Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 232 Giant Footsteps

Before the launch of the winter offensive, Mukron has another matter that is closely related to himself to do.

Ten days ago, when he used the dark mist to summon caveman tribe warriors to surprise the city of Suberen, he was attacked by five old wild boar elders.

That battle was not as easy as Mukron boasted to Herman, crushing all the way.

In fact, Mukron fought very hard at that time. The opponent's five old wild boars were stronger than each other, and the weakest one had reached the eighth rank or higher.

What's terrible is that the five old wild boar elders seem to be able to see things in the dark enchantment, so they immediately joined forces to encircle Mukron.

The real name of Dark Enchantment is Dark Fog, which is an equipment stunt attached to the Dark King's cloak. Even Mukron himself has dark vision, but in absolute darkness, he is like a blind man, and can only be controlled by caveman tribe warriors in the dark. directions.

It’s okay to abuse food on the road in this mode. It’s not too easy to hammer a small pot friend, but in the fierce battle with the master, Mu Kelong, who couldn’t see anything, fell into a predicament and huge trouble.

Later, Mukron inexplicably won this battle, because he himself recovered his vision inexplicably, while the five old wild boar elders on the opposite side lost their vision.

Obviously, it was Mukron who attracted the opponent's special vision ability in absolute darkness, and Mukron himself did not possess this ability, so it could only be that something on Mukron had an effect.

From five old men beating a blind dwarf, the painting style suddenly changed to a dwarf beating five old blind men, the scene is simply too beautiful!

After the battle, Mukron carefully checked the items on his body, only to find that the only thing that had changed was a black iron ring that he had never known was useful.

This black iron ring is a relic left by Mukron's father, Old Musa, in Blue Frost Fort. It is very weird and seems not to be used by humans.

This is how Farman, who was still a baron at the time, used a magic crystal ball to restore the Blue Frost Fort's change——

Before sunrise, an explosion suddenly occurred on the top floor of the Mage Tower, and the towering Mage Tower instantly collapsed into ruins.

On the ruins of the mage's tower, a white-bearded and red-robed mage appeared, who was the guardian of the Blue Frost Fort, the Archmage Antondani.

Immediately afterwards,

The figure of Commander Hanbanni appears near the Mage Tower.

For some unknown reason, Sir Hanbanni and Archmage Antondani suddenly had a dispute, and the two began to fight.

The result of the battle was that Archmage Antondani cast dark magic and seriously injured Sir Hanbanni.

At this moment, an old dwarf with a gray beard appeared before Archmage Antondani with a sledgehammer and a tomahawk, preventing him from killing Sir Hanbalani.

There is no doubt that this old dwarf is the only master blacksmith in Blue Frost Castle - Musa Hegel!

Next, Sir Hanbani and old Musa joined forces to fight against Archmage Antondani.

In the end, both sides suffer!

Sir Hanbani fell unconscious on the ground. The ashen-faced old Musa exhausted his last strength, cast a blood curse, summoned a black iron ring to encircle the body of Archmage Antondani, and smashed it to pieces with a hammer. The opponent's head.

The next moment, the magic power in Master Antondani's body suddenly burst out because of loss of control, causing a magic explosion.


Later Mukron picked up the "Giant Ring" and found that there was no description of its name or attributes.

A thick black iron ring larger than the circumference of his head, it looks like an enlarged version of a giant ring.

If it is really a ring, maybe only real giants can wear it?

Just looking at the material, it does look like black iron, and it might be a relic left by the old Musa, so Mu Kelong used this thing as a ring and put it around his neck.

Later, on the front line of the southeastern region of the Holy Titan Empire, in the barracks in the military town [Kologa City], the origin of this black iron giant ring was officially certified——

One day, Murador, the High Lord of the Dark Iron Dwarves, took the initiative to invite Mukron to visit his camp.

During this period of time, Mukron has often seen Murador, the dwarf lord, in the military camp. The two often chatted a few times, and they were already acquaintances.

Even, once Murador was so happy that he taught Mukron some fighting skills himself.

This time, Murador invited Mukron to visit his camp, and Mukron didn't think too much about it, so he went directly.

Another time, Mukron saw that Murador was very appreciative and friendly to him, so he found an opportunity to take out the giant ring left by the old Musa and ask Murador for some mysteries.

