Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 583: You are not worthy

"I built the foundation."

Zhong Xuanzhu was just such a bland sentence, and then he gathered up his internal interest, no longer releasing the fluctuations in the foundation period. The crowd present was not a senior, Zhong Xuanzhu broke through and built the foundation, and the power emanating from that moment could not conceal their perception.

Needless to say, it is possible for an early-stage gas refiner to break through directly to the foundation period. Is such an elixir ordinary?

"The taste is introverted and the medicine is closed. It is a perfectly refined and refined elixir. The fragrance can't be wrong!" An elder uttered a horror and looked at Zhong Xuanzhu's empty palm, thinking it was a miracle.

"Perfectly purified elixir is easy to lose its power, so the surface must be covered with a layer of effervescent powder to prevent the evacuation of the power to the greatest extent. Only those with a high level of accomplishment can achieve this level!" Zhou Xingqi took a deep breath , Shocked on the cheeky face.

The King of Dan itself is the Dan Dao Tai Dou who can achieve perfect purification. As a personal disciple of King Dan, Zhou Xingqi naturally knows more about perfect purification than others.

"No wonder Fang Danshi had mistaken this Zhujidan as an ordinary elixir before. If you don't scrape off the powder coating of Dan, it would be difficult to find any mystery." Zhou Xingqi set his mind, and Lin Lang's eyes were full of complexity. .

This is a Dan Dao genius who is even better than her.

As for what is most irritated by this matter, it is Fan Danshi who is the best. Even if he is not convinced again, the fact is already in front of him. He did look down on the young man before him.

"No, that girl is also extraordinary. It is very difficult for ordinary people to explore Linghai, and it needs to be done step by step. She directly widened Linghai to the foundation level without any damage, which is a very special constitution." Lin Fanmu Medium precision light flickers.

"This is impossible……"

Although Fang Danshi already had the answer in his heart, he was unwilling to admit the fact, and still cried out, "This is impossible. Now you are only a basic monk. Without the practice of earth gods, you cannot do it. Negligible. You must have made this Zhujidan, right? "

"If you can't do business, you won't do business."

Lin Lang sneered at the corner of his mouth. He originally came to Xingchen Pavilion with the mind of selling elixir, but his attitude made him very dissatisfied. Especially this Fang Dan division, Hu Lang's stubborn attitude made Lin Lang extremely dissatisfied.

Few people like this kind of **** stick have been ashamed to a state.

He walked calmly in front of Fang Danshi, staring at the latter indifferently. Master Fang Dan was thin and tall, and looked down at Lin Lang like this, frowning, "What are you going to do? Are you going to hit me?"

"Guess it right, but there is no reward."

Lin Lang made a faint voice, then raised his palm high, and there was a clear applause when it fell.


Lin Lang's posture remained the same as when the slap palm just fell, but Fang Danshi's entire body had been beaten in two rounds. After the mouth was full, the molars were directly smashed and flew out.

The blood spilled from his mouth dripped, and Fang Danshi leaned against the wall, so he was not embarrassed.

"The dog-minded with eyes and no beads, if Xingchen Pavilion is made up of people like you, this business is not a problem." After all, Lin Lang snorted and took Zhong Xuanzhu directly away, leaving everyone with a miserable face.


Everyone looked at each other, all seeing the astonishment in the other's eyes. Compared to the shock brought by the perfect Zhujidan, Lin Lang's move has once again left them dull.

Xingchen Pavilion has clearly stipulated that no one is allowed to take action here, not to mention directly beating the appraiser Dan. This is not the same as playing directly on the face of Xingchen Pavilion.

And even though Fang Danshi is famous for his alchemy, he is not a mortal without a chicken. He is a master of divine spirit cultivation.

Is it so miserable to be beaten by a vaguely erected base?

"Come, I'm going to kill him!" Fang Danshi got up and roared in situ. While his voice dropped, he didn't know where from Xingchen Pavilion, and he burst out of many arrogant breaths, some of them even more. Faintly reached the fairyland.

"Catch, catch me up!"

Fan Danshi growled. The smell of the dozens of invisible figures immediately moved, and when they were about to leave the place, another burst of drink came. One of the speakers was identified at the scene.

"Stop, all come back to me." Na Dan shouted coldly, then looked coldly at Fang Dan Shi, sneer: "Last name Fang, isn't your ugliness today enough, is it to draw us and you Shame together? It's not impossible for Xingchen Pavilion to offend a talented Danshi, but you are not worthy! "

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