Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 186 Bloody Corps, closing the net

After hearing that General Rommel's whereabouts were unknown, the captain of the bodyguard Nina was unconscious, and the rest of the soldiers had a high probability of falling to ashes.

The face of this elf female marshal became ugly, how could it be like this?

Soon, Marshal Memphella regained his composure and asked.

"The surviving Mr. Hegel, did he leave any magic video footage?"

General Carlenza shook his head, his face was very gloomy, and he replied in a tone full of suspicion.

"No, the other party claimed that he was in a coma at the time. After waking up, all his weapons and equipment were turned to ashes, and no magic items were left behind..."

"Cousin, you said that this matter was a conspiracy from the beginning?"

Marshal Memphella was noncommittal about this, but just said something sullenly.

"As long as Nina can wake up, the truth of all the facts will be clear!"

"Before that, don't jump to conclusions."

"We will not treat any friend badly, and we will never spare any enemy!"

"Notify Mr. Hegel and thank him for everything he has done for the Golden Dragon Empire."

"During this time, ask him to take care of Nina on his behalf. When they return to Ammanscus, I will honor my promise and grant him the titles of Baron of the Golden Dragon Empire and Baron of the Nine-headed Dragon Empire!"


When the future double imperial baron, His Excellency Mukelon Hegel, went south quickly along the eastern coastline of the Balzers Peninsula.

The Barbarian Empire's "Grand Duke of Steel", the supreme commander of the Northern Theater Command, and the so-called "Invincible Cannon" His Highness [Genison Will Kluleon] also received news of the destruction of the Great Rift Valley base.

Unexpectedly, the marshal didn't change his expression at all, he just nodded and said he understood, and then stopped asking about it.

On the contrary, beside him, a barbarian general in fiery red armor carefully mentioned.

"Master, how do you explain the hell demon camp?"

Marshal Gnison said something sternly.

"The base and the war machinery have already been handed over to them, and I even left them a guard army, which is sincere enough."

"As for what happened next, what does it have to do with us?"

"Let them investigate by themselves, and say that it is likely to be a surprise attack launched by the Angel Empire."

The barbarian general in red armor nodded, but still hesitated.

"However, according to the information under our control, the enemy general who led the attack on the Great Rift Valley base this time is likely to be Rommel, the sky general of the Golden Dragon Empire!"

Marshal Genison sneered: "Our cooperation with the Hell Demon camp is just a transaction, not a formal alliance."

"We are not obliged to share intelligence with each other. Both parties investigate their own and rely on their own abilities."

"Even if the other party finds out that this was done by Rommel, if you want to settle the account, you have to go to the Golden Dragon Empire and go to Meng Feila. I'm so eager!"

"As for the lost war machines in those bases, whoever destroys them will be responsible for compensation."

The Red Armor General nodded and said nothing.

Next, the war meeting continued.

A general who had just come down from the front for a meeting stood up.

"Commander, all kinds of war machines on the front line are now severely damaged, and our army's offensive has been frustrated one after another. We must replenish war machines as soon as possible to maintain strong pressure!"

A clerk next to Marshal Genison replied immediately.

"General Harry, rest assured, a new batch of war machines will be delivered to the front line within two days!"

Then, he added another sentence.

"In addition, our army's two new large-scale manufacturing bases have already started production, and it is expected to increase the output of war machinery by 50% within a month."

At this time, a general who rushed to the front from the rear stood up to report.

"Commander, five of the nine strongholds between Monsa City and Russ stronghold have been restored and rebuilt. It is planned to add two additional medium-sized strongholds to strengthen the security of the logistics supply route."

"However, the group of enemies who attacked the stronghold before has not been found yet."

Marshal Gnison nodded and didn't ask any further questions.

Right now, his eyes are on the front line of Ammanscus.

In his opinion, the small group of bandits in the rear should be the remnants of the enemy army. At most, they can only harass some small strongholds, and loot some war slaves by the way, which is nothing to worry about!

Immediately afterwards, he asked the secretary beside him.

"Where is the Blood Boy Corps now and when will they be able to get to the front?"

The secretary replied: "According to the scheduled plan, the Blood Boy Soldiers will arrive in Monsa in three days, and it will take about a month to reach the front line."

After a moment of contemplation, Marshal Genison suddenly spoke up and made an important decision.