He never expected that Murador just glanced at the ring, then chanted a spell casually, and transformed the giant ring that was originally as thick as Mukron's neck and could be used as a collar into an ordinary-looking ring. Tong's black iron wrench—

Mukron is very familiar with this black iron wrench, because it was originally worn on the right thumb of old Musa!

Murador saw the surprise in Mukron's eyes, and explained with a smile.

"Your black iron wrench is named [Giant Ring], and it is an ancestral treasure of the Hegel family."

"I am the great chief of the Black Iron clan of the glacier dwarves, and I have all the core secrets of the Black Iron clan, and the Hegel clan is also a branch of the Black Iron clan, so it is not surprising that I can control this giant ring."

"Now that Musa has passed away, you should inherit the position of the patriarch of the Hegel clan. It just so happens that this giant ring is the token of the patriarch of the Hegel clan. I will pass on this secret spell to you..."

"Mukron, when you wear this giant ring, you will be the patriarch of the Hegel clan of the Black Iron Tribe of the glacier dwarves!"

"If you want to become a qualified clan leader, you still need to learn and master a lot. Now that Musa has passed away, I will pass on these things to you for him!"

As he spoke, Murador put the giant ring on Mukron's right thumb, and said to Mukron.

"Child, from now on, you are the patriarch of the Hegel clan!"

Immediately afterwards, Murador pointed to the black iron helmet on Mukron's head, then pointed to the black iron crown on his own head, and said with a smile.

"The iron helmet on your head is the standard equipment provided by the imperial military, but the crown on my head is the highest sacrificial weapon belonging to the Black Iron Dwarves."

"The Hegel clan is also one of the direct branch clans of the Black Iron clan. As the patriarch of the Hegel clan, Mukron, you will be one of the heirs to be the great chief of the Black Iron clan."

"After a hundred years from now, the real Crown of the Black Iron Dwarves will be inherited by the strongest of the next generation of patriarchs!"

"If you can beat my sons and other clan chiefs, you are eligible to be crowned king!"


Although Great Chief Murador taught Mukron the changing formula and usage method of this [Giant Ring], he also told Mukron——

This inheritance token of the [Hegel Clan] is one of the components of a certain set of magical equipment, and it has a high upper limit of power.

There is a problem, it must be maintained with secret methods before every winter, and sacrificed with one's own blood, in order to exert its true power.

Since then, Mu Kelong has not cared about this [Giant Ring], not because he didn't pay attention to it but because the time has not come. The effect of maintenance and blood sacrifice is the best on the eve of the first snow in winter every year.

But just after killing the five old wild boar elders, Mukron found through careful investigation that the outer surface of the [Giant Ring] that had been worn on his left thumb all the time appeared a series of criss-crossing slender lines at some point!

At this moment, a sentence that the Black Iron Dwarf Great Chief Murador once "unintentionally" mentioned appeared in Mukron.

"Basically, the giant ring of the Hegel clan is also one of the inherited treasures of the Black Iron Dwarves, but because of the age and the lack of population of the Hegel clan, many functions of the giant ring have been lost. The chief doesn't know much about it either."

"But the inherited treasures of our Black Iron Dwarves have one thing in common, that is, they can all accept blood sacrifices from their holders!"

"If one day, the giant's ring suddenly undergoes abnormal changes, you have to sacrifice blood before the abnormal changes disappear, and you may have new gains!"

Thinking of this, Mukron no longer hesitated, and immediately followed the blood sacrifice steps taught by the chief of the Black Iron Dwarf tribe, Murador...

Soon after sacrificing his own blood to supplement the energy of the giant ring, Mukron experienced a feeling of being connected to the bloodline of the giant ring. At the same time, a series of images began to be transmitted from the giant ring to Mukron's mind.

Regrettably, these images are not only very vague, but also contain a large number of incomplete images. Mu Kelong roughly filtered these images in his mind, and could only detect from clues that this series of images seemed to tell the story of a giant. story.

In fact, in this series of pictures, no full-length giant has ever appeared.

However, from the height of the viewing angle, the comparison with other animals and plants, and the huge footprints glimpsed from the corner of the eye when looking back, it undoubtedly does not prove that the content of this series of pictures is the experience of a certain giant over a period of time!

