Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 227 Trapeze Show

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

, Heroes of Might and Magic Stormlord

Judging from the current situation, the defenders in Soberenya City probably did not dare to divide their troops to fight because they were short of troops.

After all, right now Zuo Dahu led a thousand armored heavy cavalry to go out and fail to return, and the enemy came to harass him again, and no one with a normal mind would underestimate the enemy anymore.

Guessing that the defenders in Yacheng are likely to be discouraged and intend to defend the city, Mukron immediately asked Love, Duko, Laurel and Utred, four trusted player heroes, to lead 120 people each. The soldiers were divided into four groups and ran and patrolled along the circular grass slope outside the city, blocking the connection between the inside and outside of Soberenya City.

As for him himself, he quietly walked to the other side of the circular grass slope, avoiding the sight of the defenders of Soberen's Yacheng.

First, he summoned the wings of the golden griffin, and then activated the active skill of [March of the Mysterious Shadow], soaring high into the air in a state of invisibility, and falling from the sky into the city of Soberen without anyone noticing...

It's not that he deliberately played some personal heroism, but that time is tight, the task is heavy, and Soberen Yacheng is extremely strong and difficult to fight, so he can only play a rogue and use big moves.

There are too many secrets about him, and he has already stated that he will be invisible when he used the Shadow March in front of the players many times before. In the current situation, this is a trivial matter, nothing to worry about.

But I control a ten-kilometer-square "back garden" secret space, as well as the hundreds of thousands of people and a large amount of strategic materials inside, and it is by no means time to expose it to the outside world.

Even Geya, Rockefeller, Love, and Duco, who are closest to me, don't know that they have such a big secret in their hands.

However, in order to quickly solve the difficult problem of attacking Soberen's tooth city, it is necessary to adopt the tactics of covering the whole city with a dark barrier, and then opening the dark gate and dispatching tens of thousands of troglodyte tribe warriors to carry out the central flowering strategy.

As long as the tactics are smooth and the action is fast enough, after the dark barrier dissipates and the battlefield is cleared up, no one knows what happened in the city of Soberenya?

In addition, Mukron can fly, but players can't. Invisibility is not the incarnation of an invisible ghost. The stealth of the body is just relying on magic to deceive the enemy's vision, but it is absolutely impossible for the body to pass through the boulder city wall.

In addition to keeping it secret, this is also one of the important reasons why Mu Kelong divided the 480 players under his command into four groups and patrolled outside Soberenya City.

He could even create a sense of mystery about himself as the boss in the player army.

The next moment, a mass of absolute darkness that was neither smoke nor fog nor light quietly descended on the interior of Soberen Yarn City, completely covering this boulder castle surrounded by water almost instantly!

From the perspective of the player legion outside the city, the dark enchantment that suddenly rises in the city is like a huge black lotus flower, with magnificent momentum and boundless mana!

On the circular grass slope, the players who were patrolling on the black Nuruk tusk wild boar were taken aback. Except for dozens of Mukron's old troops, everyone else was completely stunned!

Tong Zicheng, a third-tier human swordsman, was riding on the broad back of an elephant-like black Nuruk tusked wild boar. When he saw the dark barrier suddenly rising and quickly covering the whole city, he couldn't help but swear.


"What's happening here?"

Because of the "pre-game system" gold occupation rankings, all the player heroes who have traveled thousands of miles to join Mukron know that their boss [Mukron Hegel]'s fighting profession is [Thunder Berserker].

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

But today it's group/individual invisibility, and it's the magic of the big dark enchantment. What do you mean?

Is this a skill that a berserker should have?

As the number one warrior in Mu Kelong's old army, Xie Xiaofeng, who is now a sheep-headed man, is beside Zhang Zicheng.

Hearing his cousin's surprise, he didn't lift his eyelids, and explained a sentence calmly.

"Cousin, don't panic, this is one of the big moves Boss Mu got during his expedition, it's called [Death Fog], we usually call it [Dark Enchantment], in the dark enchantment, even the dark race To be blind too, to turn on a lamp—"


【Death Mist】

Summons a black mist of death that is neither smoke nor fog nor light, causing all enemies in a large area to fall into a dark field of vision, and undead units of random ranks will be automatically generated in the black mist of death to attack the enemy.

The maximum radius of influence of the dark mist is your [Dominance] × 1 meter, and the upper limit of the random grade of the automatically generated undead units does not exceed your [Strategic Occupation Level + 10].


"Back then, Boss Mu led more than a hundred of us across the snowy Northland for tens of thousands of miles, and used this dark enchantment to defeat many powerful enemies. That scene—tsk tsk, it was absolutely amazing..."

Immediately afterwards, a look of nostalgia appeared on the fluffy face of the sheep-headed man.

