Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 346: Moonlight night

Voice from Chen Miaoxuan!

Lin Lang's complexion changed, and God's consciousness poured out, running towards the source of the sound.

In this alley not far from the Qingteng Clubhouse, Chen Miaoxuan's face was shrouded in white light, and it was not clear. The dragon, tiger, and jade on the chest were also completely excited, and the light shone, and the holy light illuminated the half of the sky, as if climbing to Sendai.

The aperture radiating from her as the center, layer upon layer of waves, assimilated as many meters as possible in the vicinity, she stood among them like a fairy immortal, sacred and inviolable.

Where the light can't shine, there is a crowd of stagnant 'people' around them, like rusty machines, stepping forward steadily, trying to enter the area of ​​Holy Light, Repeatedly bombarded by the area of ​​Holy Light.

"I hope Miss Chen can take the initiative to cooperate with me. I just want to lend you a period of time, and it will not harm you." A man in a yellow robe standing more than ten meters away from the Holy Light opened his mouth, but his voice was like a current It's as harsh as wheat.

Zombies were bombarded, whistling winds in his ears, and fell to the ground with the boom, smashing the ground with the surrounding scaffolding that had not been removed.

The Huangpao man didn't care, he dangled a copper bell in his hand, and the inner metal copper tongue hit the wall, and the ringing sound was like sadness and unbearable.

But it is such a bronze bell, but it is the most effective way to control these zombies. They are not afraid of death, and are willing to have their own bodies to destroy the energy of the Holy Light area.

Obviously, their impact is completely effective.

Before this, when Chen Miaoxuan first met the Huangpao people, the radius of the Holy Light area was five or six meters.

"I want to talk to you what you want."

Chen Miaoxuan didn't panic in the slightest, but calmed down and tried each other's attempts. At least for now her safety is guaranteed.

"I want you to help me ask for someone personally. He owes me something, and he has to return it to me personally." Huangpaoren said leisurely.

"Then you ask him to ask, what do you do with me?" Chen Miaoxuan said coldly: "You are afraid of that person, you can only use me to beat him."


Huangpao laughed abruptly: "Ms. Chen is quick-minded and sharp-edged. You have said everything I want to say, and I will not repeat it."

"According to my investigations in the past two days, you are the first person to see him after returning to Sichuan. It is important to him to take it for granted.

"Who are you talking about?"

Chen Miaoxuan blinked her eyelashes.

"I don't understand your women. At this time, they are still concerned about these rotten things." Huangpao people shook his head: "At this time, think about submission or resistance."

"How can it be trivial." Chen Miaoxuan smiled angrily.

"Recruitment, the soul returns."

The people in Huangpao ignored it. The shaking of the bell was still the same tune, but the tone changed in vain. The sound of the tune was strong, and the grief and sorrow were no longer flat, but still sad.

In those so-called zombies, some black and sparse hairs gradually turned to white, and there was a tendency to turn into white. The original white fierce was more inspiring, the crazy charge was in battle, visible to the naked eye, and the area of ​​light was gradually disintegrating.

At this time, the area of ​​the Holy Light area was less than three meters.

"Ms. Chen, do you know why you have been here for a long time and no one has been able to find you?" Huangpao faintly said, "That's because I brought a treasure, which can seal the space here, no matter what Nothing is going to pass outside. "

Chen Miaoxuan suddenly looked up, only to find that there was no star in the sky, and it was difficult for any light to penetrate, as if covered with a layer of gray cloth.

She stepped back slowly, trying to get out of the area.

"Don't think about it, your jade pendant has only the function of self-protection. You can't hit this big Luotian silk screen, even if the God Realm is strong, you won't break it in a short time."

This is a set of magical treasures. Although it does not have a good actual combat effect, it is used to trap people and hide it. This is why the people in Huangpao dare to come alone.

At this moment, the sky suddenly burst, and a dazzling beam of light hit the ground, cutting the entire sky in half. Immediately after that, several shocking swords fell.

A figure shrouded in colorful flames stepped into the air, and the flames on the side were burning, just like his rage, slowly landed in place.

His speed was as fast as the wind, and innumerable shots of the black fierce body exploded in one palm, even if the force was superb, so was the white fierce comparable to the master, swiping past with one palm, and the black rancid juice splashed.

"How did he find here?"

The Huangpao panicked.

No one in the world knows Lin Youye's prestige, and even the gods in his hands don't damage one, let alone the master of the realm, let alone at least ten.

The opposite body is covered with the blood of the guru, and Shura from the martial arts world seems to be born for the slaughter of the guru. And he is mediocre, and his strength is in corpse control. How can he confront such peerless terror?

The Huangpao people retreated, but how could they escape from Lin Lang's palm. Behind him, an extremely horrible suction erupted in vain, and the body retreated involuntarily, and was always sucked in front of Lin Lang.


The Huangpao wanted to ask for forgiveness. A big hand suddenly covered his head, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger, as if to squeeze his head out.

