The giants returned to Zongmen and set out to plan for the future. After a hundred years, the Kunxu boundary will be destroyed and the time is urgent. They must start to arrange from now on to find a suitable habitat for the ethnic group.

Vulgar circles can be very competent.

They must dare to control the situation in the vulgar world before other forces, and find the best location of the ancestral gate.

After a hundred years, the entire Kunxu community will completely migrate to the ordinary world.

And the earth's ordinary world at this moment.

Earth-shaking changes have taken place, and they are no longer the familiar earth. Although it is still a science and technology society, there are always a lot of divine events circulating in the folk.

Even if countries try their best to block the news, they cannot hold back many witnesses, and many people are exposed to the existence of martial arts. It is said that during the 11th holiday of last year, many tourists had witnessed a supernatural dragon in Changbai Mountain Tianchi, soaring for nine days, as evidenced by video.

This old self-proclaimed dragon named Bailong God and occupied Changbai Mountain Tianchi. His Majesty contained a lot of demon monsters, which was a curse to the world. Of course, this is just a rumor of nothingness. I really don't want to do it.

The only certainty is that the vulgar world has quietly changed in recent years, and the dark world that has been dormant for a long time has slowly surfaced.

Vampires, werewolves, blood ancestors, etc. have always been considered legendary species, and they have also appeared in the public eye.

The earth has begun to change.

And this calamity suffered by the Kunxu boundary, even the earth in the ordinary world has also been affected to some extent. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions occurred nearly 30 times in half a month.

Many conspiracy theorists take advantage of the topic to carefully weave out the world that is about to be destroyed. Only the gods can save them from the destruction and theology of water and fire.

Religion has always been the most effective means of controlling the heart.

After the disaster, some subtle changes also occurred on the earth. The aura between the heavens and the earth gradually began to thicken, the number of warriors born was more, and the power of the Transcendent Alliance was growing stronger.

Remove these not to mention.

Through the cracks in the sky of Kunxujie, on the distant nine days, even the gods of the immortal world noticed the storm. Eternal calamity is equivalent to the birth of an immortal emperor, which is also an absolute event in the immortal world.

"The location is in the Destroyed Star Field. It should be a holy weapon to survive the eternal calamity and impact the eternal artifact." The monitor of the immortal world immediately judged.

"Destroy the Star Field?"

A frost-haired old man frowned, and said to himself: "How could it be the destruction of the star field, where the rules of the ancient war and the heavens and the earth have been confused, and there are powerful people who have blinded the heavens and cannot pass at all."

Just an eternal artifact is very big, even if they are not willing to give up. Even if the sacred artifact fails to cross the robbery, it is definitely the pinnacle of the sacred artifact.

The white-haired old man groaned for a moment and looked at a middle-aged man next to him, saying, "I heard that the Blood Axe God of War has recently received a new born genius who is full of five radiances, and repaired to be in the realm of heaven. Let him go to the underworld. Take a look. "

The blood axe God of War nodded: "This seat indeed received a new apprentice, Xiu Wei is still in the realm of heaven, it is not difficult to send him into the lower world."

"If you let him fall from the edge of the universe and go all out, you can reach the Destroyed Starfield in about twenty years."

Subsequently, the blood axe God of War transmitted a message to his disciples, who himself shot and opened a space passage to the lower bound.


Time flicked.

Half a year passed in a hurry.

In the western region, a handsome scholar came to a village on the outskirts of the city. The villagers did not know where they came from, but only knew that this was probably a scholar of talents traveling around.

The well-intentioned villagers left the scholar in the village, and gave him a few ridges of land to teach him to open up wasteland to grow food. In the words of the village chief: "No matter how high the spiritual pursuit is, the ideal is to fill the stomach."

The scholar also smiled and nodded. He actually went to learn the farming skills with the old village chief. He learned very quickly. Almost the old village chief told him that he could do it himself and learned the same.

Moreover, he has planted the land with his own hands, which is different from other people. In other villages, the rice is planted. Due to the weather conditions in the Kunxu boundary, the rice can be matured three times a year. .

The old head of the village who saw it marveled, and continued to laugh and said, "Lin Xiaozi, you are really a good farmer. If you are not tired of the poems, you are probably a good farmer."

The mid-summer season has arrived.

A group of children were around the scholars, laughing and jumping around, constantly turning around the scholars, singing nursery rhymes, and pestering them to teach them to read and read.

The scholar shook the folding fan and simply taught a few words. The children cheered for a while and then smashed away. It seems that their purpose is not to learn characters at all, but to have some fun.

