Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 878: Kill three people in a row!

The first cluster of flames in the world, all the flames in the world are a branch of the source of all fires, and even a branch of a branch.

Either Emperor Fire or Monarch Fire!

The mother fire of Wanhuo is born with the ability to suppress the numerous fires in the world, and it can be swallowed up and gradually rise to the level of Emperor Fire, even beyond the level of Emperor Fire!

"This is the flame of the Yan clan. It is said that since the source of the million fires split, there is no such thing as the source of the million fires. But how could there be a sub-fire in the world!"

Even if it was just a subfire, it was the most precious clone of the source of all fires. It is said that the truth of the rise of Yansheng against the sky was that he got a cluster of subfire clones and devoured the world of fire from then on.

Forge Immortal Emperor!

"Return ~"

Lin Lang called out softly, and in the face of Yanhuang's horrible expression, the flame of the last days broke free from his suppression, emerged from the body, and merged directly into the subfire.


The subfire became strong again, and the fierce flame swallowed the sky, like a fierce ancient beast, emitting a large mouthful of intense flame.


In a frantic scream, Yanhuang, the immortal condensed Taoist realm, was directly smelted into fly ash.

Emperor Huang could not help but swallow a big spit.

At this moment, he was trying to sneak away while Lin Lang was dealing with Yanhuang. However, he had just escaped within a few meters.

Behind him was a joke.

"You go down with him, too."


Zihuo roared past, and the emperor was crazy Zheng Zheng in the flames. For a long time, a streamer rose to the sky, and the emperor escaped from the flames.

He covered his body, almost every inch of his skin was burned, except for the chest, a pair of shiny armor was intact.

She sheltered him from escape.

"Holy Artifact."

Lin's eyes brightened. Sacred artifacts are rare in the universe, and most of them are passed down from the immortal realm, unless it is the kind of super-level power that can't be brought out at all.

And the sacred treasure armor not only needs to be engraved with a large number of divine patterns inside, at the same time, the material required to make a sacred treasure armor is far more than the holy sword.


Even in the fairyland sacred artifact armor is very rare.

I did not expect that the Emperor could get one, and it was such a sacred treasure, which sheltered him from the terrible temperature of Zihuo.

"Since you show holy treasures, you can't even save your life." Lin Lang said.


Emperor Huang only felt that he was being stared at by a cold eye, the kind of hunter's gaze that made him creepy.


Shuanghuang said nothing, and couldn't care if he was in the immortal opportunity, but he couldn't beat, but his life was still important.

But how can Lin Lang do what he wants.

The avenue of speed unfolded to the extreme, Lin Lang could no longer be found in the starry sky, and only the true immortal at the level of condensed Tao could catch a faint spiritual fluctuation.

That is the real body of Lin Lang.

"Can't escape."

Xinhuang is desperately fleeing, but suddenly a sound like a nightmare sounds behind her. He could detect that Lin Lang had been chasing nearby at this moment.

"Dead to me!"

I do not know how much courage the Emperor had given, no longer escaping his life, but directly swaying the greatest strength, and struck a blow.

"Lei Xiao cuts the sword!"

The Emperor turned abruptly, and a huge, horrifying force emerged from his palms, with a vast and unpredictable failure, blasting directly towards the back.


This is enough to break the sword of the cosmic galaxy, and it is rightly chopped on the figure behind the emperor, and chops the latter directly.

The body shattered.

"Did it happen?"

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the case of one chase and one escape, the fleeing person only needs to run away desperately, and the person chasing after him must also chase with all his strength, and at the same time calculate the other person's escape route.

The Emperor suddenly struck back and decided decisively. It is estimated that few people can react in this short moment.

"No." Shuanghuang closed her eyes and felt carefully, her face suddenly changed: "His breath has not yet dissipated!"


He had just reacted, and saw a long sword coming out of his body, piercing his chest with a handful of blood.

The brilliance in the grand eyes gradually faded, and the breath of life quickly disappeared under this sword.


Behind him, Lin Lang emerged from the darkness, smiling at the emperor's gradually cold body.

"It turned out to be a puppet for the dead. No wonder the brand of consciousness hasn't dissipated after death." Lin Lang stared at the brand-new direction, and saw that the latter's body quickly shrank and dried up.

It eventually turned into a slap doll.

On behalf of the dead puppet, the Dao and the spiritual power operation route in the monk's body can all be copied. After the ritual practice, they can have the same combat power as the deity.

of course.

This requires a long time of worship, and at the same time, there is a limited time for the puppet to exist, and it will automatically die after the aging period.

Because it can be connected with the deity, it is often used by some monks to explore some strange forbidden places. Of course, it is quite troublesome to make such a puppet, and few people are willing to use it.