"Don't kill me, don't you want to know the reason, I can all explain." The Huangpao man was trembling, and he really felt the killing intention of the other party.

"No need, I know everything."

Lin Lang said indifferently, and temporarily released his hand clasped above Huangpao's head, then turned to look backwards.

"Miao Xuan, close your eyes."


Chen Miaoxuan closed her eyes gently.

Lin Lang loosened the Huangpao man, of course, he didn't want to spare his life and dared to fight Chen Miaoxuan's idea, he had already destined for the result. Not only was he going to die, but the forces behind him were uprooted to calm Lin Lang's anger.

"It's been a long time since nobody provoked my bottom line. The last one was the Lin family in Beiliao Province."

"It's you this time."

"Thousands of ghosts!"

Lin Lang's eyes were cold, and his eyes were chilling from the bones. He flicked his finger, and a whirlwind rose suddenly, rolling out the uncontrollable black fierce white fierce with the stump of his limbs into the sky, and then the whirlwind became bigger and bigger, and the Huangpao people were also involved in it and broken up Go away.

One hundred meters away from here, a burst of colorful flames burst into the center of the whirlwind. Those terrible temperatures seemed to even dry the air.

Stones, iron frames, stumps of flesh, no matter what, in front of the colorful flames, they can not stand for more than a second, and a cloud of green smoke instantly scattered with the wind.

The hurricane of flames, wrapped in all the traces of fighting here, went away completely.

Lin Lang dispersed the burning flame, and his body was spotless. He looked at Chen Miaoxuan anxiously.

"Miao Xuan, are you all right?"

Lin Lang was already a master when he refined the dragon and tiger jade, and it was not a problem to resist many siege by white fierce in a short time. Chen Miaoxuan was wrapped in the holy light of the dragon, tiger and jade, and she was not injured. She was scared at most.

"It's okay." Chen Miaoxuan shook her head, but was extremely calm. "Fortunately, I met a fortune-teller stranger by the shore of Guyu Lake. She sent me Yupei to fight for me."

Instead, Chen Miaoxuan blinked: "If you know that person, thank him for me. Then bring him a word for me."

"What is it?"

"Meeting him was a blessing in my life."

Chen Miaoxuan's lips turned light, and she seemed to smile rather than smile, but she tried to make a look of hope.

"Yes, but you look fake." Lin Lang couldn't help but say a word.

"You look so deceptive and fake."


The two looked at each other, and Chen Miaoxuan couldn't help but laughed.

A string of silver bell laughter echoed between the world.

It sounds nice and melodious.

Such as the most touching nature.

Lin Lang also swooned and grinned, how long, how long he was not so happy.

The night fairy king who has experienced many things and carried countless burdens on his shoulders, he has done it for too long.

How long hasn't he laughed from his heart like this.

"The immortal king who has been doing it for too long, bears this name too long, so that I forget it."

"I'm youth at this time."

The curtain covering the sky suddenly fell apart, the sky collapsed, countless rags of various sizes, and the false, starless stars fell.

The tall scaffolding was unstable for a while, and it could no longer support the tall building being built and collapsed. All the traces related to the battle were completely wiped out, and the ground was ruined.

At this time, Lin Lang had already embraced Chen Miaoxuan's waist, rising from the sky, breaking through the sky, numerous ruins at his feet completely collapsed, and a cloud of smoke underneath.

Heaven is a pure land.

Chen Miaoxuan was wrapped around Lin Lang's waist, Jiao's body was bent backwards, the breeze was lightly whispered by her ears, and three thousand blue silk fluttered in the wind, blowing on her face from time to time. Lin Lang grabbed Chen Miaoxuan with one hand, and then flicked the hair on Chen Miaoxuan's cheek.

Chen Miaoxuan's heartbeat accelerated sharply.

This is the first time she has had such close contact with a man other than her loved ones.

Her flirtatious face quickly flew up a touch of red glow, all the way to the ears of the ears, only feeling a bit strange, instinctive, and struggling. After feeling the only arm behind her, she completely relaxed, released her white arms and looked at the sky. .

"Miao Xuan."

Lin Lang suddenly made a noise.


Chen Miaoxuan raised her head in surprise, facing Lin Lang looking down. The latter's face flashed a faint trace of nervousness, and replaced with a serious expression.

"what's up?"

"Would you ... be my girlfriend!"

"what did you say?"

Chen Miaoxuan was extremely shameful, her face fluttered with a touch of red glow. The deer rammed in his heart, peering at the young man above his head. The young man was also looking at him with affectionate styles, touching her eyes.

"I wish ... um ..."

The half-voiced jade lightly covered the lips.

A brief hesitation followed by a jerky response.

Heaven and earth returned to quietness, the first peaceful moonlight fell, and the surroundings were bright and bright. During a full moon, the figures of the two moon heads hug each other tightly.

Moon night, night like a moon.

But time cannot last forever.

Do not fight for the day and night, only for the day and night.

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