Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 987: Bone Territory

It took only a few moments for the Red Cloak Bone to appear to kill. It was already too late when Lin Lang noticed that he was preparing to stop.

"Finally there is someone who can see it a little bit." The red cape bones saw Lin Lang appear, and finally smiled.

"You are the master of this spirit stone vein. The third warlord under the throne of this snake bone, bone China, I will have this spirit stone vein and your holy bone."

The red cape bones spoke directly.

Lin Lang was not in a mood to chat with him. As soon as the magical power came out, all his fingerprints were overwhelming.

"Any ants."

Gu Hua sneered. In his opinion, even if Lin Lang's magical powers seemed strangely powerful, after all, his cultivation was limited, and how powerful was he?

But soon.

He paid the price for his arrogance. Even though he was in contact with the Seal, he was as fragile as Lin Lang's magical power.

The magical power passed by, and Bone Hua flew backwards if he was severely hit.

"You know, the bone race is the most annoying race." Lin Lang walked in front of Gu Hua, twisted his feet gently, and stepped his bones into powder.

"Leave me, I am the general under the throne of snake bones, the bone leader of the fifteenth district of Fuyunhai, killing me will cause you great trouble." Gu Hua threatened.

"If you've heard about the 14th district of Fuyunhai, you shouldn't come over to die."

When the voice fell, Lin Lang's feet rested on Gu Hua's head and stepped on it gently. Gu Hua's skull turned into a few points, and two faint green ghost fires dissipated.

The dead lights go out.

"It seems that it's time to pay a visit to the neighbors nearby." He swept away, and he could see all the scenes in the vast area.

In this area of ​​thousands of miles, counting his spiritual stone veins, there is also a crystalline crystal mine, and the saint's grave in the hands of the bones.

It is just that the Yanjing Mine is not in the hands of the Yan clan, but is occupied by a group of monks.

Yanjing veins are only useful to the Yan people or monks who practice the practice of Yan attributes, and they are not very useful in the hands of the Ming people.

But this does not prevent them from taking this off-site bag, even if they don't have the required training materials, they can still exchange the mined materials for things like gypsy.

Fuyunhai has such a place.


The distance of ten thousand miles is not too far for Lin Lang, just a few turning efforts. After a few breaths, Lin Lang appeared in a dense primitive jungle.

Not far in front of him, a blue tombstone was erected in an inconspicuous grass field, with a complex Sanskrit engraved on it.

At the foot of Lin Lang is the saint's tomb occupied by the Bone.

"Get out of here."

Lin Lang stomped calmly, and the wind rose on the ground, and then the ground trembled, as if the sky was falling apart, and the surrounding soil layer began to collapse.

The earth and rocks collapsed and soon plowed out a bottomless abyss. The green grass and green grass have been swept deep into the ground by the dirt, and hundreds of thousands of ancient trees have grown into the abyss along with the rhizomes.

boom! Boom!

After a few loud noises.

In the abyss, there is a magnificent and vast underground palace with a diameter of seven miles. Looking out, it is an endless golden palace.

"How could such a sage's tomb appear?" Lin Lang frowned, lost in thought.

The master of the fairy king level is enough to cross the fairy realm, and you will be treated no matter where you go. But why is there an underground palace buried with the remains of hundreds of immortals?

It looks more like a funeral.

But now is not the time to think about it. In the underground palaces, the horrified bone celebrities appear one after another.

"Who dares to stray here?"

In the whistling sound, a strong bone race rushed into the sky, with as many as seven or eight people confronting Lin Lang.

"Human, how brave!"

One of the bones scolded sharply.

These people are mediocre, there are only two top Tianjiao, and the others are the most common but perfect, not very strong.

"Where the King of the Snake Bone is, let the neighbors call and let him come out to die." Lin Lang said lightly.

"you wanna die!"

Several members of the Bone clan were furious and did not need any explanation at all. The hostile positions of the two sides were destined to be born and die once they met.

Moreover, Lin Lang descended directly and smashed their palace.

"Because you aren't worthy of being my opponent." Lin Lang grunted coldly, moving his seal in his hands, and a continuous and unbroken mountain suddenly appeared behind him.

Shenshan came down from the sky with a mighty force, shook the space, and made a loud sonic boom.

Several members of the Bone Clan did not dare to carelessly, and they urged the magical powers, surrounded by qi, such as swamps and anger waves.


The vortex formed by the Shenshan Mountain and the violent gas collided violently, the world shivered, and in the confrontation of the masters of the fairy kings, the countless virgin forests nearby evaporated to powder.

Bang Bang!

The seven Bone Clan members stepped back, each step falling on the fragile space of Luo Xingxing, will step out a crack in the space.

