Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 562: A false alarm

Wait till this terrible storm falls.

Master Sith was holding a tablet in his hand, emitting sound waves, searching for the whereabouts of Lin Lang in the area ahead, and the screen was blank.

Lord Sith breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time a hint of scorn was raised in his heart: "Only the barbaric race on the earth, even if you have the power that human beings cannot control, what will happen is not under the help of science and technology. The barbarians also boasted so much of the immortals. "

"Did we win?"

Everyone looked at each other.

It was unexpected that Lin Youye, who was notorious, was buried so easily on the bottom of the sea. The mighty fierce goddess Lin Youye was actually destroyed by them, but this is too easy, right?

This feeling gives everyone an unrealistic feeling. However, this result is already very good. It costs no soldiers to kill the strongest person in the world. Wang Gucheng has also died, and it is probably that Huaxia will be in pain for a while.

Fortunately, the results are congratulating.

"we won!"

"We destroyed Lin Youye, we killed it with our own hands!" Countless cheers sounded. If it wasn't for the right occasion, they probably all want to throw away their clothes and cheer.

"Is that right?"

A cold voice suddenly came from heaven and earth.

Everyone froze, Master Sith, who was holding the tablet, stared at the screen, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his trembling hands all proved his horror.

I saw that on the computer screen, Lin Lang was unscathed, indifferent to the sky, with a large angular seal on his palm, and numerous flames jumping above him. And the position where it stands--

It's just above their heads.

"Quiet it."

Lin Lang sighed softly, and boundless flames emerged from the seals of the Quartet, galloping rapidly around the world.

The sea of ​​fire was divided in many directions and landed in all directions of the battlefield. The entire coastline instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and numerous screams and mourns continued to sound.

Although the flame contained in the Sifang Seal only covers a mountain peak, the silent fire extinguishing species is extraordinary. The scattered flames are even horrible than the flames in the eyes of the world. Can be turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

And more flames were waved by Lin Lang's hands, flying to a great distance, constantly falling on the way, a terrible sea of ​​fire on the ground.

The whole city of Peters was caught in a sea of ​​fire.

A few hours later, the once prosperous coastal city was completely transformed into a scorched soil, and no grass was born. It seems to be a ruin here.

No matter how prosperous it used to be, it is now empty, and there is still a continuous stream of thick smoke rising from the ruins. Even life is cherished here. The few flying birds in the sky skipped, probably the only life here.

"Since you dare to strike at me, don't blame me for being rude." Lin Lang flashed in the cold light. The United States even chose to strike at him even though he knew he was an adult, and it was bound to hurt.

Just a city of Peters is not enough to calm his anger!

But at this time, Lin Lang suddenly received a message, his frown suddenly frowned. His mobile phone was almost damaged. This is the news that he was staying at Ye Xuanzong.

"Well, I'll settle accounts with you when I get back."

Lin Lang snorted, and the whole person broke out at a speed of more than three times the speed of sound, galloping in the direction of the East and China. That speed has left a passenger plane far behind.

Radars located throughout the United States have successively detected UFOs galloping across the country, but the images are difficult to capture.

"Is it a missile? Someone can't do anything to us in the United States ?!" A general in charge of the investigation horrified. At the same time, he just got the news that Peters City was turning into a scorched soil.

"It's Lin Youye, my God, what is he going to do?" The general uttered a horror, giving birth to a state of fear.

At this moment, the President of the United States is also getting the news. After learning about the origin of the incident, he was so violent that he almost roared to the Secretary of Defense with a roar: "Are you all fools? Nothing provokes him. We still Not enough to deal with Lin Youye! "

The Minister of Defense bowed his head and did not dare to say a word, and his heart was extremely surly. This matter is the military's hands-off, the key problem is ... this is not his order.

"Now, everyone, ready for battle!"

The President of the United States exhorted. The revenge of a strong man, I am afraid they have not suffered from the United States since the founding of the People ’s Republic of China.

All the members of the U.S. military moved in an instant, and one by one secured their positions, as if the enemy was staring at the news from everywhere. However, most of the time passed, and Lin Youye did not retaliate.

"This matter is so big that no one is allowed to slack off."

The Ministry of Defense also issued a death order. For three days in a row, the entire United States was almost in a state of readiness, and everyone was moving. As long as Lin Youye's figure appeared, he would either kill in one shot or soften his head.

"No one is allowed to move, sit on a stool, or go home all by nothing. Lin Youye is definitely brewing a big kill to recruit us to guard against death and not give him any chance."

It's just that for a month and a half, Lin Youye has never appeared anywhere in the United States. The whole person seems to have disappeared without any retaliation.

Until the news that Lin Youye appeared Huaxia came back.

You just realized that it was a false alarm!

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