Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 216 Recruiting black physique?

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Bluefrost Castle was originally a small town on the eastern border of the Titan Empire. After marching east for more than 100 kilometers, Mu Kelong and his party entered the Ruhr Prairie.

At the turn of summer and autumn, the sun is scorching hot, the grass is low and the wind is high, and there is a vast green shade where the eyes are, and it is boundless.

That night, Mu Kelong found a small hill in the hinterland of the Ruhr prairie and ordered to camp on the southeast side of the hill to rest, and at the same time released dozens of player scouts to go out to guard.

Several scout captains who served as vigilance missions, such as Ranger Love, Ranger Laurel, and Utred, all used to follow Mukron on the Thousand Mile Expedition. Players who performed well.

Their abilities have been tempered in actual combat, and Mu Kelong is very relieved to use them.

In addition, there are some warrior heroes who are kept by Mu Kelong, and have a rather ancient name called "Trapped Camp"!

Among them, the sheep head warrior Xie Xiaofeng and his cousin Zhang Zicheng were also included in the trapping camp.

Mu Kelong's arrangement is also pitiful for Xie Xiaofeng's bad luck. This hero who used to be armed with a silver spear and slaughtered the Quartet has now been reduced to an ordinary sheep-headed warrior.

Without the attributes and growth bonus of the hero-level template, Xie Xiaofeng, a sheep-headed warrior, is considered to be at the bottom of the army of Mu Kelong, and the frontal toughness may not even be able to beat the second-tier black iron. Dwarf warrior.

Keeping Xie Xiaofeng by his side is also Mu Kelong's desire to protect his safety, lest this scumbag die on the battlefield. At that time, he will not know where he will return to in the next life, whether it is a cat or a dog.

Fortunately, I will be able to meet with Geya soon, and then I will ask Geya for some small pills that can make the blood of the beast boil. I hope that Xie Xiaofeng, a mediocre and ordinary goat-headed warrior, can change his life against the sky and evolve into a Be a hero.

As a boss and old friend, Mukron can only help so much.

Rat man thieves can evolve into heroes after eating Geya's magic medicine. You, a sheep head warrior, are also a powerful race on the Ruhr prairie. You can't have blood that can't even match the rat man, right?

Soon, as night fell and the fog of war began to rise, the temperature on the Ruhr prairie also began to drop rapidly.

What's more terrible is that after nightfall, a large gust of wind whistled from the northwest, agitating the just-rising fog of war like boiling water, and the gray-black fog waves continued to roll.

Fortunately, the group of Mu Kelong is not a hero with strong vitality, or an ice dwarf who has long been accustomed to the low temperature and severe cold in the icy world. Even the only wonderful flower, Xie Xiaofeng, is an indigenous race on the Ruhr Prairie, and can adapt to this severe cold and wind erosion.

In fact, the eastern part of the Ruhr prairie is adjacent to Beihai Lake, Beihai Kingdom, and the Empire of the Undead. The temperature is not necessarily much higher than that in the western part of the Ruhr prairie.

In addition, Mu Kelong was camped in the southeast of the small hill, and the mountain blocked some of the cold wind erosion, so no one felt any obvious discomfort.

In fact, with the strength of Mu Kelong's team and the strategic bonus of his high-level guerrilla tactics, they can travel overnight.

However, Mu Kelong considered that he was not in a hurry, and that there were too many variables in marching in the fog of war at night. In order to ensure that there would be no accidents, he decided to focus on stability, rest after dark, and recharge for the next day. go again.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

But sometimes you don't want to look for accidents, but accidents will find you on your own initiative!


The first person to discover the abnormality was the outer scout team leader Utred. He was responsible for leading people to guard the northeast direction, but suddenly found that the ground trembled——

After spending a lot of time in the northern battlefield, his complexion changed drastically.

Immediately realized that this was the movement of a large number of cavalry marching on the grassland!

So he immediately arranged for a few scouts under him to disperse their alerts, and he took the two to frantically run towards the hill camp.

When he ran to the camp, Mu Kelong also noticed the abnormal vibration under his feet, and his face became serious.

"Boss, there seems to be a movement of a large number of cavalry marching in the northeast direction. The target direction is exactly us. It is estimated that there are more than a thousand cavalry!"

Mu Kelong nodded, and immediately ordered the three hundred dwarf warriors under his command to surround more than 20 carts in a circle, backed by the hill camp to make a defensive circle.

At the same time, Mukron asked Utred to lead people to recall the dark posts scattered in all directions, so as to concentrate the force and avoid accidental loss of personnel.

