Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 889: Limbo Fairy


The King of Purple Shirts nodded slightly, glanced across the field, and finally fixed his eyes on Lin Lang: "Come with me, there is a big problem with your identity, and we need to check carefully before we can let it go."

"I'm in a hurry to create a fairyland. I don't have time."

Lin Lang frowned.


The immortal king of the purple shirt stared at Lin Lang coldly. The immense immortal king swarmed out instantly, and the oppressive monks couldn't do anything.

"If you follow me, follow me, where is there so much nonsense." The King of Purple Shirts is not like other disciples of Jingyue Mountain, too lazy to perfunctory. At this moment, I just want to take Lin Lang away quickly and ask Lingshi about it. origin.

One million spirit stones.

This is a wealth that even a fairy king will not ignore.

In other people, under the coercion of the King of the Purple Shirt, he might have been submissive, but he encountered Lin Lang.

"My one million spirit stones are not so easy to get. You better roll away before I get angry." Lin Lang stared at the King of the Purple Shirt without fear.

"Oh my God, he dare to talk to the King of the Purple Shirt! Just a little fairy, don't you die?" I don't know how many people watched this scene with dementia.

A celestial being said to a fairy king? Has this world changed or something?

The King of Purple Shirts also froze for a moment. The ordinary Tianxian only shivered in front of him, how dare they collide like Lin Lang.

So for the first time, he even had some doubts about whether the other party had any extraordinary origins, but after thinking about it, he is now the realm of the fairy king, and even the identities of those holy sites are not much stronger than him.

The entire Southwest Territories.

In the background, few people can be bigger than his purple shirt fairy king.

Thinking of this, the king of purple shirts sank, showing a cold killing intention: "Toasting without eating and drinking, a little fairy king also deserves to be arrogant in front of this seat."


There is already a spiritual power in the hand of the King of the Purple Shirt. For him, there are a million spirit stones, but they have not reached the point where he can bend his waist.

Compared to this, his face is obviously more valuable.

"You are looking for death."

The King of Purple Shirts stared at Lin Lang coldly, as if treating a dead person.

"A junior fairy king, is it so arrogant?" Lin Lang sighed, and now he is in extremely bad physical condition. He had no choice but to really use his spiritual power now.

of course.

If he was delayed, he wouldn't mind shooting and killing an early fairy king.

Just then.

A disciple of Jingyueshan suddenly ran from a distance, and hurriedly said, "Elder, the Lingyan Fairy of Jiaoyuezong has arrived, and said that he would borrow a teleportation array."

"Huh? Ling Yan Fairy? Take me there."

The King of the Purple Shirt suddenly stared, and his raised hand was put down unconsciously.

Hearing the name of Lingyan Fairy, the King of Purple Shirts did not dare to neglect, and did not care about Lin Lang, and left with the disciple.

"Oh my God, it's Lingbo Fairy. Are we having a chance to see Lingbo Fairy's face today?" A sound of surprise began to ring around.

"The fairy Lingbo is the master sister of Jiaoyuezong. Don't look at her as a female streamer, but her cultivation talent is not inferior to those of the holy land saints, and she is now the master of the fairy kingdom.

"It is said that Fairy Lingbo has a prosperous beauty, although she is not one of the top ten beauties in fairyland, but her appearance is not inferior to those in the top ten."

"I heard that the King of Purple Shirts is still pursuing Fairy Lingbo."

Everyone was talking and talking.

It didn't take long for the King of the Purple Shirt to bring a group of people around the square.

In the middle of the group, was a woman wearing a plain long dress, with a good figure, and a delicate white body shrouded in a layer of delicate white light.

With a veil, she couldn't see the true face, but she regretted many monks around her.

"Is this Fairy Limbo?"

I don't know how many gazes fall on Lingbo Fairy.

"This group of ants."

The King of the Purple Shirt felt the greedy gazes around him and couldn't help humming.

"Notice. The king will accompany Lingbo Fairy to the Fortune Fairy Land, and all the registered monks will wait for the next teleportation to open."

The King of the Purple Shirt turned his head and instructed a disciple of Jingyue Mountain.

The disciple informed all the monks in the square properly. Of course, it is better to call it eviction than notification.

A thousand monks on the square were forced to drive down by disciples of Jingyueshan, but it caused a lot of dissatisfaction. After all, Lingbo's fairy status is high, but they also paid money.

