Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 510: Birth of Western Arbitration Office

In the distant sky, a bit of arrogant figures appeared one after another, each arrogant and boundless, repaired to be at least in the mid-level, or even stronger.

And such figures are as many as six or seven!

"It's the Marquis!"

The blood people were inspiring, and they were all very excited to see the figure screaming near them. The big men who went out are back, they have been saved!

The breath quickly approached, and then four of them came out and stood in four directions: northeast, southwest, and northwest. The four shot at the same time, spraying a dazzling light between their fingers, converging into one point in the sky, and a large net shrouded from the sky. .

This big net was specially prepared for Lin Youye. The blood people knew that he had a strange body method and could surpass double the speed of sound. The role of this big net was to restrict Lin Youye's actions. I saw that somewhere on the big net, a spot of light lit up in vain, and a dark shadow seemed to touch the power grid, and the light in the distance skyrocketed.

Moreover, with the movement of the black shadow, the optical network also continued to glow along the road, and Lin Lang's every move was closely tracked.

"There." A **** duke reached out and nodded, blood radiated and bombarded the light net, and a shadow turned from false to real, forcibly forced out.


The duke grunted and took a step forward. "Lin You, you can't walk anymore." The Duke of Oons also brought a large group of blood around from behind.

In the rear, Ouns sealed the retreat with two marquises, and in front was two dukes and three marquises. A total of three dukes is equivalent to three successful powerhouses, plus five marquises, such a lineup is luxurious.

I am afraid that in addition to Kunlun, Daomen, and Shintoism, there are only a few forces, and I am afraid that only the Dark Castle and the Western Arbitration Institute can gather such a lineup.

Lin Lang glanced at the **** strongmen of the Dark Castle, his face remained unchanged, and he calmly said, "All the people in the Dark Castle are here. Where are the people I want?"

"Defeat us, you can reunite." A duke's face showed an unsmiling expression on his face, and there was a gush of wind between the words, and he murmured: "Or you can die together."

In order to stimulate Lin Lang over, the Dark Castle has taken great pains to mobilize a large number of strong men from the beginning of the layout of this conspiracy, and did not intend to release them from the beginning!

"Neither letting people go, but letting me kill everyone, listen to you, do you want to make the dark castle extinct. Well, I can do it for you." Lin Lang smiled, revealing full confidence between the words , As if telling a trivial matter.

"You have to have this ability." The duke smiled coldly, looking somewhere in the void, and said loudly, "Everyone make an appearance, and say hello to this arrogant invader."

Lights surged in the sky, with seven or eight figures standing in the sky, all of them costing their wings, their faces hidden in a dim light. As soon as several people appeared, the darkness was surging, and it faded like a tide.

Two of the men wore red four-cornered high crowns, red shawls, red dresses with white skirts, holding scepters, and stood there as if the sun was rising, dispersing the night, bringing The most prosperous dawn.

"Guangming tribe." Lin Lang flashed his eyes and blurted out: "Are you from the temple?" These people have basically the same practice, and this type of practice Lin Lang has seen on the Son of Light. Supernatural powers belonging to the Guangming tribe.

"Guess half. We're from the arbitration office."

The man shrouded in the holy light spoke quietly.

Western arbitration courts belong to a branch of the temple. The temple does not walk in the world when they are in the ordinary time. They want to manage the world, eliminate aliens or annihilate heretics. Naturally, they must have the power to deter the world. The arbitration office is their spokesperson.

Have absolute power, representing absolute authority!

The temple stands high and enjoys the respect of the world, just like Kunlun and Daomen are hidden in the dark. Only the national disaster or other necessary long rivers will appear.

Western arbitration courts traveled the world, killing people according to the will of the temple. In principle, both belong to the same force, but they are only a subordinate relationship. Like the dark castle, they serve the blood in the ancestral land, but only a few are eligible to contact the blood ancestor.

In order to deal with Lin Youye, the arbitration office was born! And looking at the number of people in front of it, the seven or eight strong men above the mid-level divine realm, if not out of the nest, are almost the same.

"One, two, three, four, five, five divine realms are complete, and eight divine realms are intermediate. I really value me." Lin Lang roughly counted the number, and frowned.

Especially when I saw a sacred state powerhouse in the arbitration department, a crisis appeared in my heart. With so many superpowers in the world, even killing a perfectly fulfilled goddess is completely out of the question.

Even at this moment Lin Lang's face became extremely dignified. This expression had never been seen since his rebirth, and even he had no confidence in this battle.

The three **** dukes, the two cardinals of the Western Arbitration, and the other marquises and white cardinals far exceeded this number.

The enemy is too powerful!

"Lin Youye, you can't go today!"

The strong positions of all parties have a clear position, and the iron core comes to eliminate Lin Youye, and there is no room for turning!

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