Lin Lang didn't cover his eyes and eyes when he shot the seven fingers of the moon, and there was no one to hide his face. Many people were present at the scene. Many people inquired about the master of the seven fingers of the moon.

Of course, this was the case where the Trinity auction was not intentionally kept secret. Lin Lang laughed and turned to leave, Mao Huacan's face was even more gloomy, and his body was full of anger.

If it was said that he was pitted by Lin Lang, it took the sky-high price to take pictures of the seven fingers of the moon, even if it was more irritating, it was a matter of wit and bravery, but this large amount of spirit stones eventually flowed into Lin Youye's pocket, Complete each other.

"A junior junior junior can come up with such a method, I'm afraid he will be endlessly hunted down in the future. Others don't say, just say that they have exhausted their wealth to take the wind and lightning of the seven fingers of the moon. It is impossible to let Lin Lang, a person who cultivates the seven fingers of the full moon, leak the magical power. "

"You must kill him forever."

"What's that?" Someone sneered, and said, "Do you think that the major gates would easily let him go without it?"

Of course, many people think deeply about how a junior person in the realm of immortality can get a giant-level magical power. Since he dares to put it up for auction, he says that he should never have more than this magical power.

In any case, the spirit stone has flowed into Lin Lang's pocket, and the auction will continue. It is just that the later several treasures are much more eclipsed than Mochizuki's seven fingers, and they can no longer afford the high price.

However, there is still something that makes Lang Lang look at his side. This object is a dark and simple iron order. The inscription line is engraved on the top. The material is extraordinary. After Qin Ya's introduction, Lin Lang found out what Tie Ling was.

It turned out that this is a key to enter the forbidden area. Holding the iron order into the forbidden area can penetrate the inner periphery of the forbidden area and have the opportunity to explore the true secret of the forbidden area.

The forbidden area of ​​life and death is one of the seven forbidden areas in Kunxu. It is the only super forbidden area that is not controlled by the seven heavenly ancestors. But even Dixian didn't dare go too far.

And the inner circle of the forbidden area of ​​life and death, even the supreme giant holding the iron command also has a great risk of falling. But monks without iron orders were not qualified to enter the inner circle, and even the earth fairy who could tear the space would be rejected by that space.

In other words, an iron order is equivalent to a quota, a quota to enter the inner circle of the forbidden area of ​​life and death. It is said that there is a source of life and death in the forbidden area of ​​life and death, and there is a supreme elixir.

Out of curiosity, Lin Lang took Tie Ling at the price of thirty thousand spirit stones. The auction was over, but he was a little disappointed that he did not find a precious wooden source, and the cultivation of the wooden spirit body was also lost. As for the inverse five-element spirit body, it is even more distant.

However, if you think about it, how difficult it is to transform from a mortal body into a wooden spirit body. If the ordinary wooden spirit treasure does not have this ability, only the extremely precious wooden spirit treasure can.

Soon after, a dark shadow emerged from the Trimius auction. The shadow was as dark as ink and completely integrated into the night. Just after stepping out of the portal, there was only a slight ripple, and then merged with the night, regardless of each other.

Outside the Trinco auction, I do n’t know how many eyes are staring at the portal. These people have dozens of breaths, most of them are immortals. Although their identities are completely different, their goals are completely the same. Are waiting for one person.


Mao Huacan sitting on a big tree frowned, and the elder Feng Lei quickly asked what happened. Mao Huacan gently shook his head and said, "Nothing, I just felt like I was walking in front of me. . "

The elder smiled, "How could it be, at least I can hide from you and I am at the level of the earth fairy, at least not even the ordinary nine-printed fairy."

"Maybe I perceive the problem." Mao Huacan nodded, smoothing the folds on the robe, and frowning, whispering, "Why didn't Lin Youye come out yet, was he hidden inside the Tring repair shop?"

The elder with the strength of Jiuwen Renxian shook his head. Mao Huacan's photograph of the fifth-order superb magical power caused great attention from Feng Leijiao. In order to avoid accidents, the elder Tai Shang personally came to take away the seven fingers of the moon, and then left Mao Huacan and two other elders to prepare to kill Lin Lang.

Although the battle is prohibited in Zhongzhou City, after all, there is no huge scene at the time of Yuanxi Festival, and it has not attracted much attention. Even if the battle city guards dared to come the fastest, it would take half a quarter of an hour. In such a long time, Mao Huacan could easily run over the dead forest and escape.

As long as he escapes from Zhongzhou City, even if the painting skill is against the sky, it is impossible to chase him out of the city and kill him. Besides, there is a too elder elder from their thunderstorm nearby to sit down in person, just because the animated saint will also stop the other.

It's a pity that the stars are moving. Overnight, they didn't wait for Lin Lang. In the early morning of the next day, the Tulinxiu auction room reopened, and he found that Lin Youye had disappeared without a trace.

What's even more strange is that even if the big men in Zhongzhou City tried their best the next day, they almost did not find Lin Lang after digging the ground almost three feet.


The dark shadow that Mao Huacan felt was Lin Lang.

Lin Lang, who was called the Youxian King in the previous life, is a wave of fame. The name of the Youxian King is praised for his unique method of hiding in the world, but the most terrible killer in the night.

It's just that Lin Lang rebuilt his life in this life and did not follow the path of the previous life completely. Instead, he embarked on a avenue to break the Fa by force. All the difficulties directly crushed the past. As for the way of hiding and assassination, he has never forgotten, but so far he has not encountered any opponent who can let him assassinate.

Lin Lang turned into a dark shadow, and while night had already left Zhongzhou City, a cave house was dug in a nearby mountain forest, and a ban was erected to ban the law.

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