Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 385: Unified Wangpu Forest

The three parties that originally participated in the meeting belonged to the three-party forces near the Wangpu Forest. Although they are not called swordsmen on weekdays, the minimum precautions must be in place. Otherwise, Kanmaislov and Sayuro do not have to guard around with a lot of elite.

Their main energy has been focusing on the dynamics of the other three parties. It was never expected that there would be a surprise raid in the depths of the jungle. He was caught by surprise and suffered heavy losses.

However, when they really came back, their disadvantages were long overdue. The fifth group of people has already entered the crowd.

The members of the fifth group are all high-level martial arts. If they fight in position, the long-distance indiscriminate shots are no different from ordinary people. But putting their advantages on melee combat, each one is an invincible warrior.

A massacre is inevitable.

The monkey was tied with a red cloth strip on his forehead, and a savvy baguette swept across. His cultivation has reached the mid-level, but all those who were swept away were spared, his bones were broken, and his life was already gone. Considered to be burning incense.

Tieshan held a light machine gun in his hand, leveled and stable, and fire tongue sprayed in his hand. I don't know how many people had harvested his life. The light machine gun in his hand was like a plaything. Even if the barrel had become hot, I could not feel the slightest Recoil.

Xuanhe is carrying a long knife, and in his hand is a dark iron sickle, incarnation of Shura, the **** of death.

Lin Yu did not charge in person, but she was watching from the distance with members of the third group such as Suzaku. Seeing such a fierce crowd, Rao was long aware of the martial arts' extraordinaryness, and still couldn't help taking a breath.

"Is this the strength of a big martial arts division? It's more than one enemy, and it's almost unstoppable on the battlefield." Lin Yu said. A few years ago, he played under the command of a general and had seen the respect of a great martial artist, but a strong man like the great martial artist shot it himself, and this is the first time he has seen it.

Grand Master, known as a humanoid chariot on the battlefield.

"What is this? If you are fortunate enough to see a high-level grandmaster go to the battlefield, then you will know what a human-shaped meat grinder is. Even missiles may not hurt them." Suzaku's red lips lightly opened.

"After the transformation, there are still the Godland Powers, and there have been rumors that they went to the battlefield during World War II. It was said that the Godland Powers single-handedly defeated an Italian team.

"Don't say far, even if General Lin had defeated the third wing of the Japanese M-th Army in Japan and returned safely."

Lin Yu stunned.

"Breaking a wing? This kind of thing should make a big noise in the world. How could there be no wind?" Lin Yu was even more confused.

"At that time, the forest battle would be too bad. I almost couldn't withstand the pressure of the headquarters. As for Japan and M, such shameful things would not be put on the bright side. In short, the forest battle would be very powerful. , I'm not his opponent. "Suzaku smiled, his eyes were all submissive.

"The Suzaku station I saw these days will not be in harmony with Lin Zhanjiang? Why doesn't it look like it now ..."

Lin Yu thought silently.


Inside the camp.

Still chilling.

Lin Lang's hand can be regarded as completely calming down a few heroes. Looking around the audience, Zhu Xiong was all terrified. Just now, a martial arts warrior in the Golden Triangle who killed him with his fingers was as simple as strangling a chicken.

"You are a big martial artist!"

Master Evan's face changed suddenly. There is only one possibility to kill a peak warrior so easily.


Watanabe also looked dignified.

As for the three of them, Kamislov, was even more frightened. Even Master Diya was not able to walk in the opponent's hands for one round, and these ordinary people could almost give up resistance.

"It turns out that your Excellency is a high-level man, and I have taken the liberty to wait." As Peter hardened his head and said, "We will retreat, and in the future we will meet Lin Yubei and retreat."

"Do you think that's possible?"

Lin Lang seems to laugh but not laugh, meaning is self-evident.

As Peter's complexion was stiff: "Everyone is next to each other. When we meet each other in the future, we still give a little thin face ..." With that said, As Peter's complexion was in vain, and his palm was wiped around his waist, and he would carry it with him. With a gun in his hand.

This is a rare item he has found in the black market. The entire gun has no magazine. Each time a bullet is fired, it must be reloaded at the tail. The bullet used also exceeds the thickness of an adult thumb. The level of the great wizard is also very lethal.

He was least willing to reveal this hole card, but now he can no longer afford him. As soon as Master Dia died, his peace day was over. Even if he survived by chance, he would be swallowed up by the warlords who lost sight of him.

Rather than let it go.

"You're going to die, monster!"


As Peter pulled the trigger decisively.

