Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 353: Shangqing Sword

Many elders stagnated, staring at Lin Lang with utter fear. What they feared was not Lin Lang's cultivation, but the little blue sword!

The sword of Shangqing is an immortal treasure. Even though Lin Lang's current cultivation is difficult to exert its true power, its sharpness is rare in the world. At the time, it was able to cut the sword gas emitted before it was born. Killing the guru, and showing up at the beginning, harming the body of the state of God is not a problem.

"Stop doing it, it's us who doesn't kill him." The lord of all ghosts screamed, and everyone stunned.

Everyone looked at each other, Lin Youye's skills and determination were in his eyes, there was absolutely the courage to eradicate the Wanguizong.

If you do n’t kill, you can only be killed.


A lot of elders of Ghost Sect were determined to control the corpse to kill in the past. Lin Lang Yiran was not afraid. In his hands, the sword was painted in a clear manner, and the sword qi was like a rainbow. The sharp sword qi chopped in all directions, making countless waves.

The sword qi is vertical and horizontal, every black and white fierce being swept away is cut into two at this moment. Hongsha and Banhongsha are okay. Although the sword spirit of the Qing Dynasty is sharp, but they still need some fire to kill them.

Hongsha, controlled by the lord of the ghosts, was swept away by Jianqi. Hongsha lowered his head and saw a conspicuous white mark on his chest, fleshy, but it did not cause any fatal threat.

"Although his sword is sharp, the fatal weakness is that it is too small and can only be used for ultra-close range combat. As long as we avoid weapons, he cannot hurt us."

The ancestral lord of the ghosts gave a low sigh, controlled the main attack of Hongsha, avoided the shroud of Shangqing sword, and once again regretted it. Lin Lang was forced to exit a few meters away.

The other two red evil spirits constantly walked on both sides, and occasional sneak attacks also made Lin Lang have to be serious. Although he has the ability to blast the red spirit of Shenjing with his bare hands, he can also be blasted more often.

His physical body is not so strong.

"Let's get rid of these miscellaneous fish first."

Lin Lang's silver cloak dangles behind the sky, and the moon and the moon, the left-hand sword is continuously chopped, leisurely self-defined, like a master who has studied kendo for many years, each sword is extraordinary, revealing mysterious arc.

The long and sharp sword qi passed through a few corpse corpses, causing them to shake for a while, over their obstacles, the sword qi split in half, and the disciples immediately set off a robbery.

Countless disciples were dodging better than others, sorrowful everywhere, blood mixed with corpses, and a red hill.

On the ground, under Lin Lang's numerous cuts at no cost, a deep trench has been plowed, which is more than two feet deep, like a crack left by a landslide.

The people of all ghosts are crazed, as if they have gone crazy. Numerous spells and corpses are directed at Lin Lang's position.

"Next is you."

Lin Lang was indifferent, took a step, and walked ten meters away. He picked the star moon with his right hand, and behind him a ghost who could not see the face, stretched infinitely forward, until the shadow completely covered an elder who controlled Hongsha.

At this moment, Lin Lang raised his hand, and the demon ghost corresponding to it also stretched out his palm and grasped it.


The crowd is still unknown, but the elder shrouded in shadow at this time is holding his ribs tightly in his arms, as if he is being held firmly by an invisible large hand, his face is getting more and more purple. Eventually with an explosion, the elder's body exploded into a pile of minced meat.

Flesh and blood splashed all around, and the fishy smell was disgusting. At this time, Lin Lang disappeared from the crowd again, taking advantage of the elder's death and the stagnation of the action, the devil's fingers turned into claws, and his hands turned down. The five fingers with unrecognizable shadows were like prison cells, holding the semi-principal red prisoner firmly in it.

"Cut me!"

Lin Lang sighed quietly, and the whole person rose again into the air, an amazing horror spread, he held a small sword and hacked downward.

Although the Shangqing sword is still only half a foot long, everyone in Langzhong seems to think that the Qingqing sword has become a thousand times larger. A giant sword with a length of more than ten meters is waving in the hands of Lin Lang, holding the sword in his hands, and chopping down.

Jian Qi is like a rainbow.

The sky was bright on the half of the sky, and then dispersed after a few seconds, followed by a rolling thunder. At this moment, the scene was like rain on a cloudy day.

It's just that it's not raining on a cloudy day, but a killing move! Once in Wan Jian's hand, he has performed similar sword tricks, but they are just similar. Now, the power displayed by Lin Lang is absolutely horrible than Wan Jianyi's sword tricks.

Everyone first heard and saw the vision, and then the heart-warming terror wave erupted completely. The dozen-meter-long prototype of the giant sword fell, a catastrophe for the whole world.

It ’s amazing!

Many disciples and elders who control Hongsha felt the trembling wave of soul almost at the same time, but they could not struggle, and even could not withdraw their control of Hongsha.

The huge sword fell, and the red evil was the first to be cut in half from head to toe. The distant peak was also cut off a large piece, leaving a neat and smooth section.

