Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 949: Imperial palace

Lin Lang glanced at Huang Dou secretly, the latter looked calm and did not show any unusual expression.

A blink of an eye.

Under the leadership of Huang Dou, a group of people rushed to the imperial city of the Susu dynasty. The whole body of the imperial city was paved with spiritual jade and exotic gold.

However, these are not much for disciples who are used to seeing the prosperous sacred place in the fairyland. Lin Lang glanced slightly, and then followed Huang Douyi into the imperial city.

Inside the imperial city, outside the imperial palace.

A group of high-ranking officials from the Su Su dynasty have long been waiting outside the palace. They are led by national officials and other people, all of them are big men calling for wind and rain on the stars.

"Large-leaf Xianzong noble guest came, and there was a long-distance welcome." When the country met Lin Lang, he smiled, and folded his arms with his hands.

Be humble and polite.

In contrast, Zuo Neisu, who was next to the state minister, was a little worse in this regard. He could not help asking when he saw Lin Lang coming alone.

"Excuse me, Lord Ye Zongzong only came here, didn't he say that there are still two immortal kings who are in a perfect state?"

"Yes, I'm a real fairy."

Lin Lang smiled indifferently.

The eyes of the national government turned, his mind was quick, and he quickly rounded the field and said, "Zuo Neixi had no intention, but I heard that the three Yexian Zongs came to the day star. If they missed the other two, it would inevitably make the Su dynasty entertain. "

"The State Minister is polite."

Lin Lang nodded slightly.

"Haha, now that the great Yexian Zongzhao came to the sun, he must show you the customs and customs of the sun, please." The state minister reached out to invite and took the initiative to divert the topic.

"Bai Rixing is best known for its Reach chicken, which has a variety of methods. Among them, the best chef is Jingshi, Tianlei quenched body, and amethyst aquatic salt is the most delicious."

"As a unique hen chicken on the sun, Rachel chicken has been delivered to many well-known restaurants in Xianjie as a raw material."

"There is also the most famous Sanin dance in the local area, which was once a celebration dance dedicated to weddings and marriages of the ancestors of the sun ..."

The State Minister personally accompany Lin Lang, and the officials of the Su dynasty behind him began to explain to Lin Lang some of the customs and customs of Bai Rixing.

Lin Lang didn't have much interest, but since the state minister introduced them one by one, he did not refuse too much.

He naturally knew what the latter figure was, and it was nothing more than to associate with a holy holy disciple, which would be of great benefit to the future development of the Su Su dynasty and even the sun.

Even if Lin Lang is just a true immortal today, he may be selected by the Emperor Xianzong, and one day he will grow up to the top of the Emperor Xianzong, the benefits are endless.


The state minister arranged Lin Lang into the messenger station in the palace, which is also the place of second only to the palace of the imperial palace.

A hundred years ago, this was also the place where the envoys of various countries visited. In recent years, with the rise of the Mengtang Army, the major dynasties in the past have collapsed.

Emperor Wu Su did not meet Lin Lang directly, but arranged everything to the next day. As the monarch of a country, no matter in terms of etiquette or majesty, it was impossible for him to summon guests directly.

Huang Su Huang did not show up, but it does not mean that everyone will miss this first day.

Among them, the princes of the Su Su dynasty, when they heard that Lin Lang rushed to the capital, their hearts began to move.

At the same time, the stars of the day sun started to attach themselves. In addition to the terrible monks' deterrence of the Great Leaf Fairy, the industry is also spread throughout the fairy realm.

What they are asking for is just a way out. As long as they are willing to work hard and trust others, large-scale profits in the future will not be a problem at all.

In the afternoon, several people visited the messenger station, but most of them ate behind closed doors.

of course.

Except for the great prince.

Not that it was because of the identity of the prince, but that the prince was the first to arrive. At first Lin Lang didn't know the purpose of the latter. In addition, the staff of the prince relied on his three-inch tongue. Lin Lang reluctantly agreed to a dinner hosted by the great prince next night.

Hand out an invitation to Drunk Dream House.

It was evening, and it was evening.

Lin Lang casually pointed out the manager of a messenger station, and touched it in accordance with the address of the drunk dream house given by the great prince.

Originally, the great prince was going to send someone to meet him as a guest. However, Lin Lang had always disliked the feeling of riding an eight-lift car and simply refused to walk to the address given by the great prince.

The address given by the great prince is Bai Rixing's well-known restaurant, Drunk Dream House, located on the edge of the imperial city. It has a great reputation and is known as the "Outer Palace".

Drunken Dream House is like a small palace, which is extremely luxurious, whether it is a beautiful maiden demon Ji, delicious Jinzun jade wine, spirit beast food.

Usually, here are the places where senior officials and nobles in the imperial city are qualified to come, ordinary people, etc. Even the son of the prime minister may not be qualified to set a place in the drunk dream building.

Even as the emperor of the dynasty, he has come to Zuimenglou many times, making it the hottest spot for the rich and powerful in the sun.

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