Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 242 1 world, 2 brothers?

Heroes of Might and Magic: The Storm Lord Chapter 242 One world, two brothers?

The little bug became anxious when he heard it, he knew that Mu Kelong, the black man, was definitely the kind of ruthless person who could do what he said—no, it was Lang Mie, two points more than a ruthless person!

So it quickly sold itself out without hesitation——

"Brother! Boss, don't rush to start, listen to me—"

"In addition to illusion, I will also 123456789..."

"Believe me, accepting my fully functional little brother is definitely the wisest choice in your life!"

It has to be said that the list of functional names listed by the self-proclaimed little bug in a minute really made Mu Kelong tempted.

After calming down for 0.0001 second, Mu Kelong said something calmly.

"Empty talk is nothing, there must be something restrictive between us to be reliable, after all, I have experienced your ability to cheat!"

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The little bug immediately became excited when he heard it, and put forward his suggestion very eagerly.

"Otherwise, how about we sign a symbiotic contract witnessed by the goddess of life?"

"You are the eldest brother and I am the younger brother. In the whole world, two brothers share the blessings and suffer together. They don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but they want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day?"

However, Mu Kelong didn't believe a word of Xiao Chongzi's words!

Even if the so-called symbiotic contract witnessed by the Goddess of Life existed, it might be effective for him, but how effective would it be for Xiao Chongzi, the blood descendant of the North Sea Demon Emperor?

The Demon King of the North Sea is able to fight against the combination of the ancient gods on his own. In terms of strength level, the Goddess of Life may not be able to compare with the Demon King of the North Sea with a high probability!

Seeing that Mukron refused to eat oil and salt, he was unmoved, and the little bug only felt a headache——

This black servant is too cunning, to be so unscrupulous, he is simply very mukron!

Mu Kelong also had a headache. In fact, he really wanted to subdue this unusual little bug, but he had nothing to do with it.

Apart from using thoughts to drive the opponent out of his thinking space and let him fend for himself, Mu Kelong couldn't think of any safe means for him to subdue the opponent without any hidden dangers.

For a moment, Mu Kelong felt that he was a little bit stuck, and the atmosphere in the thinking space became awkward.

At this time, a burst of drowsiness hit, Mu Kelong's consciousness began to become a little blurred, his memory faded like a tide, and his steps began to falter...

Obviously, after the severe pain in his mind disappeared, Mu Kelong began to become dazed again.

The next moment, his subconscious mind began to dominate the body, and some repulsive power was born in the thinking space, driving the bloodshot little bug out of the country bit by bit...

The poor, bloodshot little bug was squeezed out of its shelter amidst the frantic twisting, and once again faced the ravages of countless "evil" hands in the darkness!




After uttering several inaudible screams, the little bug squeezed out the last of his strength, broke through Mu Kelong's subconscious defense again, and pierced into the opponent's thinking space like a steel needle.

Sure enough, at this moment, countless big hands in the darkness stopped moving almost at the same time.

At the same time, Mu Kelong, who had fallen into a daze, was once again awakened by the severe pain in his mind.

It's just that this time, the little bug had only breathed its last breath, curled up in a ball covered in blood, and couldn't even send out a signal for help.

Mu Kelong's thinking sensed this scene, thoughtfully, and seemed to understand why the little bug became like this.

After hesitating for two seconds, Mu Kelong asked a question in his mind with common sense.

"His Royal Highness? Are you still alive?"

What Xiao Chongzi originally wanted to express was: "Brother, if you don't save me, I will really die..."

But in reality, there is nothing that can be done,

Seriously wounded, it was already unable to send out any signals.

At this time, after the second consciousness recovery, Mu Kelong has realized the value of this little bug to himself at this stage.

That is, it can stimulate one's own thinking at the moment of breaking the wall by entering and exiting one's own thinking space, and wake up one's consciousness from deep sleep.

The embarrassing thing is that even if Mu Kelong wants to pull it now, it can be regarded as pulling himself, but he has no corresponding means and can only stare blankly.

After all, the opponent's current form is quite special, and he is parasitic in Mu Kelong's thinking space. Mu Kelong is also powerless and can't find a way out.

At this moment, it is very easy for Mu Kelong to kill the opponent completely, just a thought of expulsion can do it!

But how to save each other?

That is really do not know!

In fact, most situations in the world are like this, killing a target is far easier than reviving a target!

Although Mu Kelong has tried very hard to imagine in his mind, imagining the scene where the other party becomes alive again, hoping to help.

However, in the end, he could only stand in the perspective of God, watching the other party's body become stiffer and stiffer...

It didn't take long for Mukron's consciousness to fall into a deep sleep again. Apart from keeping walking mechanically, he had lost control of his body.

During this period, Mu Kelong thought about using various means to get rid of the current predicament, but the embarrassing thing is that in this "ghost place", all his special abilities and signature skills cannot be used...

I don't know how long it took, Mu Kelong regained consciousness again, only to find that countless translucent weird bugs appeared in his thinking space at some point.

There are tens of thousands of these little bugs, densely entrenched in every corner of his thinking space, frantically gnawing at the barriers of his thinking space.

At the same time, bursts of severe pain from the depths of the soul poured into Mu Kelong's brain like a tide, continuous and intensified!

Mu Kelong suddenly turned pale with fright, and at the same time he understood why he woke up for the third time, he also began to panic.

Absolutely can't let these little bugs gnaw at the barriers of my thinking space anymore, or I will be finished!

In an instant, Mu Kelong remembered the habit of devouring each other by the sea monsters of the North Sea, so he tried to send out a deceptive message in his thinking space.

"Devour each other! Little bugs!"

"Kill as much as you want! All the bugs in this space are your food - kill them and you will become stronger!"

Perhaps these little bugs had some kind of abnormality after devouring part of Mukron's spiritual power, and Mukron's bewitching could actually affect their thinking!

Soon, the little bugs began to shift their targets, killing, devouring and merging each other...

Seeing this scene, Mu Kelong finally breathed a sigh of relief, the crisis was finally resolved temporarily.

But at the same time, Mukron also began to worry——

I am raising Gu!

What if the ultimate Gu worm raised in the end is completely out of my control, and what if it continues to devour my thinking space after it has full wings and great strength?


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