It has been more than two months since Lin Lang left Chuanshu. This time, when he returned, the first thing he wanted to see was Chen Miaoxuan. In the afternoon of the same day, Lin Lang found Chen Miaoxuan.

The two are in love, Lin Lang's return is naturally Xiao Biaosheng's newly married, and Chen Miaoxuan jumped for a long time with excitement. Of course, Lin Lang also introduced Chen Miaoxuan to several roommates.

"Lin Zi, I am the goddess that countless people have never dreamed of. Our first school flower of Sichuan University has been given by you."

"How do you say I contributed to this marriage? Shouldn't you say, please, let us have a meal." William came up cheekily.

"It's just that you have been so good at a cabbage. How can I have to ask for advice and experience, as the saying goes?" Liu Xiaochuan joked.

"What did you say!" Chen Miaoxuan opened her eyes and stared.

"Look at you guys, you have a fart experience, it's all based on your personal charm." Lin Lang smiled and sweared. Chen Miaoxuan glared suddenly, thinking who these people were, um, it was definitely close to Zhu and red to black.

"Don't think about it, you are not as attractive as me, handsome and not as good as me, you can only lower some standards." Lin Lang stopped Chen Miaoxuan in her arms the next moment.

Chen Miaoxuan was shameful and stunned her chest: "Shut up, love is sweet. Everyone is listening."

"Well, I've eaten this dog food!"

"Come here, toast together."

Liu Xiaochuan has tears in his veins.

"That's it, I don't have experience." Lin Lang said suddenly, "But it's OK to eat."

"Long live!"

"I know a newly-opened leisure quiet, or should we go there for fun? The beautiful young lady has a lot of specials, but the consumption is a bit high." Liu Xiaochuan suggested.

"Do you think he has bad money ..."

Sun Mingze came quietly.


Outside the university town.

"I met you that spring" in the theme bar.

Listening to the name here can roughly guess the style. Its interior decoration is biased towards nostalgic retro style. There are various graffiti and apex words on the wall for different people. There are memories of 8090, which are deeply touching. Unconsciously, you can think of the past of a long time ago, and that spring.

This kind of thing is called memory kill. Naturally, this sentimental style is particularly attractive for young girls, and once they have come, they may not be able to hold it back.

Because of Liu Xiaochuan's strong demands, Lin Lang did not choose a box, but just opened a stand on the left. Liu Xiaochuan said that it was easy to see the younger sister.

Sure enough, there are really a lot of beautiful and **** young ladies here. Unlike Di, it's not all the open girls who like to go to nightclubs, there are many gentle and beautiful campus girls, and all kinds of beautiful girls with different temperaments. I probably came to remember the past.

"I'm really right!" Liu Xiaochuan sighed.

Several people took their seats, and William leaned back against the wall, and behind him was a red heartbeat saying, "Hello, professional spare tire family."

Attached with a green forgiveness hat, exaggerated graffiti was buckling on William's head. No way, most of the style here is like this.

When the wine was full, several people drank several glasses in a row. I haven't seen it for a long time, so we should live it up. Everyone pushed for a cup and changed a few times, and talked about funny paragraphs or the rumors on campus recently. Don't have any fun.

These things are naturally Liu Xiaochuan's strong point. In a few words, a few people laughed and laughed. He was born with this ability. Lin Lang enjoyed it, and sometimes two old-fashioned paragraphs popped out of his mouth, causing everyone to cry.

As for William and Sun Mingze, they were a bit too restrained. The latter has not dared to joke since he learned of Lin Lang's true identity. In this regard, Lin Lang could only sigh and said nothing.

No matter what he thought, the distance was estranged after all.

"You don't seem to be in such a good position. I always think it's cursing you, or should I change it?" Lin Lang joked, looking at the forgiveness hat behind William's head.

And his voice fell, and the surrounding area was immediately cold, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward. On the other side, Liu Xiaochuan winked at him and made a hissing gesture.

"Speaking of recently, a new joint sneaker has been released, which is particularly good-looking ..." Liu Xiaochuan hurriedly shifted the topic.

William just shook his head: "Nothing can't be said, it's just thrown away."

A few people did not continue to mention this matter, but William took a sip of sip and took the initiative to reveal the story that had not been told. During this time of Lin Lang's absence, there was already something wrong here. He and Sun Xiaohan broke up. The reason for the breakup was that they were not suitable. Although Sun Xiaohan's family in Chuanshu is not comparable to the four big families, he has a head and a face, and is better than William's parents doing business overseas.

This is very similar to Lin Lang of the year. But the most important point is a completely different point, that is, after William was green, he didn't know these things.

"Relax, she will regret it later." Lin Lang sighed and patted William's shoulder lightly.

"Hopefully." William laughed bitterly, his eyes suddenly absentminded, and even dull.

On the opposite side, a group of young men, men and women, who have just arrived, laugh and cheer.

On the other side, a street hipster in a red T-shirt and a beauty are hugging and kissing. Coincidentally, everyone is familiar with that girl.

It's Sun Xiaohan!

"Is it so coincidental?" Liu Xiaochuan frowned.

Sun Xiaohan also saw this side, parted lips close to each other, looked up and looked at each other. The two of them looked at each other with forced smiles. The corners of their mouths became the word "one", and they looked extremely stiff.

Subsequently, Sun Xiaohan's eyes staggered, pretending to be casual, and continued to persuade friends.

William's lips moved, and he stopped talking.

"Come and drink." William toasted.


"What's the matter, dear?" The young people around Sun Xiaohan naturally noticed the difference and asked with concern.

"It's nothing." Sun Xiaohan shook his head gently. "It's just that I saw a good sister. It's fine."

"Good sister?" The boy in red clothes stood up, held Sun Xiaohan in his arms, and arrogantly leaked: "Since it is your good friend, how can we say hello, we must not lose our courtesy."

"Your sister is also good. You can also help my brothers find out, they are still single."

The trendy man in red laughed and strode.

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