Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 60 Testing Talent

Xia Dongsheng and the three sect elders on the stage looked very ugly at this time. A mere prime minister didn't take them seriously!

Xia Dongsheng was even more disgusted. Three sect elders were here, and the prime minister did this, which made him very embarrassed!

Just because his son didn't come out, he blatantly used wire to scare the young people in the field!

"Yang Lin, this is too much. I know you love your son very much, but the road to martial arts is dangerous, and the secret realm is extremely dangerous. Falling is also normal."

"You are my prime minister, don't let others laugh at you!"

At this time, Yang Lin was extremely angry. His son was dead, but Xia Dongsheng's words also made him a little helpless. He still had to give the emperor face!

"My son is the Ten-Star Martial King. So many people can come out safe and sound. It is impossible for my son to die like this. Someone must have killed him using despicable means. If I find out who it is, I will definitely let him be buried with him."

Then he retreated angrily!

Lin Fei thought to himself!

"Only a fool would admit that he killed Yang Wei at this time."

The unscrupulous Lin Fei stood on the stage calmly, not affected by this guy's momentum at all!

Yang Lin saw Lin Fei's calmness and couldn't help but look at Lin Fei twice when he stepped off the stage!

Then he thought that a boy who came out earlier seemed to be his son's subordinate, so he immediately ordered people to catch that boy!

""Perhaps we can get something out of his mouth! ""

Then Xia Dongsheng said: Take out your tokens, count the top 300, and eliminate all the remaining ones!

Lin Fei ranked third with more than 2,000 points. The first and second place were Liang Yong, the son of the general, and Yan Wu, the son of King Bingjian!

This ranking actually doesn't mean much, and Lin Fei doesn't care!

The two girls achieved good results, ranking fourth and fifth respectively, and the second prince ranked tenth!

But surprisingly, Lin Feng and Chen Shuai were eliminated. According to their strength, they shouldn't be!

Lin Fei asked the two of them doubtfully!

"What's going on with you two? It's so embarrassing that you can be eliminated even though you are a four-star Martial King."

The two said angrily: "Lin Fei, you want to avenge us two. We met brothers Wang Cheng and Wang Yu in the ruins. They found a group of people to besiege us."

"If you want to kill us, we have no choice but to crush the token to save our lives."

Lin Fei took the opportunity to look at the two brothers. Wang Cheng and Wang Yu looked at Lin Fei provocatively!

"Made, these two guys should have been destroyed last time. I will make them look good when I find a chance!"

"What about the two of us, Lin Fei?" the two of them said helplessly!

"You two go back to the inn first. You will return to the family in two days. With the pills I have prepared for you, your cultivation speed will not necessarily be worse than in the sect."

Lin Fei comforted them, and the two of them left the palace and returned to the inn!

At this time, the top three hundred have been counted, and the results will be announced!

Xia Dongsheng said leisurely: "Although this ranking does not represent your strength, there may be stronger ones who have been eliminated early."

"But in the path of martial arts, talent is very important, but sometimes luck is also an aspect of strength!"

"Those who have been eliminated will be sent away. You will still have the opportunity to participate in the competition in three years' time, so work hard!"

"The remaining people are ready to take part in the second round of assessment!"

Some of those who were eliminated were dejected, some were annoyed, and some were unwilling, but they all had no choice but to leave the palace!

Lin Fei thought to himself: "My father-in-law's words are quite reasonable. Luck is also a part of strength."

"It's like if I'm lucky, there is a system that is like cheating, haha"

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little proud!

"The second round of assessment tests talent and strength!"

"One hundred and fifty people will be selected to advance to the next round based on their comprehensive talent and strength"

Xia Dongsheng said loudly:

Then several people brought a stone tablet to test talent and strength!

The remaining three hundred people are basically in the realm of martial kings, and the worst are ten-star martial spirits!

Generally, their talents are not very bad, but Lin Fei is a little worried. He doesn't know what his talent is. Before he came here, he was a waste known to everyone!

The remaining people on the stage are ranked according to the last person to start the test first, and then start the test in turn!

The first one jumped onto the stage directly and reported his name. The recorder signaled this person to shoot a stream of true qi or true essence into the stone tablet!

After the true qi was injected into the stone tablet, the stone tablet began to react and the stone tablet began to emit light. After the light dissipated, the strength and talent level would be displayed on the stone tablet!

This stone tablet is not simple. Only the sect has it. Even the Dongxia Dynasty did not have such a thing to test talent and strength, or maybe it had it before!

However, Lin Fei couldn't figure out how this thing was tested, and he didn't understand the principle.

He only heard the recorder say: "Li Nan, superior talent, ten-star martial spirit!"

The people behind came up one by one!

"Wang Tie, medium talent, three-star martial king"


Basically, they all had medium and superior talents, and there were very few with top talents!

Even Lin Jiao and Lin Yu who had eaten Lin Fei's marrow cleansing pills were only superior talents!

Only the second prince and another unknown person had top talents!

Soon it was Chen Ling'er's turn. Chen Ling'er slowly injected a stream of true energy. At first, the stone tablet didn't react!

Later, the stone tablet suddenly emitted a dazzling light, which startled the recorder next to it, and the three martial emperor elders on the stage also stood up suddenly!

A talent that is rarely seen in a thousand years. If such a genius does not die halfway, he can at least achieve the realm of martial saint in the future!

Then the Wuhuang of Xiaoxiang Sect in the middle said: "This girl is decided by Xiaoxiang Sect"

The remaining two elders, although hindered by the strength of Xiaoxiang Sect, still refused to be outdone and said: This depends on the girl's own choice, fair competition!

The elder of Xiaoxiang Sect snorted coldly and sat back!

""Let's wait and see""

After the light faded, the stone tablet only showed that the strength was ten-star Wu Wang, and the talent was displayed? ? ? !

It seems that it exceeds the ability of the stone tablet to detect!

The recorder then excitedly said: "Chen Ling'er, ten-star Wu Wang, extraordinary talent"

Such an extraordinary talent is rare in a thousand years. I didn't expect to meet one by myself. It's unbelievable!

Later, it was Xia Ruoxue's turn to test. Xia Ruoxue also injected a true essence, and the stone tablet was the same as Chen Ling'er!

This completely shocked the three elders of the sect. There are actually two geniuses who are rare in a thousand years!

Although talent is not a necessary condition for a warrior to become a peerless strongman, people with good talent definitely have a greater chance of becoming a peerless strongman!

Several major sects wanted to take both women into their own sects, so that they could perhaps train two peerless masters in the future!

In fact, they still underestimated the two women. Both women had special physiques, one with an ice spirit body and the other with a water spirit body. Their future achievements would be far more than that!

Several sect elders were already considering how to get the two women to join their own sects!

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