, he would just slap him.

When Lin Lang settled the bill, the cashier beauty smiled a lot, she looked at the bill handed by Lin Lang, and tapped a few fingers in front of the computer screen.

"Hello, cash or credit card?" The cashier beauties had the most standard professional smile.


Lin Lang passed the bank card lightly.

The cashier beauty swiped the card seriously, and then handed Lin Lang an invoice voucher. Lin Lang successfully obtained the necklace from the shopping guide with this voucher.

"I'll help you pretend." The shopping guide spoke out, glanced over Fei Yingzhe who had left the door, and looked at the employee who had previously asked to change her job, and she almost scolded her 100 times to die. .

However, she has more qualities than others and still smiles when facing Lin Lang.

"No, I'll give it away."

Lin Lang shook her head, and instead wore the necklace directly on the white swan neck of Su Shilan.

"You are ..."

The surprise suddenly happened to him, Su Shilan Qiao's face instantly flew up a touch of Hongxia, and her heart was like a little deer ramming.

"No, this is too expensive."

Su Shilan took off the necklace intentionally, but she ushered in Lin Lang's irresistible appearance and pressed her fist back.

"Wear it, this is my gift for you. You should pay for choosing clothes for me today." Lin Lang laughed.

"Um." Su Shilan nodded, showing a smile and shaking the clover to Lin Lang: "Thank you, this is the most precious gift I have ever received, so I will accept it."

Although she said so with a pure smile on her mouth, she could not speak in the eyes.

"Is it just reward? I would rather it not be reward."

Su Shilan held the clover tightly in her heart, and an unclear mood was brewing.

"Well." Why did Lin Lang not know Su Shilan's intentions, this was the case in the previous life, and so is this life. He only had feelings for Su Shilan, not emotions.

He did not accept it in the previous life because the appearance of Chen Miaoxuan made him very happy and sad, and it was harder to accept others in his heart. But now that he has returned from this life, he has already experienced the world, and has always held an attitude of affection in this aspect, and never wanted to actively pursue anything.

Perhaps in his subconscious, he didn't want to affect his friends and relatives because of his own affairs. Or maybe he has experienced too much in this past life.

Therefore, after his rebirth in this life, he only wanted the security of Su Shilan I. As for the deeper things, he could not give them. Give her what she likes, and give her a life of worry-free food and clothing, so that she can live a steady and happy life.

This is the only thing he can compensate.

Lin Lang shook his head and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he did. This was the only option he could choose.

"Let's go." Lin Lang laughed.

Su Shilan nodded, but when Lin Lang walked to the door, he suddenly went back again. The whole person stopped in front of a counter closest to the door.

"There is actually a superb jade chalcedony here." Lin Lang's eyes brightened, he looked at the clerk, and then clicked on the counter where the chalcedony chalcedony was placed: "Show me this jade."

The clerk indifferently handed Qi Luo chalcedony to Lin Lang, not even obeying the rule that jade articles could not be passed directly, which shows that she didn't care about this chalcedony.

But Lin Lang received it, but he kept playing. After feeling the strong jade, he felt very happy.

Miluo Chalcedony has a very strong ability to store spirits. It is most suitable for making immobilizers or body protection magic weapons, and the range is also very wide. At least it can store the prestige of monks in the innate realm.

Even if this kind of material is not much produced in the fairyland, I did not expect that one of the least noticeable people on earth could even see one piece.


But Lin Lang frowned quickly, turned over the back of Miluo Chalcedony, and almost yelled: "What is this pig that looks like a hair dryer above?"

Su Shilan chuckled, and the laughing flower branch shivered: "This is the hottest pig Peggy on the Internet in recent times. You don't even know this."

"So it is."

Lin Lang feels out of step with the times. Although this pig grows a little strange, but since it is highly sought after, it means that many people must like it.

"I have all this jade."

The shopping guide froze, and immediately laughed: "This is the only piece. This jade is not of high value, but it also has some origin. It is the stone skin peeled off from the heart of the blue sea in our town shop, and it has only a commemorative significance. That's it. "

"As for the other stone skins, they have been removed."

"Isn't it high?" Lin Lang sneered, the real best Qi Luo chalcedony glory was restrained and not as brilliant as Qi Luo jade, but it was the most precious part of the whole stone.

Such super chalcedony is not of high value, and the aquamarine heart is simply worthless. It can't be said that they are inexperienced, but the world only values ​​glittering gemstones and disdains a lustrous piece of inferior jade.

