Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 896: Ice fire cave

Standing outside the cave was a young fairy king, wearing a dark purple robe, and so standing outside the cave.

The young fairy king smiled: "I really can't think of it. The divine red feather fairy king was actually destroyed by a small true fairy, and I'm afraid it will be regarded as the greatest shame of his life."

"Are you here to kill me?"

Lin Lang looked at the opposite calmly.

"I only want to make Ganoderma, as for killing you, let me do it." The young fairy king said lightly.

"You are so convinced that you can kill me." Lin Lang looked at the other with a smile: "Even the peak of Xiuyu, such as the Red Feather King, could not kill me, and you are not afraid of being killed by an early King of Fairy. . "

"It's up to you?"

There was a flash of light on the face of the young fairy king: "Do you treat me as the waste of the red feather fairy king? I remember that the red feather fairy king was seriously injured at the time. Don't look at him as a peak, he can play one percent of the battle. Power is good. "

"But I'm different. I don't need to labor to kill you at all." The young fairy king pinched his finger and was very proud: "But before that, I have to make some preparations, remember, you will die in Yao Clear hands. "


Yao Qing's immortal king moved the seals and made several handprints in succession to seal off the surrounding space. He did not want to attract the attention of other fairy kings because of the fighting fluctuations here.

"Oh, really."

Lin Lang was extremely calm and allowed Yao Qing's immortal king to act. Before long, the formation took place. At the same time, the king of Yaoqing took a step forward, and a sudden surge of spiritual power around him set off waves.

at the same time.

Lin Lang also moved, he leaned forward slightly, the speed was extremely fast, leaving only a series of afterimages that had not completely dissipated.

Yao Qing's immortal king hit in the air, at this moment he turned around and was about to fight back, but he saw that a cold sword had fallen first.

"This boy is not as simple as it seems!" Yao Qing's immortal king was shocked, and finally realized that the real monk in front of him might have a practice that was not weaker than him.

He did not dare to take out a colorful iron umbrella from his pocket. The umbrella bone pages were made of special materials, and a sharp gun head was cast at the tip of the umbrella.

Yaoqing fairy king held up a treasure umbrella, and Jianguang crackled on the umbrella surface, making a series of harsh friction sounds.

"you wanna die."

Yaoqing fairy king turned the treasure umbrella, and the fast rotating treasure umbrella blew a gust of wind, blocking countless light rain in front of it, stabbing Lin Lang in the opposite direction.

Lin Lang looked indifferent, his body flickered, and disappeared directly from the place. The next moment, he tore up the void and appeared behind Yao Qing's immortal king.

The King of Qing Dynasty seemed to have expected that, immediately turning the treasure umbrella, the sharp umbrella tip stabbed to Lin Lang heavily, the sound of breaking air sounded, Lin Lang's figure was torn in half.

Still afterimage!

In the heart of Yao Qing's immortal, he perceived carefully and finally realized the breath of Lin Lang. When he was about to raise his hand to attack, Lin Lang's breath disappeared without warning.

Lin Lang is all over the sky, and it is impossible to tell which one is his true body.


Countless Lin Lang launched an attack at the same time, Yao Qing's immortal king looked chaotic, his chest radiated a dazzling light, but in the light, it was a dark red shield.


Countless Lin Lang disappeared, and at this moment there was only one real body of Lin Lang left on the dark red shield, which quickly cracked and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

A half-step holy weapon was directly smashed by Lin Lang's punch.

"To what extent does his physical body reach!" Yao Qing's immortal king was shocked. He never expected that Lin Lang's physical body would be so strong, almost like a holy weapon.

of course.

This is during the battle. Even if the King of Qing Dynasty Yao was shocked in his heart, he could only press all the emotions at this moment and put all his mind on dealing with Lin Lang's moves.

The two kept fighting in the air. The King of the Qing Dynasty held a treasure umbrella in his hands. Zhang Heyou had the best of both defense and offense.


The cold mang flashed, and the Yaoqing fairy king **** a treasure umbrella, and the tip of the umbrella crossed Lin Lang's arm, leaving only a shallow white mark.

Lin Lang glanced down at his arm without surprise. When he was still in the heavenly realm, the physical body was already comparable to the condensed Tao realm of refining body.