Those disciples and elders who controlled Hongsha were not spared. After the huge sword cut off Hongsha's corpse, they even cut down on their souls. Only a few of the two souls were extraordinarily powerful to survive, and almost all others were wiped out from the air, but the survivors were also uncomfortable and fainted at a distance of 100 meters.

The power of a sword can cut the ghost god.

"The power still owes some hope. If you encounter a real state of God, you should not be able to kill it, but it is very possible to hit it hard."

Lin Lang's heart secretly calculated the power of this sword. Although Hongsha's physical body is comparable to that of the Grand Master, it is just pure physical strength, which is not as good as that of the powerful gods who spur spiritual power.

After all, the true powerful gods are a combination of the four cultivation systems of cultivation, soul training, horizontal training, and martial arts. They are almost the same as the true spiritualists.

This is why many demigods cannot break through to the divine realm. Because of their lack in one aspect, even if the physical or other cultivation is as good as the divine realm, they still have no hope of ascension.

Because they are all unsatisfactory. Unless the four cultivation systems on the earth are merged into one furnace, each will be cultivated to the pinnacle under the divine realm. Just in today's Era of the Last Age, how difficult is it to achieve this?

Compared with Lin Lang, those people of all kinds of ghosts and so on all have a look of mourning. This is a red evil spirit, so it was easily taken away?

"The three siege of Hongsha not only did not take him down, but also one was cut off. I am afraid he is not a demigod, but a real state of God." The crowd felt only scalp tingling.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Lang waved his fist, the golden elephant stepped out of the air, and three punches and one punch were fiercer than one punch. The first punch fell, and Hongsha's chest, which was controlled by the two elders, was deeply sunken. The second punch fell, and Hongsha's chest was penetrated by a fist close at hand.

Lin Lang's entire arm was inserted into Hongsha's body. His eyes were indifferent, his eyes were flush with Hongsha's eyes, and he could not see any emotion in those eyes. Who made it just a monster without pain?

However, half of Hongsha, who was standing behind this Hongsha, who was about to start a sneak attack, was hit by a seedling. She was smashed into a fragment by Lin Lang's magical beast.

At this time, Lin Lang's last punch fell.

The golden light is flourishing, another red evil of Wan Guizong is completely announced!

At this time of the Wangui Sect, only the last one controlled by the Wangui Sovereign was left in the God Realm. The hearts of the ancestors of all ghosts are dripping blood, and each red evil can be called a **** corpse, which has an amazing combat strength. It is one of the few details to maintain the establishment of the ancestors of the ancestors.

Today, in order to cope with the calamity, the only four red evil spirits have been deployed as much as possible, if Lin Lang can be eliminated, he can stop the loss in time. But at the moment, they were destroyed by the other three ... even the lord of all ghosts was desperate.

As the battle continued, the only surviving Hongsha appeared to be even more powerful. In the heyday of the three Hongsha teamed up, they failed to win Lin Lang, and now only the last one is dry. The defeat is already doomed.

In the time of Banzhuxiang, Wan Guizong's last Hongsha was declared broken. The blood of the ancestral ancestors was sprayed with blood, stepping backwards, and each step fell, the injury in the body would worsen a little, until they were caught by the elders behind him.

The mountaintop of Wanguizong was a cloud of sorrow and mist. The elders of the disciples glimpsed the monarch who once stood on top of the sky. Now the hair is shed, the blood stains the sky, and the robe is broken.

Lin Lang took a step forward, and everyone's nerves suddenly tightened. "I heard that Yao Wangzong was knocked up the mountain gate by Lin Youye at the beginning, and finally offered a treasure house in exchange for a chance to survive, and I Wanjizong was also willing to make peace." The second elder hurried out.

"I don't want to make peace." Lin Lang fainted.

"Lin Youye, what else do you want? Do you have to destroy the gate to be satisfied?" Said an elder Li: "You are not afraid of karma? One day if you get into God, the more you kill, The more your karma burns, the stronger you will be, and the people you kill will turn into necrotic entanglements all your life, and you will never even want to be promoted to God.

"How can karma burn?"

Lin Lang glanced at the other side slightly, reached out and pointed to the past. Suddenly his body was shattered, and his blood splashed three feet: "I wasn't my opponent during my lifetime, and he was entangled in me after death?"

"Lin Youye, don't bully people too much! What do you want to kill me so many ghosts?"

The disciples were furious.

"If the ancestor was there, why would Wanguizong be degraded to the point of being insulted by everyone, and he would never have been bullied by a demigod up the mountain gate, and he would not dare to say anything."

An elderly Elder Ghost Cang made a sound.

"Patriarch, please return!"

There are so many tragedies in Wanguizong. It is rare to have such a consciousness. In the midst of life and death, they only remembered the tablet that no one had worshipped.

The whole world is shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere. The mountains stand side by side, and the mountain guards like copper walls and iron walls are trapped. At this time, some changes are quietly breeding.

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