"Please be careful, his practice is not as simple as it seems." Tianguo, a top skeletal voice, said in a loud voice.

"It's useless to join forces."

Lin Lang looked as usual and walked in the air. Each step of the fall caused perfect resonance in the surrounding space, and ripples of space swept across.

"Prisoner's finger!"

A bone celebrity screamed with arrogance, pointed at his fingertips, and evoked a dark black hole vortex in front of him, devouring all light.

This is a holy magical power that is not weak. Even in the same realm, few people can block this attack.

The fingerprints dropped quickly, and Lin Lang was about to hit. However, the next moment, Lin Lang's figure t suddenly disappeared strangely.

Wait for him to appear again.

Already came to a bone tribe Tianjiao, his fingers resting on the latter's head, a brilliant light burst out.


The bone tribe Tianjiao instantly exploded into pieces.

"He's behind!" Tianjiao, a top skeletal voice, said in a deep voice. "I use the space twisting method to imprison him, you come to attack."

have to say.

Every monk of Tianjiao level is irreproducible. Although the fighting strength is very different, the means are not the same.

For example, the bone clan in front of him is actually good at some space means. The individual combat power is sparse, but it is invincible to cooperate with other crowds.

He sealed the space with magical powers, Lin Lang could also feel that the space around him was imprisoned by an inexplicable force, as if falling into the field of gravity, and his movement became slow.

"Using space means to deal with me is indeed effective, but unfortunately your accomplishments on the Avenue of Space are too poor to trap me."

Lin Lang said faintly.

His handprints changed frequently, and there were faint sounds of birds, beasts, fish, and insects around him, and it seemed that the water was flowing quietly, making people feel refreshed and unconscious.

"All ways are natural."

At this moment Lin Lang's palm was gently pressed down, Nature Avenue swept out, and the space around him returned to his control.

at the same time.

Gravity fields gush out, enveloping the nearby ten-mile area.

If the previous spatial twist of the bone group could limit Lin Lang's actions, then in the field of gravity at this time, several bone groups were completely out of step.


Lin Lang reached out a little, and the bone monk closest to him exploded, blowing all the skulls into the air.


It was about to escape, but a beam of magical power swept over, completely ending his life.


Every time Lin Lang stepped out, accompanied by the sound of a bone monk's body bursting, five steps fell, and several bone monks were dead and wounded.

Alive at this moment, there is only a top-level Tianjiao of the bone race. He is not weak, but he has broken the constraints of the field of gravity in a short time.

At this time, he saw the death of several of his family members, and there was still a war-thinking thought. He turned his head and ran, almost smashing several peaks with a panic attitude.


Without waiting for him to run far, he suddenly hit a "thick wall", which was so strong that he bumped himself out.

He looked up to see what wall was in front of him, but a skeleton with a height of 30 meters, a snake tail and a dark green bone.

The bones are not all human bodies, some are born with animal bones, and the type of bones determines their status.

Just like the words of human blood.

Nine-winged bone phoenix, colorful bone dragon, and eight-armed bone demon, etc. These are the very high-ranking species in the bone family, born with strong talents.

There are even rumors that the Bone Tribe was originally a dead monk who regained his life and was born into an alternative life through a certain strange power.

But obviously.

At present, the snake bone king is not so high-born, and belongs to the middle reaches in the bone family, and is not so prominent. Even now, his cultivation is a little accumulated by him.

"His Royal Bone Serpent, you came back just right, this is ..." The Tianjiao of the bone clan couldn't help but show his joy and quickly spoke.

"Well, I already know."

The snake bone king said lightly.

Turning around, he drove forward the body as high as a mountain, and the snake-tailed skeleton walked around in front of Lin Lang.

"Human, what's your name?"

King Serpent Bone descended, and two groups of ghosts swayed, looking at Lin Lang calmly.

"According to the 14th district of Fuyunhai, you can call it a bone hunter." Lin Lang smiled, and he could feel that the snake bone king on the opposite side was definitely not weak.

It should probably be similar to the epiphysis, and the quasi-son child Tianjiao. If it was half a year ago, Lin Lang faced such a series of monks and ran away.

But now, he has cultivated hundreds of avenues in his body to the level of Xiaocheng. The avenue is one, and even if he encounters the master of the child, he has the confidence of a battle.

"Oh it's you."

The Serpent King's eyes were full of cold mansions, and sneered: "Then you will be more terrible and kill you. In the future, the King of the Bone Clan will kill the flames of the bones."

"It doesn't matter what you plan on, and you didn't want you to go back alive." Lin Lang smiled and talked here, his avenue roared in his body, and silver lines covered the sky.

Ready for battle!

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