Useless however. Everyone knows that chalcedony, which is truly 10,000 times more precious than gems, is considered waste.

It's a violent thing!

Lin Lang was distressed, but Qiluo Chalcedony had been lost, so I couldn't find it.

Lin Lang's mind moved. Since he can produce the best Miluo chalcedony, it is presumed that Miluo Yu will not be much worse, and then he said to the shopping guide: "Bring the blue heart in your store, I think Take a look. "

"This ..." The shopping guide was unbelievable. Seeing that Lin Lang didn't seem to be joking, he simply led him to the center of the counter.

Anyway, the treasures of the town shop are also displayed outside for viewing. Since the customer requested, it is not a hassle to satisfy the curiosity.

"This is the treasure of our town shop, the heart of the sea blue."

This is a blue gemstone, polished and translucent, surrounded by delicately crafted precious metal necklaces, worn around the neck of a mannequin, exuding blue pleated light, which seems to envelope this gemstone In the mist.

This is a gem that is unforgettable at first sight. Just glance at it, even if you close your eyes, it will appear.

Lin Lang looked carefully for a while. Although the aquamarine heart is not as effective as the best eloquent chalcedony, but the quality is not very low. It is enough to make an amulet that can provoke a blow from the realm.

"I want the heart of the sea blue, even if you swipe the card." Lin Lang gave the bank card to the counter and input the password.

"The heart of the sea blue is the treasure of our town shop. Although it is not as good as the heart of the sea that is quite infamous in the world, it also has at least nine million, which is close to ten million."

The shopping guide was about to collapse. A deep suspicion was raised on Lin Lang. Is this guy trying to get them off?

The cashier beauty is also unbelief, trying to enter a string of numbers equal to the price of the heart of the sea blue on the bank card.

However ... the imaginary insufficient balance did not appear, on the contrary, the icon of the pos machine limit popped up ...

The cashier beauty stunned.

The payment terminal has a limit!

In order to prevent cashing out banks, there are basically different limits on POS machines, but banks that do jewelry business basically open them up to a large amount.

However, even the POS machines are out of business today, so at least the balance of the bank card definitely exceeds the number of millions.

"It's not broken." The cashier beauty shook the POS machine, but in any case, today this matter is no longer her authority to handle.

Must find a manager!

During this time, Lin Lang didn't stop, and the whole person gathered around the jewelry store, especially where there were jade articles, which he basically patronized all over.

"This one will help me pack it down. And this one, this one too ..."

Lin Lang walked around. In a short time, he spotted more than a dozen crystal-clear jade items, especially the counter of Luo Luoyu, which was almost contracted by him.

However, he didn't stop, and still gathered around.

Su Shilan was dumbfounded, and quickly grabbed Lin Lang, seriously: "Are you crazy?"

"Not crazy, I need these things."

Lin Lang laughed at all. Although the quality of these jade articles is not as good as the first two, they are also very good for making other gadgets.

"It's up to you. But I still think it's better for you to relax." Su Shilan pouted, even when she looked at it, she felt heartache. Although she knows that Lin Lang has money, this feeling of spending money like flowing water is the first time she has ever seen it.

"What on earth is he going to do? He wasn't irritated by the name just now."

The cashier on the other side is almost frightened, and today is a grandfather or a madman in the store.

"Oh my god, is he emptying our jewelry store?" Said the guide. She has been following Lin Lang, not knowing if she was scared or what.

After a short while, a pot-bellied jewelry store manager arrived until he heard about Lin Lang and confirmed that there was no problem with the POS machine.

"I don't think he's evacuated, but he's looting!" The manager's face was serious: "I've been a manager for so many years, and this is the first time I've met such a person. He has definitely left the realm of local tyrants. what!"

The manager frowned.

By the time Lin Lang completely finished her scraping, she had already ordered at least 20 pieces of jewelry, including not only jade wares, but also several metal products that were hard to see.

Lin Lin always adds up to no less than 20 million in value, and the manager also feels that this matter is not within his authority and hastened to call the owner of the jewelry store.

Jewelry shop owners can't sit still. Since they opened, they have never seen such a big business. So much so that he came hurriedly from elsewhere. There were even three or five strong men with Kong Wu beside him.

Of course, these strong men are for special situations. What if the guest deliberately opened them up?

Although this possibility is not great.

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