"At that time, I was not a sheep-headed man. I was in the prime of my life, brandishing Fang Qiu, with a silver dragon gun in my hand. I thought I was the champion of the three armies. ..."

"It's a pity that I was hit by a wave of cold arrows on the battlefield later - the days of gold and iron horses, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger are gone forever..."

It has to be said that after Xie Xiaofeng's bragging, the "newcomers" in the player army also began to feel a little excited and look forward to it.

It turns out that the boss Mu Kelong is so strong, is this the rhythm of one person destroying one city?

Soon, there were bursts of metal and iron clanging in Soberenya City, accompanied by countless chaotic sounds.

Crying, screaming, shouting and killing, the sound is in my ears!

Most of the players patrolling outside the city are mercenaries, undead veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles on the northern battlefield, and have high combat quality and war acumen.

Just by listening to the sound, one can tell that there are at least thousands of people fighting fiercely in the city!

For a time, a bold idea sprouted in many people's hearts——

From the looks of it, the city of Soberen's teeth is about to end!

Sure enough, not long after the dark enchantment enveloped Soberen's tooth city, the iron cable suspension bridge of the four gates outside the city slowly fell, and many wild boar tribesmen of the Soberen tribe rushed out from behind the gate, looking like bereaved dogs.

At this time, Luo Fu and others made a decisive decision and led the army to dive down from the commanding height of the circular grass slope without hesitation——

"The whole army rushes up the suspension bridge, blocking the road, and no one can let go!"

The morale of the players soared, and they all followed up happily.

Even, many people even yelled frightening slogans.

"Snatch it all, kill it all, burn it all—Ula!"

In this world, is there anything more pleasant than beating a dog in the water behind closed doors?

If so, then it could only be Chang Wei calling Laifu!

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】


The Ruhr Prairie is located in the middle of the Titan Continent, spanning tens of thousands of miles from east to west, and more than 10,000 miles from north to south.

It starts from Lake Baikal in the east and connects to the Shilar Mountains in the west. It is surrounded by four major powers: the Holy Angel Empire, the Holy Golden Dragon Empire, the Nether Undead Empire, and the Kingdom of the North Sea.

And the nomads' forces spread across the Ruhr Prairie, east, west, north, south, and dealt with many powerful countries, and they called themselves the Great Khan of the Grassland. What did they rely on?

In addition to the fact that all the people are soldiers, it is nothing more than the maneuverability of cavalry on the plains and grasslands, and the great destructive power and damage of mounts such as high-quality war horses, giant-tusked wild boars, snowy frost wolves, and grassland golden lions in the charge and collision!

It can be said responsibly that nomad cavalry without mounts are really not that powerful in infantry combat!

Now the Yacheng of the Soberen Clan is shrouded in a dark barrier, and the people in the city are inexplicably trapped in the predicament of not being able to see their fingers. Even lighting the lamps can't get rid of the darkness and restore their vision.

All of a sudden, everyone in Yacheng became blind, from the noble lords of the Soberen clan to the old, young, women, children and other relatives, all were terrified!

Not only that, there will also be countless undead units that will kill anyone for no reason, and many soldiers will be decapitated without knowing what happened, leaving hatred on the spot.

In addition, Mukron immediately opened the gate of darkness and released 10,000 caveman tribe warriors led by the dark prison caveman Roger Brothers and others.

In an absolutely dark environment, cavemen who are born blind can use biological radar-like talent skills to accurately detect the target's position and all movements.

Even if the wild boars in Soberenya City are strong and strong, their rank and combat power are much stronger than the troglodyte tribe warriors, but a person who perceives the world with his eyes suddenly loses his vision, how much combat power can he have left in a panic? ?

The acting patriarch and young master [Hanang Soberen] who was staying in Soberen's Yacheng was also in a predicament. He immediately felt that the situation was not good, and he could only be caught without a fight in the city.

So he made a quick decision, took his mother, wife and children with him in the dark, ignored his younger brothers and sisters, and hurriedly ordered the guards to escort his family out of the city from the north gate of Yacheng.

Because Yacheng is very big, and the giant-toothed pig mounts are usually raised in the animal training ground far away from the patriarch's house, the acting patriarch and young master Hanange didn't have time to go to the animal training ground to lead the giant-toothed pig's mount in the dark.

As a result, the patriarch's family and dozens of loyal guards who ran out of the city happened to be blocked at the gate of the city by Utred's 120 player heroes riding a black Nuruk tusk boar!

The next moment, the two sides fought fiercely on the suspension bridge.

After leaving the city, the wild boar tribe warriors of the Soberen clan finally saw the light again, only to see that the only escape route was blocked by people!

When building Soberenya City, in order to prevent the enemy from invading, the senior patriarchs dug the moat outside the city wide and deep, and raised a lot of fierce and poisonous strange fish in the water, so when they saw the enemy blocked On the other side of the suspension bridge, none of the wild boars had the idea of ​​jumping into the river to escape.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

The only way to survive is to destroy the enemies outside the suspension bridge!

