Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 670: Homesickness?

The blood demon made the palace people's whereabouts hidden, and there were not many personnel. They concealed the detectives from Yunlang Palace and went directly to the periphery of Chang Wangfu.

And Chang Wangfu still knew nothing.

It wasn't until Changfu ’s strong man was attacked that their guardhouse was attacked, but it was too late!

Lin Lang had already used the night-night method to enter the matrix, broke through the Hufu array from the inside, and his Majesty's powerfuls rushed in, and the killing was immediately set off.

Even if there were occasionally two or three people blocking the road, Lin Lang was easily resolved.

When the strong men of Chang Wangfu gathered together, the strong men under Lin Lang's Majesty had already lined up and attacked the depths of Changwangfu.

Headed by King Chang, a total of thirteen immortals of Chang Wang Mansion confronted Lin Lang. There are also nearly ten immortal strong men lined up behind Lin Lang.

These people who are not Xixuetang or the magic repair of Tian Mo Ling he has recruited have developed into a force that cannot be ignored.

"Who are you?"

Chang Wang shouted angrily from the cave house. This is a middle-aged man in a blue gown with a ruddy complexion and a beard on his chin.

"Lin Youye."

Lin Lang said faintly.

His calm voice made Chang Chang's heart lift a lot in a moment. The Kunxu community is naturally familiar with the name Lin Youye, but this is a guy who can stir up the Northern Territory.

It is said that the chaos in the Kunxu community is inseparable from Lin Youye.

"It's you." Chang Wang frowned, and couldn't help saying: "Lin Youye, Chang Wang's Mansion should not have any grudges against you. Now what do you mean when you bring people to cross the border?"

Chang Wang was an immortal immortal. Although he was completely afraid of the other side, he could not help hearing the name Lin Youye.

In his impression, Lin Youye's strength was not necessarily high. A year ago, he could barely fight against the top people, and there was no threat to him.

But he could n’t hold this person too evil, and said that he could n’t cause any kind of trouble. The Northern Territor ’s immortal died in his hands as many as ten whole digits, and killed the seventh son of Kunxu, even the earth fairy burned him One person.

Nothing he dare not do.

This is a walking plague!

Even though Chang Wang Xiu was strong and several levels higher than Lin Lang, he encountered Lin Lang involuntarily.

"It's not malicious, but I just want to come and discuss something with Chang Wang." Lin Lang said lightly.

"What?" Chang Wang frowned.

"Devil and Bone Meal." Lin Lang smiled and said, "I heard that Chang Wangfu recently got some Devil and Bone Meal from the auction. It is very coincident that Lin is in urgent need."

"Su Wen Chang Wang's house is kind-hearted, and I don't know if Wang Chang can see some gifts on Lin's face?"

Chang Wang's mouth twitched.

Where is this asking, obviously coming to rob.

"Changwang's mansion does have some demon bone meal. Since Brother Lin needs to be exchanged, the original king was priced at 3,000 spirit stones or two, and he took a total of five catties, which is 150,000 spirit stones."

Chang Wang looked at Lin Lang.

Naturally, he couldn't live a life in vain. One thousand or two spirit stones were auctioned off, but Chang Wang said that they were three thousand spirit stones.

If Lin Lang could take out this money, he would not care about the casualties of Chang Wangfu today. After all, he didn't want to dispute with Lin Youye.

"Enough is enough." Lin Lang was very pleased and nodded.

Chang Wang nodded with satisfaction: "The demon bone meal is now on the king, as for the spirit stone ..."

Hearing this, Lin Lang suddenly lowered his face: "Will there be a spirit stone? Chang Wang, you are too unkind. Didn't you just say that you would give me the **** bone meal?"

Chang Wang was so angry that he vomited blood. When did he say this, but after a careful consideration, he just seemed to accidentally fell into the pit dug by Lin Lang for him.

I could not help but be furious: "Lin Youye, 150,000 spirit stones, today you can take out the demon bone meal, you can take it out if you can't get it out."

"Do you want to blame?"

The third child immediately stood up and said angrily, "You Changwang is so unfaithful. What you said is like farting. What big-tail wolf can you use if you can't take out the magic bone meal?"


Wang Laoqi also stood up righteously, staring ironically: "I have promised people, but now I regret asking for money. Is Changwang's palace so shameless?"

In this matter, the people in Xixuetang have the most right to speak, which can be said to give full play to their robbers' nature and confuse right and wrong. In a few words, Chang Wang satired a complete villain.

Chang Wang was so angry that his face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

"Look, none of my immortals agreed." Lin Lang also smiled, and said, "Give me the bone meal of the gods and demons, it's as if Changwang's house had saved money and disaster."


Chang Wang was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke. But let him make concessions, and he could not even give away high-value demon bone meal!

"Why is Chang Wangfu afraid of a battle!"

Chang Wang sighed angrily, and immediately waved backwards, his Majesty the strong was allowed, and suddenly swarmed out. The two strong players are fighting together.

Chang Wang, as well as the other two immortal realms of Chang Wang's Mansion, locked on Lin Lang with cold eyes, revealing their murderous power.

Lin Lang smiled at Chang Wang with a smile, and said with a smile, "What are you still doing? Come here for a fight."

"you wanna die!"

Chang Wang Na Rong Lin Lang was provocative and immediately exuded a strong cultivation practice, waving his whip and rushing to Lin Lang.

Chang Wang ’s cultivation is really not weak, but after all he is only a human monk and his talents are limited. Even if he has stayed in the realm for many years, he is still inferior to the wind demon in terms of combat power.

As compared to the current Lin Lang.

It is even worse.

Dozens of moves in the past, Chang Wang has completely fallen into the downwind, was injured by the palm of Lin Lang, until he sacrificed Taoism, this did not restore some disadvantages.

"How did Lin Youye's strength improve so fast?"

The other two immortal gods of Chang Wangfu looked at each other, and although they were puzzled, they soon joined the battlefield, and the three of them joined forces to besiege Lin Lang.

After all, this is not a battle between Taiwan and Taiwan, but a battle of life and death. The number of strong men on the side of Chang Wangfu House has an absolute advantage. It is naturally impossible to fight with Lin Lang alone.

"Come here!"

Lin Lang laughed a long time. The golden fist attacked with his left hand, and the magic ice mirror defense was sacrifice in his right hand. In the battlefield, Guanghua flickered, and the Taoist method flew horizontally.

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