"Well, wait until the end to take your true body out." Lin Lang glanced gently at the scrapped puppet, and then took off the sacred artifact wearing the Emperor's body and put it on himself.

the other side.

The battle of many true immortals has reached the stage of fierce heat. The side of Emperor Linxing and a number of strong aliens together add up to more than fifty true immortals.

Over time.

The number has plummeted, and now there are only about twenty people. Most of the rest died on the battlefield, and the other half was like a lone shadow.

Losing combat power for a short time makes it impossible to participate in the final battle. As for the other Tianxian and ordinary Zhenxian battlefields, it is even more terrible.

The celestial celestial beings that have come from all sides of the universe have already surpassed 100,000. However, in such fierce assassination, more than 70,000 celestial celestial bodies have fallen.

The starry sky outside the entire emperor was filled with a layer of blood, and there was a **** smell everywhere, and the sound of killing was trembling. It is like turning into a field of Shura.

Lin Lang returned to the battlefield, and the extreme Tianxian showed amazing lethality. He killed the Quartet constantly, and the true immortal state of condensed Tao was folded in his hands.

As the battle progresses.

Lin Lang was stained with blood, and his body was covered with large and small wounds. The whole person was dripping blood from head to toe, like a **** demon.

By now.

The Ning Tao Jingxian who died in his hands was close to ten people.

"You guys, why don't we just stop and solve Lin Youye first." The three-eyed devil boy struck away and retreated to a slightly safer battlefield.

"I'm OK."

Jin Yan agreed first.

"I also think it's feasible." The green devil nodded, a cold smile blooming on his cold face: "I remind everyone first, if anyone dares to break before Lin Youye is killed, don't blame my green devil Kill him first. "

"That's natural."

Ye ancestor, Ye Li nodded.

On the battlefield, a group of true immortals quickly reached an agreement. Lin Youye's strength has been higher than the peak level of these people, and the threat is also the greatest.

If he were allowed to roam the battlefield, it is estimated that few people would survive in the end. And, even if they can survive to the end, who has the ability to defeat Lin Youye's confidant?

Such a group of invincible existence under the stars quickly reached an agreement. Thirteen true immortals unanimously decided to win Lin Lang in one fell swoop at this time.

Not to mention killing, at least the latter should be disqualified from participating in this battle.


Deep in the starry sky, the young man's pupils shone in bloodshot, looking at the two sides in the battlefield, his eyes reflected a trace of madness.

"The blood of a true Taoist immortal condensate is far more precious than ordinary true immortals. Twenty or more people are enough to make the blood tower impact the fifth floor, or even the sixth floor."

The teenager yelled excitedly.

"Master, the battlefield seems to have changed again." The old man bowed his head slightly.

"Uh ... uh?"

The boy suddenly stared, and saw one of the figures on the battlefield, a **** look.


More than a dozen Ning Tao realities.

Each of them is the most prestigious in the universe, the lowest status, the star of a big star, and even the heads of the ten royal families.

Taking out just one of these people, the identity is enough to tremble a star field. However, they are joining together at this moment.

It can be seen how much pressure Lin Lang brings to them!

"I count one, two, three, how about everyone doing it together?" Yajiu's dry voice sounded in the crowd.

This is a fragile alliance, and it may be the pain of anti-Korean at any time. If not, no one is willing to take the first shot.

"no problem!"

Bloody wore a red-red robe, scarlet tongue was like a snake letter, stretched out and licked his lips: "I can withdraw from the palace fight, but I want his blood."

He pointed at Lin Lang.

The blood pupa, now the strongest of the blood clan, is said to have lived for more than 20,000 years. He has transformed twice in the pond of beings and has lived to this day.


This is the race that is known for its speed and longevity among the various races. As long as it enters the pond of all beings to complete transformation, it can be equivalent to a new life.


There are very few blood monks who can complete this transformation safely. In the history of blood races, there have been less than ten blood monks who have completed more than two transformations in the ponds of sentient beings.

Almost all of these people present were the pride of the stars in their respective star fields. Although they may be old, they could not conceal their past glory.

It's the existence of a certain record.

Even in the fairy world, people like them are rare!

"Don't you think I'm really in your pocket?" Lin Lang smiled, without fear.

"If you die, you will have to speak wildly. If you are, I should swear to push out the area of ​​Xiangong, and then escape."

Xue Yan grinned.

The others did not speak, apparently by default. At the same time, Yajiu's unpleasant voice sounded again.




He just wanted to say a word, and said the last three words, but found that his ears were buzzing, and his head almost exploded.

The blood in the body is also a violent riot, as if to leave the body at this moment.

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