There are still thousands of tribal warriors and clan members of the Soberen clan in the city. As long as the chain suspension bridge is guarded, reinforcements from the city will pour in continuously.

Moreover, a thousand elite armored heavy cavalry from Zuoda's household are "suppressing bandits" outside, and there are other small and medium-sized tribal camps of the Soberen clan near Yacheng, who can gather tens of thousands of soldiers ready to fight at any time!

As long as we persevere, the Soberen clan will not be defeated!

It's just that this time the warriors of the Soberen clan are facing a group of player mercenaries with hero templates, strong attributes, and experienced battles.

The individual fighting strength and teamwork awareness of this group of people are not comparable to those fledgling slave fighters under Ge Ya's command!

What's more, the wild boar warriors of the Soberen clan on the cable suspension bridge are now on the ground with both feet on the ground, and their crotches are empty!

Cavalry has changed into infantry, how much combat power is left-this is a big question mark?

At this time, Uhtred ordered three player mercenaries who had initially mastered cavalry tactics to speed up the 20-meter-long, seven-eight-meter-long, seven-to-eight-meter-long, riding a black Nuruk giant-tusked wild boar in iron armor and as strong as an elephant. The wide cable suspension bridge launched the first round of death charges directly at the Soberen "infantry" who had just re-entered the city gate!

small book booth

It is worth mentioning that among the player's mercenaries, Xie Xiaofeng, the sheep-headed man with the lowest strength at the moment, is actually among these three!

However, Xie Xiaofeng, the sheep-headed man, was not fighting alone. His cousin Zhang Zicheng, a Tier 3 human swordsman, gave up his mount before his cousin charged and jumped behind Xie Xiaofeng.

The three black Nuruk giant-tusk wild boars that charged in the first wave were each more than four meters long, two meters wide, over two meters five in height at the shoulder, and weighed more than eight thousand catties!

With only four riders and three riders, when they charged side by side, the deck of the seven-eight-meter-wide iron cable suspension bridge paved with steel plates was already full.

The next moment, the seven or eight wild boar tribe warriors of the Soberen clan who were straight at the front were trampled into mud by the black Nuruk giant-tusked wild boar that was as strong as an elephant.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Nuruk cavalry went unabated, hitting and flying more than a dozen wild boar warriors of the Soberen clan who couldn't dodge one after another!

In the central and western part of the Ruhr Prairie, there has been a slang nursery rhyme circulating in the territory of the Wildboar Khanate.

"Guliguali Shibuka Kalasoda..."

The general idea is: "Only the Tusk Pig can resist the barbaric charge of the Tusk Pig!"

At this moment, the battlefield dominance of the giant pig heavy cavalry was vividly reflected on this iron cable and iron plate suspension bridge more than 20 meters long and seven or eight meters wide!

The next moment, Hananger, the acting patriarch of the Soberen clan and the young master, saw his eyes reddened when he saw that the guards and warriors around him were unable to resist the barbaric charge of the cavalry on the opposite side, causing dozens of casualties in an instant.

With a loud roar, he picked up a shiny golden mace and flew up with four bodyguards. The sheep-headed man Xie Xiaofeng on the back of the Super Black Nuruk Tusk Boar and four other riders rushed over.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know whether there is——

As the next generation heir to the patriarch of a thousand-year-old clan, Hananger is naturally no ordinary person.

Although he is still not as good as his father, he is still in his prime of life and at least has the strength of the rare seventh-level high-level.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

In the blink of an eye, Hananger knew that the goat-headed rider in the middle was the weakest, so he was going to take the goat-headed rider and kill the tribal warriors who had just died tragically under the iron hooves of the giant toothed pig. .

Seeing the enemy suddenly leaping up and rushing towards him, the sheep-headed man Xie Xiaofeng felt that he was being targeted, and a fear of imminent disaster lingered above him.

He used to be a fierce soldier who had experienced many battles, and he knew that with his current small body, there was a high probability that he would not be able to withstand the angry blow of the ferocious wild boar noble leader in front of him.

At the critical moment of life and death, before the sheep-headed man Xie Xiaofeng asked for help, his cousin Zhang Zicheng jumped up from the back of the wild boar in front of him, and blocked Hananger's angry stick with a real silver holy sword .

The next moment, several lines of blood spattered on the face of the sheep-headed man Xie Xiaofeng, turning his conical sheep face full of white hair into a miserable red.

In the haze, he saw a figure flying backwards for more than ten meters, drawing a beautiful parabola in the sky, and falling towards the moat on the left side of the suspension bridge.

Undoubtedly, in order to protect him, his cousin was beaten into a trapeze by the enemy with just one move!


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