At that time, there were still many wild boars fighting stubbornly on the suspension bridges in the city of Soberen and the four city gates. After Mu Kelong defeated the powerful enemy, he didn't have time to carefully study the series of pictures recording the giant's experience in his mind. A strategic finish.

Later, it was Mukron who used the dark enchantment as a cover, released a large number of cavemen with the dark gate, and moved most of the valuable materials in Soberenya City to the secret space of the "back garden" and hid them .

Not long after Mu Kelong left Yacheng, Herman, the leader of the left, led his army to the ruined Soberen Yacheng, staring at the city full of corpses and empty warehouses in a daze.

At this time, Mukron had joined Geya, who was chasing him, and took the captives to coerce the leftist family to stand on their own, and joined the alliance of rebels in the border area of ​​the western Ruhr Grassland.

Afterwards, it was the story of the Little Ice Lake Alliance.


After the Little Ice Lake alliance, Herman, the patriarch of the Soberen clan, kept his promise to send his only son, Majerry Soberen, to Mukron, and let the child worship Mukron as a teacher.

Since then, a total of nearly 30,000 nomads from more than a dozen large and small tribes under the Soberen clan have been tied to Mukron's chariot.

At this stage, among the three alliances of the Little Ice Lake, the main task of the Mukron side is to build the Little Ice Lake base; the task of the Geya side is to digest the more than 5,000 captives in Yacheng of the Soberen clan and train more Black Nuruk Tusk Boar Armored Heavy Cavalry.

On the last side of the Soberen clan, the biggest task of the current patriarch, Herman Soberen, is to use these strategic resources to integrate the power and influence within the clan after obtaining as many resources as Mukron gifted him. Established a new order and established his own patriarchal authority.

As for the others, they all stand back and stand aside.

However, the Soberen clan itself is a nomadic clan, and its population is its soldiers. Once Herman basically integrates the various forces within the Soberen clan, it is not a big problem to dispatch 10,000 cavalry, and even 3,000 to 500 cavalry can be armed. Thousands of armored heavy cavalry!

In the relatively barren border area of ​​the Ruhr Prairie in the west, 10,000 light and heavy cavalry and 3,000 armored and heavy cavalry can basically be called invincible in field battles!

For a while, except for the agreement that after the first snowfall in winter, the three alliances sent troops to join together at the same time, but at this stage they still played their own games.

Mu Kelong handed over all internal affairs to Director Rockefeller, the new chief steward of the Little Ice Lake base, and divided military affairs into three parts, which were in charge of three confidantes.

The player legion is handed over to Uhtred, the "Boss of Uzbekistan", who shined in the battle of Soberen Yacheng and successfully promoted to a strategic professional hero.

The troglodytes appointed the two tribal leaders, Chemus and Roger, as the left and right governors.

The dwarf army is led by another good brother of Mukron, the white bear hero Mendelov. In addition, the patriarch of the Black Iron Dwarf [Marker] clan [Erond Markel] and the elder of the [Hegel] clan The butler Sebastian is in charge of the left and right.

Edron is an immigrant from the Balses Peninsula. He followed Mukron to the Northland and took root in the Little Ice Lake.

In fact, most of Mukron's dwarf legion were built by the first batch of dwarves who came out of the "back garden" secret space, so Mukron appointed Edron as the left commander, which is equivalent to commanding Mendelov deputy.

In addition, Mukron also appointed Edron's nephew, scout Sherlock, as the chief scouting captain.

At the same time, because of Mukron's identity, the dwarves of many small and medium-sized clans and tribes in the secret space of the "back garden", as well as the free dwarves outside the clan and tribe, all of them are loyal to Mukron and respect He is the lord.

As for the Blue Frost Fort, the leader of the Harpy Tribe, the Harpy [Luna Marilyn] still has an overview of the overall situation. Mukron believes in the ability of this witch hero, so he will no longer interfere with it. intervene.

After settling all aspects of the home, Mukron left the Little Ice Lake base alone in the dark, and walked quietly to the southwest.

In the series of memory fragments that the giants experienced in his mind, Mukron locked the position of the twenty-third picture among dozens of blurred and incomplete pictures after verification, which is the Storm Valley!


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