"It's amazing to look good, that is, her Lingbo Fairy is better than us to give birth. Look at her arrogant look. You have to take so many people out."

A female pierced her lips. The teleportation array in the square has been fully activated. In the middle of the sky, a group of people is shrouded in a strange light.

"Wait for the next time." The male Xiu beside her smiled wryly, "The Jiaoyuezong is also the most powerful religion under the Holy Land in the immortal world. People have this capital."

"We have no identity, and people with no background can only provide convenience to others. But fortunately, Jingyueshan's teleportation array has a strong self-healing ability. Let's wait for three days."

"What? Three days."

Lin Lang listened clearly and couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect Jingyueshan's teleportation array to be so low-end, and it took three days to repair it after each delivery.

For example, the large-leaf Xianzong's teleportation array extends in all directions. Basically, there is no need to take a break to each area, and it is free for the disciples.

Three days.

He can't wait.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang took a step forward and flew into the square into a stream of light. The disciples of Jingyueshan reacted slowly, and the monks standing around the square rose into the sky, preparing to stop Lin Lang.


These disciples also only practice in the realm of true immortality, how can they stop Lin Lang. Lin Lang dangled his sleeves, and the disciples of Jingyue Mountain fell.

Like dumplings, it crackled and fell to the ground.

the other side.

The teleportation array just started. Lingbo Fairy and others stood in the teleportation array. The waiting transmission power was fully turned on. She swept away, but saw a figure not far away rushing towards their position.

"This **** ant."

The King of the Purple Shirt naturally saw this scene, and after looking at Lin Lang's face, his face was as ugly as eating.

Because of the sudden arrival of Lingbo Fairy, he was so busy welcoming that he almost forgot about Lin Lang. But now Lin Lang has made so much smoke near the square, what is he rushing over to do?

Apparently, he is resentful of the previous events and wants to destroy the teleportation.

Can the King of Purple Shirts allow it?

"You guys later, I'll get rid of this ant first." The King of the Purple Shirt stood up angrily.

"Purple shirt, the teleportation team is about to start all over, don't you go with us?" Said Jiao Yuezong, Tianjiao, next to Fairy Lingbo.

"No matter. There are still a few breaths before the teleportation array is fully opened. Solve him, why do you need a breath?" The King of the Purple Shirt snorted and stepped out of the teleportation array.

The King of Purple Shirts has just stepped out of the teleportation circle, and Lin Lang has rushed over here, just to meet the King of Purple Shirts.

Neither of them spoke, almost at the same time.

The King of the Purple Shirt raised his hand and waved his hand to cut out an abyss. The destruction storm roared suddenly, as if there were any terrible demons on the other side to climb out.

"Just that?"

Lin Lang slanted the purple shirt fairy king at one glance and blasted a punch at will. This punch was like a figure bursting out, directly suppressing the abyss of the purple shirt fairy king.

First breath!

"You're looking for death!" The king of the purple shirt secretly said intently, that he was enough to crush any monk in the realm of heaven to kill the true immortal.

However, Lin Lang stopped him by his flesh.

This made the King of Purple Shirts realize that he had to come up with some real skills. He stomped, the seals of the abyss erupted, and a devastating storm raged out, swallowing the sky.

He punched out with one punch, the abyss storm melted into his fist, setting off deafening sounds and devouring everything.

Lin Lang also raised his hand, and the ancient gods on the back suppressed them. The sky was filled with mountains, and each one seemed to have endless weight.

Taikoo Shenshan descended, and the fist of the King of the Purple Shirt was colliding. Lin Lang then retreated into the teleportation array with this counter-strike power.

The second breath is over!

When the purple shirt fairy king broke through the ghost image of Shenshan, he had reached the third breath, and he was completely furious, and a fairy king Xiu completely broke out.

It is necessary to use the strongest means to kill Lin Lang. However, when he saw Lin Lang's position, his palm suddenly stopped.

Lin Lang is already standing in the teleportation array.

"damn it!"

The King of the Purple Shirt immortal, but his palms did not fall down. He is confident that this shot directly slaps Lin Lang, but the opponent is already standing in the teleportation array.

If he shot violently, there would only be one in the end, and the teleportation team would collapse, and no one would get away. There are fairy Lingbo standing in the teleportation array!

Just as he hesitated for a moment, the transmission array Guanghua flashed, and several figures in the square suddenly disappeared.

The King of Purple Shirts stared blankly at this scene.

He actually sent the kid away?

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