Lin Lang's heart was slightly heavy.

He had expected that there would be many ways to meet again, but he did not expect that this would be the worst and worst case. Su Shilan has embarked on the road of cultivation, most likely the traitor in Shuiyun Palace.

Now I'm afraid I've been taken back by Shuiyun Palace. I want to fight against Tianzong and rescue Su Shilan from Shuiyun Palace. I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"Whether you are in the Shuiyun Palace or elsewhere, I will definitely bring you back even if the Tianzong is overthrown." Lin Lang thought hard.

Later, he sent a message to the fairy Ling Xuan and the Bailian Shengzi, and it was imperative to first determine whether Su Shilan was the so-called Shuiyun Palace traitor.


Next, Lin Lang put all his mind on the map of the Great Devil's Hand. It is said that Datian Demon Hand should have been transformed from a magical magical power, which is extremely powerful.

Lin Lang had the intention to forge a demon body, so he had to study the magical powers.

Two days later, Lin Lang stood up in front of the Datian Devil's Hand, grabbing his palm, and suddenly a dreadful magical energy emanated. A stout palm covering the sky like a demon's hand bombarded the Big Demon's Hand.

The image of the big demon hand is overflowing with brilliance, and the power of the big demon hand that Lin Lang uses is swallowed up in a blink of an eye.

Then the sky magic figure broke out again, and there was a line of words on the top: "A new record, pass perfectly!"

"He actually got to know the Datian Devil's Hand Picture. It's only been two days. How is that possible ?!" The crowd was uproaring.

It took only two days to understand the Datian Demon Hand Picture, and it passed perfectly. You should know that these high-level magic seldom nowadays rarely fully understand the figure of the devil's hand.

In two days, it was better than a hundred years of retreat.

And it also passed the test of the Great Devil's Hand Picture perfectly, and it was sensational to speak at such a speed.

"Is he a descendant of the Demons? This speed of realization, I am afraid that the descendants of the Demons are far behind." Countless people were completely uproared, even boiling.

In two days, a feat that no one else can do in ten years is completed.

At this time, Lin Lang did not pay attention to the crowd, but went directly to another mural of Tianmo. It is difficult for others to understand the murals of the heavenly demon, but it is not much for him.

After all, there is a vast knowledge of previous lives.

He realized that the mural murals of the gods are like a math doctor to calculate the math problems in elementary school. Although there are many different ways to solve the problems, there are only a few ways to solve them.

The plot of the heavenly demon, naturally stumped him.

Soon, everyone was shocked.

The hardest Tianmo map has been unlocked by Lin Lang, and the rest is more difficult than the big Tianmao hand map. After almost half a day, Lin Lang has unlocked a total of six Tianmo murals.

At this moment he is enlightening the seventh mural of the demon.

Everyone knows that since he has the ability to unlock the big devil's hand map, I believe that the next few demon murals will not stump him, and it will be sooner or later to solve the mystery.

But Rao is so, many people still focus on Lin Lang. Because they are about to witness the rise of a new demon.

And it's the shortest time in the history of enlightenment murals!

Soon after.

Tian Mo Cliff shook, and the cliffs on both sides made a loud noise.

There was an ethereal voice in the depths of the sky magic cliff, and a shadow was born from the void, and Wei's body seemed to be able to stand up to the sky.

Even if you stood there casually without revealing the slightest magic power, it also gave people a kind of horrible pressure. Even though the top man was unable to stand, he threw himself and fell to his knees.

"Meet Lord Mozun!"

A crowd of powerful voices came together.


The person in charge of the Tian Mo Cliff is also the leader of the descendants of the Tian Mo Cliff Demon Clan. In general, the descendants of the Demon race will appear through the test of ten demon murals, representing the identity of the demon.

But this time, it was Mozun who appeared in person!

I can imagine how much he valued it!

Mozun Void nodded, looking at Lin Lang, with a touch of indifference in his indifferent eyes, saying: "Three days passed the test of the sky magic cliff, these qualifications have far exceeded my Majesty's descendants of the Demons, you are very good."

Lin Lang looked indifferent, even when he saw Mozun, he never showed any fear, but stood calmly in place.

Mozun is not angry, but just said: "From today, this seat officially encloses your magic ambassador's identity, and the name can be determined by you."

"Also, if you have a chance, you can go to realize the shadowless border map, I believe you will gain a lot."

Having said that, the demon did not continue to stay, and the body disappeared directly, as if it had never appeared before.

But the magic is still the same.

Mozun came and walked fast, except for the status of Lin Lang's magic envoy, he did not give any substantial reward. It seems that his arrival this time was simply to look at Lin Lang.

However, it is a great honor to get Mozun praise in person. At least this represents an identity.

Soon, all the immortals present also changed their previous attitude, one by one, they approached Lin Lang and showed their charming expressions, trying their best to please.

A magician is enough to protect them from doing whatever they want in Tianmoiling, and there is still a newly appointed magician in front of them. If they can become a confidant, it is also very good.

Even a lot of the magic repairs that have broken through the two demon murals and obtained the demon refinement are in this rank.

The descendants of the Demon Clan couldn't come out, and a devil was enough to walk sideways in the Tian Mo Ling.


And shortly after the demon went away.

Not far away, a figure flew, and two bat-like wings spread out behind, fanned the hurricane, and finally landed in front of Lin Lang.

When they saw the people, a group of immortals next to Lin Lang suddenly dispersed, hiding behind and dared not to participate.

It was the batman.

Master Zhu Tai.

Today, Lin Lang's identity is no longer than before, and he has also become one of the magic angels of Tianmo Cliff. The dispute between the two magisters is like a fairy fight, how dare they participate in it.

"Did you kill Zhu Tai, right?" The Bat Demon glanced the dark red pupil across Lin Lang with no intention of killing.

"it's me."

Lin Lang smiled slightly.

"Even the people in this seat dare to kill, are you tired? Or do you have the courage to give you the courage? If I don't pick your skin today, even my batman and your surname." Leave cold.


Lin Lang's activities are imprisoned, but he is very willing to test his current strength, although he feels that he can already fight against the immortal realm.

But whether we can overcome it will not be known until we practice it.

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