Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 937: Completely stunned

And outside.

At this moment two figures were galloping forward, leaping fast and landing near Ling Yunfeng.

"Brother Su, why do you think a good Master wants us to come to this broken place of Guanghanfeng, and there is no one to say that even a few miles away, even living people can't find one."

Complained a youth with a crown.

"No way, I am also practicing, and I received a message from Master saying that there was an abnormal boulevard fluctuation near Guanghan Peak. Let us check it out."

The man named Brother Su shook his head helplessly.

"This Guanghan Peak has been deserted for thousands of years, there is no reiki, and the inheritance is almost cut off. No disciple is willing to come here on weekdays, and there will be abnormal road fluctuations."

"Wait, brother, what did you just say?" Another young man froze for a moment, and quickly asked the other person to repeat what he had just said.

"I said that the inheritance of Guang Hanfeng is about to sever ... Yeah! It is said that Guang Hanfeng was once one of the fourth house countless years ago and was founded by a demon fairy emperor."

"Maybe there will really be a legacy!"

The two looked at each other.

Although there have been countless disciples of Jiao Yuezong's ideas after Guang Han Palace's withering, these people almost turned Guang Han Peak to the bottom and found no immortal inheritance.

Nowadays there are abnormal boulevard fluctuations. Doesn't it mean that if they are lucky, they could really accidentally find the heritage of Guanghan Palace? !!

Think of it here.

The hearts of the two were also hot, but that was the inheritance of the immortal class, and I am afraid that there is more than one.

You know, more than one immortal emperor was born on the ancestor of Guanghan Palace. Even if they leave something casual, it is absolutely shocking.

It is enough to change the ranking pattern of Baifeng right now.

As the two kept moving forward, gradually, the outline of Guang Han Palace was completely presented in front of the two.

"It is indeed one of the four palaces once. The size of this palace alone is enough to compare with most of the palaces in Jiaoyuezong."

Brother Su sighed, thinking that he was about to approach Guanghan Palace, even he was a little excited.

"Brother, there seems to be a girl over there." Another disciple reached out and pointed, looking down at his eyes, it was Jiang Xinyue who was practicing boxing.

"It's just a celestial being, and the practice is not very clever. So, Jiaoyuezong still has such a weak disciple?" Brother Su revealed a sorrow.

Although Jiaoyuezong is not as big as the Immortal Sect, non-true immortals will not accept it, but there are very few monks in the heavenly immortal realm, basically those who have just started.

"Take care of her, first stabilize her origin." Another disciple didn't care, the figure moved slightly, and the two were already standing in front of Jiang Xinyue.

"Little girl, which disciple are you from, how did you appear on Guang Hanfeng." Brother Su smiled and asked.

Jiang Xinyue also glanced at the two of them, and stopped moving in his hands until the end of this set of boxing methods, and then he closed the boxing in one go.

"I'm Guang Hanfeng's disciple, and you're here for treasure hunting too." Jiang Xinyue's tone was unusually cold, and she was used to such things.

When his parents were still alive, this group of people could converge a little bit, and when his parents left, there were often three or two groups of disciples of it who came to explore.

"Guang Hanfeng's inheritance hasn't ended yet?" The two disciples were a little surprised, but if you think about Jiang Xinyue's boxing skills, they shook their heads.

If Guang Hanfeng's inheritance is still there, is it still in front of him?

However, the two still did not give up, Brother Su stared at Jiang Xinyue and said in a commanding tone: "Tell us your magical powers."

As the only disciple on Guang Hanfeng, he was still skeptical that Jiang Xinyue might have hidden a certain kind of inheritance, so he demonstrated the magical power from beginning to end on the other side.

Based on their cultivation and eyesight, as long as the other party displays magical powers, it is easy to see from the clues whether the other party is lying.

Jiang Xinyue faced a cold face, but still did so. She also knew that she could not fight the two in front of her, and she simply showed her magical powers again.

"Okay, take me into the Guanghan Palace to take a look." Brother Su started talking faintly after not seeing anything unusual.

"You don't have to doubt my brother, if I still have the heritage of Guang Hanfeng, why is it only a fairyland now?"

"I'll show you guys."

Jiang Xinyue snorted.

"That's the best."

Until the two walked in, Brother Su immediately noticed the anomaly, and the nearby aura was extremely strong, and it didn't look like a mountain that had withered for a long time.


Brother Su's eyes flashed, but the surrounding area seemed to be covered by a peculiar array of formations, and they could only perceive the extraordinary aura fluctuations around them, and could not find the exact source.

"Little girl, what has happened to Guanghan Peak recently?" Brother Su asked, his eyes flashed.

"I grew up on the Guanghan Peak from an early age. If there is anything abnormal, I will also notice it the first time, but nothing really happened recently."

Jiang Xinyue shook her head.

"But what did you find?"

Jiang Xinyue faintly felt that this was not right, and also slashed and prepared to set each other's words. At that time, she was too focused on practicing boxing and did not notice the momentary change in Guanghan Palace.

"Dare you lie to me?" Brother Su's face suddenly became cold, and the coercion of Zhenxian Peak erupted instantly.

It was difficult for Jiang Xinyue to breathe.

"You don't have to doubt my brother, if I still have the heritage of Guang Hanfeng, why is it only a fairyland now?"

Jiang Xinyue said with gritted teeth.

"You deserve to call me Brother, and don't look at who you are." Brother Su snorted coldly.

"Where is this place?" Brother Su pointed to the room in front of him and asked casually.

Jiang Xinyue was extremely disgusted by the two in front of her, but the gap between them was so terrible that she could only answer daringly at this moment.

"This is my room. There is nothing strange about it," Jiang Xinyue said lightly.

"Is there anything special? You know how to lie to me." Brother Su started indifferently, and the overwhelming ability of the real immortal realm made him aware of the subtle differences in the aura here.