"People take food as the sky, they eat grains and cereals, and in the free time they come to find the joy of life, so with the seven emotions and six desires, this probably builds a human world." The scholar fan fanned and looked at the sky, seems to enjoy it.

"Seven emotions, nothing more."

The scholar suddenly fell silent, sitting on a large rock in the field, like a clay sculpture, untouched by the hot sun.

He is realizing.

The feeling is the way of Qiqing.

This scholar is Lin Lang who has disappeared for a long time.

I'm afraid that people in the world want to break their heads, and they don't expect that the one who will definitely cause a storm in the night, Sha Xinglin You Ye, will be quiet at this time, and turned into a scholar from the northern region to the western region. Country.

Half a year has passed since that battle. Lin Lang escaped from the killing of the Meteor Sword Abyss and became as silent as it is now.

His cultivation is still in the realm of Liuwenrenxian. During this period, he does not rush into the new realm, but tempers the spiritual power in his body to the peak. Others thought that Lin Lang had spent a great price before urging the secret law to upgrade to the Six-Striped Immortal.

Not really.

As early as when he planted the gravitational path, he had widened the meridians and raised the realm to the level of the Six-Striped Immortals. What was lacking was just enough time to cultivate spiritual power to the peak.

Forcibly mentioning the realm of Liuwenrenxian is actually of little danger. Lin Lang also spent a long time, it took thousands of spiritual stones to quench the spiritual power.

The reason why he never showed up was not because he lost his fire and had to rely on his care, nor did he want to cultivate himself. The main purpose was to heal.

In these days, Lin Lang, while training and cultivating, cultivated the spirits in the Sea God Temple, and also felt the Tao.

The Meteor Sword Abyss has cost him half of his soul this time, and he will always suffer the pain of soul fragmentation and have to spend time to make up for the lost soul.

As for Taoism. Although Lin Lang had the highest avenue in his previous life, he had a unique view of the dark and other avenues. But Lin Lang, who was reborn in this world, did not want to follow the path.

After all, you ca n’t come back to life in this world, and you only care about the old man of your life, and you have no achievements in other fields?

Lin Lang felt the Tao of gravity, and it has condensed into Dao species, but he knew almost nothing about other avenues, but he was barely familiar with these seven feelings.

"The so-called seven emotions are more than mood, anger, sadness, sorrow and horror. A person has seven emotions and six desires to dominate emotions, so the seven emotions are the way of man. Only adding the complete six desires can be considered a avenue."

"If you cultivate the way of passion to the peak, you can influence the emotions of others without knowing it, to the extent that it is beneficial to yourself ..."

Lin Lang decided to start with the way of Qiqing!


This village is called Guojia Village. About one hundred households have been under the jurisdiction of Changwang House. The folk customs are simple. The most powerful one is only the old village chief, a martial arts conqueror.

This point is that looking at the entire Kunxu industry is really nothing. The ants in the ants are often too lazy to control, knowing that this is a group of poor ghosts who are too lazy to collect taxes.

However, a while ago it was said that the village chief got into trouble, and the village lived with a group of people of unknown origin. These groups were arrogant and arrogant and directly occupied the village.

The village chief was too low, and was he the opponent of this group of murderers, but they did not commit adultery and ransacking in the village, and could only let the group live with patience.

Later, a villager returned from the city and brought back a little news. The head of the village in Guli only guessed the identity of the group.

Amazingly a group of thieves and gangsters!

Not long ago, a third-rate ancestral gate in Changwang's house was ransacked by a group of unknown thieves. This incident shocked the passing elders of Yunlang Palace. Changwang was furious and ordered to block Changwang's house and strictly track the thieves.

The head of the village who understood the matter was shocked and scared. It was a group of thieves who lived in the village.

Hiding a thief, that's a big sin!

Even if the village chief reported his intentions, the entire village has now been blocked by thieves. Where can he break out, he can only sigh all day long.

At this time, another news was even worse. Not long ago, the village's periphery was raging and surrounded by a group of heavily armed officers and men.

People from Changwang Mansion!

The thieves in the village are also fully armed. The two sides confronted each other at the entrance of the village. Although no war has yet started, I am afraid they will be triggered immediately.

"It's over, it's over!" The village chief sat on the ground with his hips, almost frightened.

It would have been better if this group of thieves stayed for a short period of time without alarming anyone, but now it is better, even the people of Tianzong are provoked.

The thieves now live in their village and are arrested. Even if they explain that it has nothing to do with them, how can they believe them?

This is really a talented man who encounters soldiers.

Although the village chief was in a hurry, he did not become completely confused. He called a few young people in the village and flew to each house to inform everyone of the news.

As for whether the villagers who have received the news will go or stay, let them decide for themselves.

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