Heroes of the Storm Lord Chapter 125 "The Great Cleanup" Plan

A few days later, an army of the undead empire came to the vicinity of the Glacier Valley.

They were shocked to find that a square crater with a side length of ten kilometers and a depth of five kilometers appeared in front of them.

The weird thing is that the edge of this huge deep pit is neat, as if it was cut out by someone with the sharpest knife!

Soon, the high-level executives of the undead empire got this strange news, and together with this news, there was an even more strange thing.

The supreme commander of the Western Theater Command, the elder of the House of Lords, the second son of the Marquis of Jinshan [Winchester Hidado], and the golden general [Luisette Hidado] has lost contact!


In the afternoon of the same day, a six imperial carriage drove out of the west gate of the capital of the undead empire [New Vikingia].

The horror is that the six horses pulling the cart are not living creatures, but skeleton horses!

But unlike ordinary white bone skeletons, the bones of these six skeleton horses are all red, as bright as blood, and their texture is as crystal clear as ruby!

The six skeleton horses that looked like rubies withered were very fast, and when they ran, they flew like a blood-colored lightning across the sky.

Before nightfall, the carriage came to the vicinity of the big pit, and a tall and thin skeleton man with a golden skeleton in a delicate robe walked down. In his empty eye sockets, the purple soul fire condensed and formed, like two shining high Amethyst.

Surprisingly, the skeleton man's eyebrows were slightly cracked, and a blood-red octagonal diamond was embedded in it, just like the third eye!

Behind the three-eyed skeleton man, six ruby ​​skeleton horses turned into six red-bone skeleton guards, standing respectfully behind the three-eyed skeleton.

This three-eyed skeleton is none other than the Elder of the Undead Empire, the contemporary Marquis of Jinshan [Winchester Hidado]!

A great noble with monstrous power, a twelfth-order powerhouse with epic peak strength!

The next moment, Jinshan Hou Winchester took a step forward, volleyed to the top of the giant pit, and shot a blood-colored beam of light from his eyebrows, sweeping in all directions...

When his eyes swept in a certain direction, he stopped.

There, he discovered the aura left by his second son, Lewis, who had exploded in power.

Going back along the breath, I found that my son's breath suddenly disappeared when it entered the edge of the square giant pit!

At this moment, the pair of amethysts in his eyes trembled slightly.

The next moment, the ruby ​​between his eyebrows shone away the light, the two amethysts in the eye sockets also stopped shaking, and the whole person's breath was completely silent.

"Luizt encountered an irresistible existence in this place, and was sucked into the void together with the ground under his feet, leaving behind this huge pit in front of him..."

"The good news is, standing here, I can sense that Lewis' soul fire is still burning, and his strength is even stronger than ever!"

"This place happens to be where the teleportation formation of the two realms is located, so will the powerful existence that Louise encountered be the Black Dragon Lord?"

"Unlikely, the black dragon lord [Nefarian? Wings of Fear] is a cooperative relationship with me, and he will never attack my son for no reason!"

"Could it be a third-party force?"

"In any case, send someone to the underground world to find out!"

"My nephew [McLaren] has a close relationship with [Lewister], so I'll send him there to investigate the clues in the underground world..."

"It's a pity that the teleportation formation between the two realms was also taken into the void by that mysterious being, so I can only go through the two realms passage in the imperial capital. Although the road is a bit far, I have to pass through the territory of another black dragon lord..."

"The million-dollar army in the Western Theater Command is one of the foundations of my governance, and I cannot afford to lose it. Now that my second son, Luist, is missing, the eldest son [Chahatai] needs to stay in the imperial capital to help me handle government affairs, so let the younger son [Skaiwei] It's good to act as a proxy for the military for the time being."

"Skaway is two hundred and thirty-three years old,

It's time to contribute to the family! "


Had Winchester had come a few days earlier, he would have discovered the traces left by the march of the Mukron Corps.

However, the overall strength of the Mukron Legion is too weak, the level is too low, and the mysterious power of the fog of war at night can easily erase all the breath of the Mukron Legion that once appeared here.

And his second son, the golden general Luist, was too strong and his rank was too high, far beyond what the Mukron Corps could match.

Even the strange and mysterious fog of war cannot be erased in a short period of time, the imprint left by an epic powerhouse when his power erupted.


Two days later, Winchester's youngest son, Skyway Hidado, was appointed by the Congress as Lieutenant General Silver, serving as the interim supreme commander of the Western Theater of the Empire.

Although Lieutenant General Skagway is two hundred and thirty-three years old, his strength is far inferior to his two older brothers, and he has no prestige in the army.

Although it is said that the generals and soldiers in the western theater of the empire are above the average, they are all the direct descendants of the [Xidado] family.

But in any case, for the airborne lieutenant general, how to replace his brother in charge of this huge army is still a big test.

After taking office, Skagway did not change the strategic layout of the southern front, but strengthened the vigilance in the rear and launched a strategic plan called [Great Sweeping].

At the same time, Skagway recruited mercenaries aggressively, dispatched an army of more than 300,000 people, divided into hundreds of thousands of patrols, and swept the rear of the western theater day and night.

The intention is to completely crack down on the penetration of the forces of the Angel Empire into the western theater and ensure the safety of their own logistics.

Soon, news spread, and tens of thousands of players signed up to join the patrol team in the name of mercenaries in order to obtain merits and rewards.

With the help of the army of the undead empire, they fought wits and bravery with the enemy camp players who entered the territory of the undead empire, and launched a tit-for-tat life and death competition.


For several days in a row, the Mukron Corps encountered more than a dozen army patrols of the Undead Empire on the vast snowy plains in the southern area of ​​New Triskru, and the battle became more and more fierce.

"Fairy Wood"

Although the Mukron Corps was victorious in successive battles, it used guerrilla tactics to destroy tens of thousands of enemies.

But this powerful expeditionary force behind the enemy has also become a thorn in the side of the enemy camp.

This time, there is no need for the players of any hostile camp to burn money and shout, the Mukron Corps has become a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats.

After all, this time, with the support of the commander-in-chief of the western theater of the undead empire, all players on the side of the undead camp regarded the Mukron Legion as a piece of fat.

Even if you can't swallow it alone, it is a good choice to join a gang and share it.

In this regard, I feel that the pressure from the south is increasing, and a discussion has quickly started within the Mukron Corps.

"Legion Commander, you can't continue to go south. Now the players and military forces of the enemy camp are coming over like mad dogs. If you don't run away, it will be too late!"

"Most of the Angel Empire troops that have sneaked into the enemy's rear have been wiped out. We have become fleas on the bald head. The better the record, the faster we die!"

Of course, there are also players who have different opinions.

"Our current location is only 300 kilometers away from the northern battlefield, and we have come to the expedition of tens of thousands of miles. As long as we can return to Hechuan Town smoothly, everyone can get a lot of merits. Do you want to fight?"

Immediately, a player retorted: "What are you fighting for?"

"The Empire of Angels and the Empire of the Undead have fought with millions of troops on the northern battlefield. Every few hundred meters, there are military fortresses and patrols of different sizes..."

"Now that the [Great Sweeping] operation has been launched in the Western Theater of the Undead Empire, several other theaters have also cooperated to strengthen the blockade on the border..."

"It's a typical way of opening the door and slamming the thief, then closing the door and hitting the dog—"

"Don't you see, have most of the other troops sneaking behind the enemy rushed to the street?"

"I don't think we hundreds of people can rush past no matter what!"

For a time, the players were divided into two factions and a heated discussion began.


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