Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 811: Unprecedented catastrophe

Seeing this scene, the central emperor's look improved, and finally a smile appeared: "I just want to make this imperial city, and this world, as well as those guys who are about to move, all know the strength of the central dynasty."

"Central Dynasty, inviolable!"

Just then.

With a flame rising into the sky.

The abrupt rises!

The people, the official secretary, and the central emperor looked at the center of the battlefield that had already fallen, and all of them suddenly changed color.


Battlefield Center.

A flame suddenly rose thousands of feet high, and the entire central area has completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, with countless figures tumbling and sending out desperate screams.

I can't think what kind of scene it is.

Each of the Yan clan is a master of fire control, and their ability to withstand high temperatures is the first of the ten thousand clan. The master of the Yan clan was burned to death by flames, which sounded more like heaven and earth.

Extremely absurd.

The hot flame, even as far away as the imperial city, the central emperor and others in the enchantment felt a shiver of soul, and the heat could not pass through the enchantment.

But where does this feeling come from?

So that the Central Emperor and others who have refined the treasures are surprised. Even the docile strange fire in their bodies was extremely restless at the moment.

"Why is this the case? It was a kind of Junyan that was refining." The central emperor's eyebrows were almost twisted together. The top three thousand of different fires, each thousand ranks are divided into one grade.

They are Min Yan, Chen Yan, and Jun Yan. Jun Yan is a flame photographed a thousand times before the different fire list. It is hard to find in the world and has an extraordinary and terrible power.

Called the monarch in flames.

The refining in the central emperor is a kind of monarch flame, and there are few strange fires in the world that can suppress monarch flame. And can make a kind of Junyan so restless ...

Then there is only one possibility.

"Must he refine the top hundred flames on the different fire list?" The central emperor's eyelids jumped, and he couldn't help but exclaim.


Except for the one hundred kinds of supreme flames, there were few that could make him unable to suppress the different fires in his body as soon as they appeared.

It wasn't until the flames in the central battlefield stabilized and the screams became weaker, that the Nizu Yaopeng stumbled out of the battlefield.

Baxia also fell from the sky.

The body was burned at high temperatures like a soldering iron, and every inch of skin appeared hot red. Amazingly, he was not dead, and even the bracelets and anklets bound to him were not burned.

Have to admit.

Some people are truly geniuses, and they are blessed with genius. Even if they are burned, they will not burn him completely. Of course, this is also related to the fact that Zihuo is not in its heyday.

Otherwise, a complete sub-fire will erupt, and even a large star such as Neptune will be completely destroyed. But Ba Xia's survival is enough to prove his strong physical body.

The Central Emperor saw that Ba Xia was okay, and he felt a sigh of relief secretly. He flew up to the tower and said fiercely, "Stand up and kill him!"

But Baxia was unmoved.

A faint hint of clarity suddenly flashed in the dim, hollow eyes. He got up and smiled coldly, then suddenly got up and rushed towards the imperial city.

One punch and one punch hit the enchantment, making the already overwhelmed enchantment, and now trembling violently.

"not good!"

The central emperor's face changed greatly.

The scene he was most reluctant to see appeared, Ba Xia was not dead. Instead, under the forging of Zihuo, he removed most of the toxins and magic in his body.

He recovered!

The puppets that were originally pushed out by him have now turned against each other and attacked the central dynasty in turn.

It is conceivable that once the enchantment breaks, what will happen to the Central Emperor. A Lin Youye has been so busy that they are so anxious, and now there is one more summer.

You must know that in the imperial city, no one has the ability to stop the angry Baxia, even if he is not in the heyday!

"There are sacred beasts and three true immortal ancestors. They still have the power of a battle. As long as they can take the opportunity to kill Lin Youye, the situation may not be insurmountable!"

The Central Emperor, as if he had seized the last life-saving straw, pinned all his hopes on the ‘inner facts’ of the Central Dynasty that had not been completely burned to death in the distance.

But he was finally disappointed.

Although the three true immortal war corpses were not burned to death by a fire, they were definitely not much better. One by one, they were severely damaged, and only half of their bodies were light.

Lin Lang held an ice sword, one sword, three cold sword lights surging, three real immortal war corpses instantly smashed, and turned into countless stinky liquids flying around.

The minced meat crackled and fell off the ground.

Nizu Yaopeng also has a certain amount of wisdom. He saw that it was not good, landed on his legs, and ran away.

"Where is the evil animal?"

But how could Lin Lang let it go, almost two or three flashed forward, stopped in front of Nizu Yaopeng, and shot the latter with a heavy palm.

Ni Zu Peng was hit hard in the fire, and now knows his fate and sighs. Until Lin Lang approached him step by step.

Nizu Yaopeng suddenly bent down, revealing a respectful gesture, saying, "Humans, I would like to be Lord of you and leave with you, or ... to defend Ye Xuanzong for you."