"If I guessed correctly, [Green Fox] Rommel and the main force of the Sky Knights under his direct command should have been destroyed in the Great Rift Valley Base with a high probability, and the other air forces in Ammanscus City are no longer able to confront our air force head-on. —"

"Air dominance on the battlefield will be firmly in our hands!"

"Generals, please be sure to break through the second line of defense outside Ammanscus within a month, at all costs!"

"After the [Blood Boy Soldiers] arrive, we will concentrate all our forces to destroy the last line of defense in Ammanscus in one fell swoop, and completely capture the most important and dazzling pearl on the Balses Peninsula!"

The generals stood up collectively, with their right hands across their chests, and shouted in unison.

"As ordered!"

Immediately afterwards, Marshal Genison also stood up and made a right-handed cross-chest movement like the generals.

"For His Majesty the Emperor!"

"For the Barbarian Empire!"





[Blood Boy Corps] - One of the three ace regiments of the Barbarian Empire, but the regiment has only a thousand soldiers in its entire army.

But every soldier in this corps is at least the eighth-order [Blood Boy Cyclops]!

The captain of the ten-man team is required to reach the ninth-rank strength, and the status is equivalent to the commander of the ten thousand commander in the general army.

The generals and officials above the centurion are all epic powerhouses, and every one of them is a genuine general!

As for the captain of the thousand, that is, the chief commander of the [Blood Boys Corps], he is a four-star gold general with a status equivalent to that of a deputy marshal!

For thousands of years, the [Blood Boy Soldiers] have been the forbidden army guarding the capital of the barbarian empire, and there is almost no record of being dispatched to expeditions.

But this time, because of the brilliant victory of Marshal Gnison on the front, he captured the southern part of the Balzers peninsula.

Therefore, the Barbarian Emperor decided to raise, and sent his strongest ace banned army, the [Blood Boy Soldiers], to the front line of the Balsais Peninsula to assist Marshal Gnisen to expand the victory.

However, the figure of the blood boy Cyclops soldier is too exaggerated, the individual height reaches 100 feet, and the weight exceeds 100,000 kilograms. From a distance, it looks like a hill.

In fact, the Blood Boy Cyclops was several times taller and burlier than the average seventh-order Cyclops.

They couldn't pass the long-distance teleportation array, and couldn't take vehicles and flying mounts, so they could only travel on foot.

This is also one of the reasons why the [Blood Boys] had never left the capital of the empire and was sent by the emperor to fight in other places.

Although the mobility is slightly insufficient, every Blood Boy Cyclops is a strategic terrorist existence.

They have a huge one-eyed on their foreheads, and the child's hole is blood-colored, so they are called blood-child Cyclops.

They can stimulate energy from the depths of the blood child, and shoot out a fiery red horror ray——

Where the fiery red eyes shine, everything is burned, and everything is annihilated!

These 1,000 Blood Boy Cyclops are equivalent to 1,000 strategic-level giant laser cannons!

Once this corps reaches the front line, and the Golden Dragon Empire is unprepared, the consequences are simply unimaginable!


Three days later, relying on the passive effect of the secret march, Mukron successfully passed through the southern part of the Balzers Peninsula controlled by the barbarian army, and once again set foot on the Hakaragan desert in the northern part of the Southern Wild World.

During this time, the barbarian commander Ser Chloe and his deputy, Roharg, were in charge of the desert stronghold reconstruction plan going very smoothly.

With the efforts of hundreds of thousands of war slaves, five strongholds have been successfully rebuilt on the site of the original nine desert strongholds.

Construction of the sixth desert stronghold also started a few days ago. At present, the foundation works of the four walls of the stronghold have been basically completed.

The project is progressing smoothly, and the military and political officials up and down the city of Monsa have made a lot of money in it.

Only Ser Chloe was a little depressed. Although he made a lot of money himself, his enemy never appeared.

Not to mention dwarves and golden pegasus, even the little thieves have never encountered, Ser Croyin and his four thousand dark wolf knights are actually useless.

And his deputy, Rohag, can only use one word to describe his performance during this period——

Rape, lazy, greedy, slippery!

Except for making money and sleeping, Rohag does nothing, even the daily patrol and alert, let the centurion below do it for him.