But before the scouts outside came back, the enemy had already appeared in the field of vision of everyone in the camp.

This is a group of unusual cavalry. The mount is neither a horse nor an imaginary wild boar, but a large lizard with black scales the size of a slap all over its body and looks like a pangolin at first glance.

The body length of these large lizards is more than five meters, and this is only the length from head to buttocks, not counting the slender tails that also exceed five meters behind the buttocks.

In addition, these large lizards are obviously four-legged creatures, but their limbs are much thicker and longer than ordinary lizards. Even when running on the grass, the shoulder height is more than two meters.

The knight riding on the back of the big lizard is neither an ordinary human race nor a wild boar, but a group of evil spirits.

The players are well-informed, and when they saw these strange cavalry, they immediately screamed——

"Oops, it's the legendary fifth-order ghoul black lizard cavalry!"

Originally, Mu Kelong had never seen such a strange cavalry, but after hearing the player's words, he suddenly moved in his heart and remembered what Rockefeller said to him.

In the western Ruhr steppe, there has always been a terrifying legend of the ghoul Black Lizard cavalry...

It is said that these ghouls and black lizards have been wandering on the grasslands. When the sun rises, they never show up. They only appear in the fog of war at night. Wherever they pass, there are no dogs and dogs, and people and animals are violently killed. Someone was able to run for their lives at the hands of the ghoul Black Lizards.

However, Rockefeller also told Mukron that in fact, very few people on the Ruhr Prairie had encountered ghouls and black lizards.

A little-known little nomadic tribe was slaughtered overnight, leaving only blood on the ground. Thousands of people, old and young, were left without bones, and even tents and furniture were taken away.

At that time, when Rockefeller talked about this incident, Mu Kelong listened to it purely as a horror story. After all, the probability of encountering the suspected rumors that appeared six or seven years ago was too low.

"Fairy Wood"

But at this moment, Mu Kelong couldn't help but patted his forehead, feeling a little suspicious of life.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

It was only the first time that he led troops into the Ruhr Prairie, and as a result, he encountered such an ethereal and terrifying legend?

What a black physique?

Thinking of this black word, Mu Kelong suddenly shivered—

What is the ghoul black lizard cavalry that appeared six or seven years ago?

His Majesty the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I can even encounter such a terrifying existence from 100,000 years ago. Could it be that he is really born with a physique to attract black people?

Before the big enemy, Mu Kelong didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ordered the shield warriors in the army to stick to the first layer of defense behind the cart, the long-range and auxiliary occupations were in the middle to help defend, and the three hundred dwarves contracted to form a circular defense, escort Ranged troops.

As for himself, he immediately picked up a pair of weapons and rushed out to meet the ghoul Black Lizard cavalry that was about to rush.

According to the known information, the ghoul black lizard cavalry is at least the fifth-order special arms, equivalent to the elite guard wild boar cavalry under the golden tent of the wild boar people, which is no trivial matter!

Even Tier 3 players with hero templates may not dare to say that they will win or lose, let alone the three hundred dwarf warriors in the camp who act as farmers.

However, Mu Kelong himself was not panic at all, thinking that he fought one hundred thousand fifth-order troops in the ghost valley, and the ghoul black lizard cavalry in front of him would only survive one or two thousand cavalry. What?

The problem is that Mu Kelong himself has experience so he is not in a hurry, but many of the players behind him are too panicked.

Seeing the boss and army commander Mu Kelong taking the lead, he went up alone to meet the thousands of troops. The cousin of the sheep head warrior Xie Xiaofeng, the third-order human swordsman Zhang Zicheng nervously shook the steel sword in his hands. , swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and whispered in his cousin's ear.

"The opposite is the ghoul black lizard cavalry, the legendary fifth-order special arms, is Boss Mu so reckless?"

Xie Xiaofeng, who had become a sheep-headed man, nodded solemnly. In fact, he was more or less Timu Kelong pinched a sweat, but in front of his cousin, he still forced a smile and was calm.

"He's always been so reckless, cousin, just get used to it..."

"How do you say it, Hei Da—that is, Boss Mu, his personal attributes are relatively sturdy. He has always killed monsters like hemp, and he is nicknamed [Mu Yunchang], understand?"

Zhang Zicheng nodded thoughtfully, and also forced a smile: "Well, after all, he is the world's number one player in the Gold Profession Ranking. Although it is unimaginable, it is understandable and understandable!"

After saying these words, Zhang Zicheng felt that his nervous mood seemed to relax a lot.