The monsters that have reached the true immortal level basically have wisdom that is not worse than that of humans, and it is not surprising to utter words, and it is no surprise that he now stands up and becomes Lin Lang.

Just want to talk or don't want to talk about it. In general, monsters have the best combat power. If they are not for integration into the human race, they will never be bothered to turn into human figures.

And they are very intelligent, otherwise Lin Lang just mentioned one sentence and took him back to defend Ye Xuanzong, and he would not remember these words in his heart.


It made an extremely correct decision.

Lin Lang didn't intend to kill him at all, but just stretched out his palm and touched the forehead of Nizu Yaopeng with a light stroke, and a flashing "prison" was printed on the top of his head.

"The real beast of the Imperial Beast Sect of the Immortal Realm, this is a stunt they never transmitted, human beings, who are you?" Nizu Peng's pupils narrowed.

Its strength has reached the level of true immortality, it has defended the central dynasty for thousands of years, and its knowledge is far more profound than that of others. He naturally knew that one of the most feared forces of all monsters was the Imperial Beast Sect.

The Royal Beast Sect has unique insights into tame monsters. It is said that the Royal Beasts have been trained to the extreme. It is said that they are beast kings, and even the beast emperors of the immortal class can be tamed.

Once there was the power of the Royal Beast Sect, and he personally tamed an emperor-level divine dragon. At the time, there was a big storm, and even the dragons who had never joined the world were angry. Therefore, every beast is most afraid of the Royal Beast Sect, and also their natural nemesis.

The Royal Beasts really do this.

It is even more impossible to spread it, and it is even less likely to flow to the lower bound.

"It was only found by a genius of the Beast Sect who died in my hand."


Ni Zu Peng's pupils shrink.

Just listen to the other side.

Lin Lang's voice came again: "You don't need to care who I am. You just need to know who your master is from now on."

"Yes, master."

Ni Zu Yaopeng went completely silent. Already pinned down by the royal beast's secret, freedom, don't think about it in the future. Ni Zu Yao Peng's pupils narrowed their hearts and no longer had any hope.

"As for the rest." Lin Lang looked up slightly, staring indifferently at the imperial city: "That's the liquidation of these weak and poor little bugs."

The central emperor was looked at by Lin Lang's eyes, and there was spinal coldness behind him. Unconsciously, the back of the dragon robe was already wet with cold water.

He put his hand on the sword around his waist.

His lips were pale and he couldn't stop the trembling: "I still have Emperor's Garden, I still have the Thirteenth Army who is backing up, I haven't lost ..."

Unfortunately, Lin Lang didn't speak.

He approached, and it was only a cold look that responded to the Central Emperor, until he came to Ba Xia, who was slamming into the enchantment.

"You can't break the enchantment like this."

Lin Lang shook his head gently. He took out the black epee and stood less than one meter from the enchantment. Baxia knew what he was going to do, nodded, and retreated far behind.

Lin Lang didn't move next.

Until half an hour later, Lin Lang was so full of momentum that he waved the Xuan Epee.


The sky is falling apart, the ground is shaking, the once tough enchantment is now fragile like a piece of paper, and it collapses into a rain of light, and then disperses.

Enchantment broke.

Guarding the central dynasty for thousands of years, it completely collapsed at this moment. Ba Xia, Sun Qian, Ni Zu Peng rushed into the imperial city instantly.

Thousands of Yan people, especially those of the royal family, screamed in horror. Because they know that they will be greeted by an unprecedented catastrophe!

Pa Xia.

The Yan clan who was supposed to be a member of the fairy realm and soared from the oracle star, but at the last moment was killed by the central dynasty, and passed through the millennium.

It was even nearly refined into the township heritage of the Central Dynasty. However, there is a cycle of good and evil, and the arrival of Lin Lang makes Ba Xia reawaken.

Needless to say his anger naturally.

Nizu Yaopeng was just conquered by Lin Lang, eager to show some loyalty, and naturally broke into the Imperial City to kill the ring.

As for Sun Qian.

His hatred for the Yan clan is even deeper than that of Ba Xia. If he has such an opportunity for revenge, how can he miss it?

Lin Lang stood outside the enchantment and looked at the scene with little eyes, as if everything had nothing to do with him. Yes, everyone has deep blood and hatred with the central dynasty, and now is also a chance for their revenge.

Naturally he will not stop.

The central emperor was guarded by his ministers, guarding the rear, and his face was pale. Even if there are more Tianxian ahead and more loyal officials blocking the road, can you stop Baxia?

Even if the chain is tied and repaired, he is far from the peak, but his majestic strength is still not blocked by Tianxian.

Sun Qian, Ba Xia, Ni Zu Peng.

One was stronger than the other, with almost no need to go back and forth, the formation of the central dynasty was instantly dispersed. Fortunately, there are loyal ministers desperately protecting, and even at the expense of self-destruction, the talents of Ba Xia did not threaten the life of the emperor.

But this is also temporary.

When these masters of the central dynasty die, then it is his central emperor who should die.

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