Although Lockharg was a thousand centurion, the ten centurions under his command were actually controlled by Ser Chloe.

And the other party's behavior of completely delegating power and lying flat also made Sir Croyin completely ignore this deputy.

However, Sir Croyn still despised this kind of behavior.

——How did a strange creature like Rohag become a thousand commander in the army of the barbarians?

What he didn't know was that while he despised Loharg, the other party began to plan how to deal with him!

Because, that night, Mukron once again appeared in the barracks in Rohag.

The first time he saw Rohag, Mukron said straight to the point.

"Loharg, now we can hurry up and close the net!"

Loharg thought for a while, then lowered his voice and whispered something.

"Your Excellency Hegel, you haven't appeared in this period of time, and Chloe is about to go crazy."

"We can set a trap, and Chloe will be fooled..."

The reason why he was in such a hurry to come back and collect the net was because Mu Kelong knew that the current situation was not good for the Golden Dragon Empire.

General Rommel's whereabouts are unknown, and the more than 10,000 high-level air forces who raided the Great Rift Valley base all fell to ashes...

Such a loss was simply worse for the defenders of the Golden Dragon Empire, who were already at a disadvantage.

At this time, if the barbarian army reacts quickly, it will immediately launch a full-scale attack.

In the case of losing the air superiority of the battlefield and a general, the two layers of defense outside the city of Ammanscus may not be able to hold!

At such a time, the guerrilla activities that Mukron carried out behind enemy lines were not only of little significance, but also faced great danger at any time.

Why don't you just grab a handful of Sheen and send Nina back to Ammanscus.

In this way, it is good to get the double baron title promised by Memphella, and it is safe to put it in the pocket, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

If it's too late, in case Ammanscus is smashed by the barbarian army, and the Golden Dragon Empire is defeated and lost, his baron doesn't know when he will be able to cash it!


The next morning, Loharg left his barracks, found his superior, Ser Chloe, and went straight to the point.

"Sir Chloe, I want to go back to Monsa City to report the recent progress of the project to Viscount Avayinde, and by the way, send troops to carry some materials back."

Ser Croyin understood that Loharg was going back to make an "offer" for his master.

The so-called "materials" are actually the money of Viscount Avayinder.

This kind of thing is not once or twice.

Chloe had no intention of offending Viscount Avayind, and naturally he would not interfere with it.

So he nodded, and in order to show concern for his subordinates, he also took the initiative to ask.

"Would you like me to send you some more cavalry to make sure you are safe!"

Loharg smiled and waved his hand politely.

"Thank you Sir Chloe, the question is where is the danger on the way?"

"It's enough for me to bring only the cavalry of the headquarters. You guard the stronghold and keep more cavalry by your side in case of unexpected events."

After speaking, Loharg turned and left.

Looking at the other party's back, Ser Chloe shook his head with a hint of contempt in his eyes.


With the marching speed of the wolf knights in the Gobi Desert, they could have arrived at the city of Monsa in the evening.

However, Loharg brought a lot of "materials" on this trip, so the speed was reduced a lot.

Even if there is no rest at night, the "materials" will be transported to Monsa City at noon the next day.

Similar things, Rohag has also operated safely five or six times in the past month, and it is expected that there is no risk.

But Ser Crowyn could not have imagined that, not long after nightfall that night, the fog of war had just risen for less than two hours—

The centurion of a dark wolf knight, bloodied all over his body, accompanied by three remnants of the wolf cavalry who lacked arms and legs, returned to the large construction site of the stronghold guarded by Sir Croyin with a look of panic.

"Your Excellency Chloe, Captain Rohag was attacked by an enemy on the way. He was cut down by a dwarf berserker with an axe. I don't know if he was alive or dead..."

"In addition, there are a large number of blood-winged eagle girls in the sky pulling bows and shooting arrows, and most of the thousand wolf cavalry are scattered, almost completely wiped out!"

"The humble post - the humble post fought a bloody path in the chaos, just to inform Your Excellency Chloe, please prepare early!"

Ser Chloe was shocked. Although the centurion was under the command of Loharg, he had already taken the bloodline secret medicine that he had refined by himself, so he would never be able to deceive himself.

At this moment, his face showed a variety of complex expressions such as anger, anger, entanglement, helplessness, etc., his mouth moved slightly, but he did not speak for a long time.


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