Hearing his cousin mentioned the world number one in the Gold Profession Ranking, Xie Xiaofeng nodded his Aries head like a chicken pecking at rice, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"I think back then, when I was still Aldous, I had a dragon spear in my hand, and I had it in the world. It was called the "Little Prince of Silver Spears". Seven in and seven out are just commonplace..."

After blowing a pass, Xie Xiaofeng suddenly changed the subject and began to laugh at himself.

"It wasn't until later that I couldn't think of it and changed it to a third-order gold professional training token, and the first level was taught by the system to be a man..."

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

"However, Boss Mu has won the second rank in the world in the third-tier gold career trial, and later became the first player to advance to the fourth rank. Yiqi Juechen occupied the first rank of the fourth-tier gold career ranking!"

"I don't care if other people are convinced, but I am really convinced..."

Just as the two brothers were chatting awkwardly in order to defuse the tension, the boss Mu they were talking about had already rushed in front of the ghoul Black Lizard Cavalry——

In an instant, I saw that his whole body was golden and generous, from a black dwarf to a golden armoured dwarf giant with a length of four meters and a waist close to four meters!

At this moment, the audience in the camp was stunned, there was silence, and needles could be heard.

You look at me, I look at you, and you can't help but ask a question.

"What kind of skill is this? Are gods descended to earth?"

Many of the players are old subordinates who followed Mu Kelong's long-distance expedition in the past, and they have also seen Mu Kelong's transformed form.

But at that time, Mu Kelong's transformation was not that big, and he didn't emit golden light when he came, so he was shocked by the spectacular scene in front of him for a while.

After regaining his senses, the sheep-headed man Xie Xiaofeng explained to his cousin Zhang Zicheng, who was already in a state of stunned stun.

"Boss Mu's move seems to be called the grace of the Thunder Titan. It is similar to the legendary god of the gods. It was originally just a simple increase in body size and increased strength. I estimate that the golden light he can emit now should be a special thing he obtained after clearing the gold career trial. Reward?"

The next moment, a scene that shocked the players even more appeared.

I saw that after the expansion and glow, the golden dwarf giant Mu Kelong just smashed the head of a ghoul black lizard with a hammer!


In an instant, the ghoul black lizard cavalry, even the corpse and mount, turned into black ash and fell to the ground, forming a mountain of ash.

At the same time, the golden light battle axe in Mu Kelong's left hand swept sideways, and another ghoul black lizard cavalry fell to ashes!

So the players exclaimed in surprise—

"Fuck, flat-slashing kills the fifth-order special units in seconds, this damage should start at least two or three thousand, right?"

"Does anyone know what level Boss Mu is now? Fourth order? Fifth order? Or sixth order?"

Because the game system has "lost contact and offline", the players, including Mu Kelong himself, can no longer see the damage figures in the battle, but this does not affect everyone's worship of the scene in front of them.

After all, the conventional fifth-order arms have at least 2,000 HP. Special arms like the Black Lizard Cavalry, the ghoul, should theoretically be stronger, and a conservative estimate of 3,000 HP is not too much.

Players don't know that Mu Kelong made a move in front of his old subordinates and "Pink Mengxin" for the first time after a long time.

【Blessing of Thunder Titan】——


【Giant Hua】!

This is not to mention, Mu Kelong quietly added a layer of [Blessing of the King] to himself in the moment after his transformation!

[Blessing of the King] (blue gilt rare two-star quality, professional combat skills, special skills cannot be upgraded)

Consumes 160 magic points, summons the power of light, and blesses you or your teammates with a blessing of the king, lasting 10 seconds, and the skill cooldown time is 60 seconds.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

The King's Blessing Order Target——

Attack power increased by 10% (not less than 4 points)

Defense increased by 10% (not less than 4 points)

Increase the maximum life value by 20% (not less than 400 points)

Health regeneration rate increased by 40% (not less than 40 points per second)

The only exclusive skill effect: During the duration of the Blessing of Kings effect, when the target encounters a fatal attack, there is a 40% chance to save the damage, and it can only take effect once within the duration.


[Blessing of Kings] This skill is an exclusive high-level skill that is not rumored by the Angel Empire military. Mu Kelong was also granted by the Golden Griffon Grand Duke exceptionally after the truce between the Eastern Angel Empire and the Nether Undead Empire.

Obviously, the skill of King's Blessing belongs to the positive amplification state skill, and the effect depends on the combat attribute of the target receiving King's Blessing.

This is a typical case of strong, strong, weak, weak.

It just so happens that Mu Kelong himself is a great match for his high defense, high blood and blood, and the blessing of the king is a perfect match for him.



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