Now that he has broken through to the realm of true immortality, the physical strength has naturally skyrocketed, and the strength of the immortal sacred is no less than the strength of the immortal sacred in the state of activating the silver pattern of heaven.

of course.

The holy weapon can still hurt him, but just to see who is in control of the holy weapon, the middle-level fairy king holding the holy weapon still poses a certain threat to him.

"It should be enough."

Yaoqing Xianwang only heard a cold voice coming from his ear, and his hot nose sprayed around his back neck, making him unconsciously fight a cold war.


Yao Qing Xian Wang suddenly turned around, and the Holy Umbrella leaned back without hesitation.

However, he made a splash.

On the front, a handful of blood blasted a sharp sword out of the chest of Yao Qing's immortal king, and the terrible sword gas directly smashed the internal organs of Yao Qing's immortal king.

Yao Qing's eyes gradually faded.

"Am I going to die."

The king of Yaoqing's eyes was dark, but he felt that his strength was exhausted, and even the most basic spiritual power could not be mobilized.

Lin Lang did not continue to hunt, turned and left. At this moment, a figure emerged from behind the Emperor Yaoqing Xian, and blasted forward.

Lin Lang turned back and hit the owner of the figure, shocking the man.

Lin Lang was also shocked by the huge strength of this palm. He didn't look at it, and the next moment he directly tore the domain door and disappeared in place.

A figure emerged from the darkness. This was a red-haired man, all covered in a thick layer of armor.

"Even he ran away, it was a pinnacle of immortals, and he had the strength no less than that of the middle-ranked immortal king. It seemed to be notified to prevent others from overturning in the gutter.

The red-haired man said to himself silently.


He sent everything from Lin Lang to the icy, smoky internal communication network, and soon caused a stir.

A peak true immortal has a combat power that is not inferior to the middle-level immortal king. Such things are very rare there.

I am afraid that even the Holy Sons of the Holy Land may not be able to achieve this level.

But they still chose to believe, because it was Yanxie who sent the news, an elder of the immortal king from Yansheng Palace, repairing that he has now approached the infinite state of mind.


After Lin Lang left, he entered the area of ​​fire and found a good place to hide.


The chase quickly arrived.

This pedestrian is led by a middle-level fairy king, and follows three early-ranked fairy kings. No matter where they go, this is a force that is not weak.

Lin Lang didn't dare to fight, he entangled with the four for a short time, and directly opened the domain door to leave.

Binghuoyunyantian is not used elsewhere, there are long-known fabled kings everywhere, although the first stage fairy kings occupy the vast majority.


There are also many middle-level fairy kings and peak fairy kings. There are even some fairy kings in the heavenly state of mind and ninety-nine percent.

Under such circumstances, once Lin Lang is entangled, it is estimated that there is only one dead end.

However, the group of followers behind him did not have a few simple roles, and some of them were good at deduction, and they could always figure out Lin Lang's hiding place.

It doesn't matter that in just one day, Lin Lang has encountered no less than ten battles. At first, he could still be entangled, but later, even the peak King Fairy joined the hunting queue.

at last.

Lin Lang was surrounded by a group of fairy kings. Looking around, there were no less than a hundred people. Among them, there were seven fairy kings at the peak, more than fifty intermediate kings, and twenty or thirty early kings.

There is also a heavenly state fairy king!

This lineup.

I am afraid that it is enough to push most of the forces across the world.

"You can run, but a group of us hurt you and found you like a cat all day long." A peak king of immortals said coldly.

"There's nothing nonsense with a true immortal." Taichu Fortress, the peak of fairyland, said lightly, "boy, surrender the Ganoderma Lucidum, you may still be alive today."

"I don't even have one plant of Ganoderma lucidum." Lin Lang shook his head. "If you are disappointed, a dozen plants of Ganoderma lucidum have been refined by me."


The emperor of Taichu Fortress sank his face: "The ganoderma lucidum contains strong and powerful power. As long as one strain is enough to make the 99% of the immortal kings realize the centuries of enlightenment, it will not be absorbed overnight."

"Since you are determined not to surrender the Ganoderma Lucidum, then stop talking nonsense, come and die!"

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