However, Lin Lang opposite him was intact. Until the bullet was close to his body, he slowly reached out and grabbed the overweight warhead easily.

As he shook his hand, the bullet returned in the original way, and fell on Aspet's body and immediately shattered, causing blood clots all over the sky. As for his chest and back, a large hole with a diameter of four or five centimeters was penetrated.

As Peter's body fell to the ground.

"As for you."

Lin Lang looked at the others.

Everyone choked.

"I'm willing to surrender. In the future, I'll do whatever I want for you to saddle horses and horses." Sayu Luo immediately urged and fell to his knees. In front of him is a real martial artist, even a guest of honor among the three generals, who dares to resist?

"I am also willing to surrender. The strength of the big martial artist is enough to lead us out of Mount Wangpu."

Don't look at Master Duhe's face as a butcher, but the speed of complaining is not slow.

"As long as you save your life, you won't be able to escape the Golden Triangle in the future, and the world will not let me stand by you. Is it worth your life?" Master Duhe thought proudly. Wherever he went, his life was nourished and moisturized, so it was necessary to give others cannon fodder.

The remaining people also spoke.

Is there any way, who will make them unlucky to run into a big martial arts master, and will be reconciled no longer. At least we must first cope with the difficulties before us.

Keeping your life is the most important thing!

"I accept your surrender, and if this is the case, cease the war." Lin Lang nodded, turned away from the tent, and the four people in the rear followed each other and followed Lin Lang together.


At this moment, the long-awaited outside war has also entered a period of fierce heat. The army that has lost its leadership has steadily retreated and has been retreating to the margins.

The monkey, the black crane, and the iron mountain are all masters. They are almost indestructible on the battlefield. Their blood-stained weapons are counting the dead souls who died in just ten minutes.

This is their first time on the battlefield, but their record cannot be covered up. In this brutal battlefield, more than two hundred people have died. As for serious injuries and minor injuries, there are no less than five hundred.

When everyone walked out of the camp and looked at the fifth group of incarnations of Purgatory Shura, they were completely stagnate at this moment, so that even the order was temporarily forgotten.

In particular, Master Watabe felt that he was hit by a lightning. Because he found that every master here is not inferior to him, is a peak warrior.

"These are half step masters."

Master Duhe's gaze was fixed. Soon, he found that the three brave men on the battlefield each had a breath that suppressed him.

"These three are all masters of transmigration!"

Master Watu was horrified.

When did the Golden Triangle appear so many peerless masters. Even more frightening is that these people actually got together and formed a squad.

"What the **** are these people doing, is this to conquer the Golden Triangle." Master Evan muttered a loss of consciousness.


In the presence of Kanmaislov and Sayuro, the troops of both sides quickly stopped. As for Aspet ’s men, it ’s almost a killing, and there are few who are loyal and loyal to the fight.

Actually think about it too. The Golden Triangle is so cruel, the warlords can be replaced very quickly, and it is not uncommon to change one master. Among them, many soldiers have already followed four or five masters.

They don't care who is sitting in the position, they just want to fill their stomachs and get the "huge salary" in their eyes to support their families.

Taking over the other three-party forces was surprisingly smooth, and the large forces of Kanmaislov and Sayuro arrived one after another a few days later. Lin Yu fully demonstrated his outstanding leadership skills. He disrupted the defeated soldiers and redistributed them after educating all the troops. The disability and disagreement of the three parties involved were layoffs. Be organized.

Soon, the four warlords of Mount Wangpu were integrated into a new army by about 1,500 people. Although they have not yet run through, they have begun to take shape.

That night, Lin Yu invited everyone together and held a celebration party. Under the banquet there were miraculous women performing traditional dance performances. However, these women were good in the eyes of the indigenous people in the Golden Triangle, but they were not appreciated by the Chinese aesthetics. .

But the atmosphere is quite harmonious. Kanmaislov and Sayuluo toasted frequently, touting their grandeur, to show their respect for Lin Lang.

At the same time, facing Lin Yu, he also touched a few glasses, saying that he wanted to resolve the unhappiness of the past and return to good things in the future.

At the half-time of the banquet, Lin Yu took the initiative to bring up the topic: "The new army is almost running out, but it has no name yet. I think we can all come together to discuss it now."

"General Lin, come and get a name?"

Lin Yu looked at Lin Lang.

Everyone also looked at Lin Lang. As the backbone of this place, it is natural for him to name it. Suzaku's eyes flashed, but he didn't say a word.

After Lin Lang took a sip of wine, the aftertaste of Mekong whisky completely spread, and then he put down the glass and said lightly, "Your army, of course, you have to decide for yourself."

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