He went to the room and pushed the handle, but for the first time he couldn't push it open. Then he increased his strength, the door handles were all screwed by him, and he couldn't push the door at all.

"It's weird."

Brother Su's eyes flashed in his eyes. At this moment, strength was brewing, and lifting his feet to the door was a stun.

The door shattered and the debris flew out a few meters away.

An unusually pure aura rushed towards the face in an instant, allowing the two in front of them to instantly open the pores on their bodies, involuntarily operating and repairing.

"Is this ... Juling array?"

The two looked at each other and realized the problem at the same time. Jiang Xinyue's cultivation is only Tianxian Realm, and it is certainly impossible to arrange such a large-scale spiritual gathering in front of him.

And it also involves the power to gather the avenue, it is even more than a small Tianxian can cover.

At least the fairy king is eligible for decoration!

Jiang Xinyue also choked.

She remembered that when she came out in the morning, the room was still not like this, just after a day of work, how could the room suddenly change like this upside down.

"What the **** is going on?" Jiang Xinyue was also puzzled, only to feel that she was stunned.

Thinking again about the words of Brother Su previously, it quickly made her speculatively linger in her mind: "Murfei is the inheritance left by the ancestors ..."

"The Wudao stone is embedded in the ground, the real baby is underground!"

Brother Su and the two looked at each other, rushed into the room in unison, the magical powers bloomed in their hands, and almost plowed the floor of the room.


The two things Lin Lang buried in the ground were found out by the two, especially when they found the wooden sign with the word "Guanghan", which made them sure that the Guanghan Palace was in front of them.

"But why are there only these consumables here, and the magical powers only have the level of fairy king?" The brother frowned.

"That's not to say, someone must have found it and swallowed it first." Brother Su sneered and stared at Jiang Xinyue with a bad look.

"I told you before that you knew how to lie to us. Now it's time for us to settle accounts." Brother Su stared indifferently at Jiang Xinyue.

"First, I don't know what's going on. The room has become like this since I left the house in the morning."

"Second, if I had known that there was a tradition here, why would I leave them here again, wouldn't it be safer to put them in the Spirit Ring?"

Jiang Xinyue said lightly. In fact, there was a third statement in her mind, which was the only place she was puzzled.

If this is the wealth left by the ancestors of Guanghan Palace, why are there so many complete elixir, and it seems that the medicine is still fresh just after being picked.

Unfortunately, Brother Su had no interest in listening to her explanation, and cold murderousness appeared on his face. Only one dare to deceive him.


"Wait a minute, Brother Su." The brother on the side suddenly uttered a voice with a meaningful smile on his face.

"I think she's in a good shape. She wants to kill her, so let me enjoy it first."

"Anyway, no one knows that there is a female disciple on Guang Hanfeng at Jiao Yuezong. No matter what happens here, no one will follow up."

The younger brother's wicked eyes looked up and down on Jiang Xinyue. Although Jiang Xinyue was a little younger, she was at least a rare beauty.

Makes him very emotional.

"Then you hurry up."

Brother Su's face was light, and then he turned away. He has no interest in these things, and only cares about the heritage of Guang Hanfeng.

"Also, don't kill her first, it's better to ask about the inheritance of the Guanghan Palace from her mouth." Brother Su added, and he was going to the next room, invisible.

"Brother rest assured, I promise to let her obediently spit out the inheritance of Guanghan Palace." The brother smiled, reached out and grabbed the air in front of him, and slowly walked towards Jiang Xinyue full of evil.

Jiang Xinyue's eyes were cold, her palms were flipped, and a long sword appeared in her hand. She drove the flying sword across the air and stabbed to the opposite side.

"Little beauty, here I am."

The brother stretched out his hand, patted the flying sword in two, made a hungry wolf, and rushed in the direction of Jiang Xinyue.

Jiang Xinyue's expression remained indifferent, until a moment when the teacher was about to touch her body, a small dagger suddenly appeared.

Insert it directly into each other's chest.

"This is ... a quasi-holy weapon?"

The man showed a stunned expression, and soon smiled again, and reached out to pull out the dagger in his chest: "Fortunately, I have been wearing a goggles all the time, otherwise I really did the little girl's way."

He put away the dagger, and a golden goggle was exposed on his chest. The quasi-dagger did not hurt him at all, and did not leave any scars on the goggle.

In the absolute gap of power, even the quasi-holy dagger is difficult to kill a true immortal.


Jiang Xinyue was already desperate in her heart. The quasi-dagger was the last thing his parents left for her.

None of this can kill each other.

What else could she do? Since she couldn't resist, Jiang Xinyue clenched her silver teeth and made up her mind. She would die if she died.

"Hey, you are rebellious. The more you rebel, the higher your interest will be. You can also shout, in case someone comes to save you." Master Shi laughed.

Jiang Xinyue was even more desperate.

Guang Hanfeng's bird's-eye view is uninhabited, and it is impossible for a monk to pass by here on weekdays. She would shout her throat and no one would save her.

"Who said no one."

at this time.

There was a cold voice behind him suddenly. I looked around, but I didn't find the owner of the voice.

"Brother Su, don't make fun of my younger brother, so scared me, I can't play well." The younger brother said subconsciously.

There was no one else on Guang Hanfeng, and he took it for granted that the master of the voice was his so-called Brother Su.

"You **** it!"

Lin Lang's icy voice came out, and as the voice fell, his siblings were suddenly penetrated by an icy sword.

In an instant.

All the vitality around him was devoured, the light in the eyes of the whole man was no longer there, and he had completely died.

"what happened?"

Brother Su, who was next door, noticed the anomaly, and quickly rushed into the room. What caught my eye was the cold body of his brother-in-law.

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