Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 34 That 1 piece of golden glitter is a god horse?

For a cemetery treasure house of this level, it is a good luck to be able to produce a skill book.

He took the skill book in his hand and glanced at it. Zhu Hao handed it over to his working man, Ranger Love, and said with a smile, "Haha, Love, you're lucky, it's an "Er Lian Ya" skill book, plain and simple. But it's a very useful skill!"

"Er Lian Arrow" (level 1 white common level attack skills, bow and arrow combat professionals above level 1 can learn)

Elementary: Instantly shoots two arrows, causing two piercing damage to the same target, but the damage result is reduced by 30%, and the range is 25 meters.

(Puncture damage ignores the target's physical resistance, and the target's physical defense attenuation effect is halved)

Consumes 20 stamina points, and the skill cooldown time is 5 seconds.


"Er Lian Ya" is worth 3,500 Datang Tongbao on the free trading platform, which is equivalent to a month's income of many migrant workers.

Ranger Love happily took the skill book and said with a grin, "Thank you boss!"

"I have always wanted to buy "Er Lian Ya", but unfortunately there is no market for it. The practical skills of this remote occupation are very popular, and they are basically taken away by the big guild. The explosion rate is too low."

Zhu Hao smiled and did not speak.

After fighting the cemetery treasure house, he continued to roam the fog of war with his army, and after a few small battles, they made new discoveries.

I only heard Love, who was wandering around the periphery, scream on the spot—

"Fuck, golden treasure chest?"

"Fuck, what is that?"

Not far in front of the team, a large golden box stood quietly on the snow.

Regrettably, a group of elven knights are guarding the periphery of the treasure chest.

It's just that the mounts of this group of knights are quite special. They are a kind of white horses with wings on their backs - Pegasus!

The worst thing is that these knights are wearing a layer of majestic golden scales, even their people and horses.

To make matters worse, in addition to the golden spears, the weapons in their hands also hung golden longbows and fiery red quivers on their backs.

[Golden Pegasus Sky Knight] (4th-level 49th-level elf special arms, golden three-star blue extraordinary level Pegasus Knight)

Health: 1750

Attack Power: 16

Defense: 18

Damage: (120~180) (Ammo capacity 36)

Movement speed: 1400 (flying troops ignore terrain deceleration)

Skill 1: [Meteor Arrow] (Intermediate) Launches an arrow into the air, transforming into a flaming meteor to bombard all targets within 8 meters, adding 25 to 75 points of fire magic damage, with a range of 60 meters.

Skill 2: [Dive] (Intermediate) High-speed dive from the air to attack the target on the ground, causing an additional 10-100 pure damage to a single target, and a 25% chance to stun the target for 1-3 seconds.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

Skill 3: [Desperate Magic] (Intermediate) The mana consumption of all enemy targets within 100 meters is increased by 8% (minimum 8 points), which can be stacked up to 15 layers.

Skill 4: Melee damage is not reduced.


After a visual inspection, there were at least 30 Golden Pegasus Knights around the treasure chest, and a certain dwarf fell silent.

If it's 3 and 5, maybe you can fight for 30?

Then I can only say a huh, an excuse to interrupt!

At this time, Ranger Love came over and said weakly.

"Boss, slip away..."

"God He Meow's Golden Pegasus Sky Knights, all of them are ultra-high-speed flying artillery with long wings!"

"—How do you fight this?"

"It's not enough to make a big V to direct the field in person!"

The mage Du Ke also came over. He stared at the golden Pegasus in the distance with an envious look.

Said quietly.

"I knew that the barrier camp had this kind of wind-pulling troops, what towers would I play!"

Zhu Hao also smiled bitterly: "Did you see the words "special arms"? You are thinking about shit!"

"This kind of thing, no one should have seen it in the experience stage, otherwise it would have been posted earlier, and it is estimated that the game company would not have released it to players at all!"

The three of them chatted with their heads together, and after pointing and pointing, they finally decided to give up.

After leading the army far away from the golden treasure chest, the three of them couldn't help but look back and sighed in unison.

"It's delicious!"

"It's a pity I can't eat it, depressed!"

Ranger Love even came up with a bold fantasy of his own.

"If I can bring 100 of these Golden Pegasus Sky Knights, can I walk sideways in the world at this stage?"

This time, a certain dwarf didn't attack his little friend, but said something lightly.

"Don't say 100, give you 10 or even 5 and you can take off!"

Mage Duke nodded, and suddenly sighed with some sadness.

"Unfortunately, neither Love nor I have found any clues to the strategic career transfer task..."

After speaking, the mage Duko was silent, the ranger Love was silent, and a certain dwarf was silent.

According to the big data disclosed by a certain editor on the forum, among the more than 30 million players at this stage, the proportion of players who have successfully transferred to Tier 1 strategic careers is less than one-third.

If nothing else, there are more than 100 indigenous players in the novice village of Bluefrost Castle. Among them, there are only three known players who have won the title of Tier 1 strategic occupation!

Mukron, Rofes and Magni - the ratio is really less than one-third, and the big V is really reliable!

This is also one of the important reasons why Magni has been able to maintain the core position of his small team until now.

This is also the key reason why Luo Fei Si, a loose player, can join the [Heluo Hero Club], a large-scale Tang Dynasty game organization.

The transfer of the no-level golden sword just gave him the opportunity to meet the high-level officials of the [Heluo Heroes Club]. The real reason for him to receive the invitation to join the club is - his status as a junior commander, and the 50 high-quality 2nd-tier troops under his command. Glacial Tree Demon Hunter.

At this stage, with the exception of a small number of lone rangers and life players, most players still join the ranks of players with strategic skills in the form of hero-level mercenaries.

After all, the blessing of strategic attributes and strategic skills is a very important part of strength.

There is a big difference between having a boss and not having a boss.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Ranger Love and the Mage Duko are shamelessly leaning on the "luxury car" of a short boss and refuse to leave.

After all, there is a revolutionary friendship between the two of them and Zhu Hao, and Zhu Hao takes them as friends.

What's more, Zhu Hao is so generous - suitable equipment and skill books are given.

If you change the boss, maybe people will use them as cannon fodder!

This is also the treasure house of the cemetery just now, and the two of them didn't mention the matter of dividing money and resources at all, because in essence, the two of them are only mercenaries now, and they are not qualified to speak.

The boss has soldiers in his hands, and they can take down the cemetery treasure house without them.

Dwarf bosses provide strategic attributes, strategic skills and unit support. They enjoy the benefits and also contribute to the boss.

While they gain combat experience themselves, the boss takes full strategic experience from them, which is equivalent to exploiting their residual value.

This is actually a way of working part-time. The skill book just now can be regarded as a bonus from the boss to the employee.

Of course, the boss also wants the employees to play a greater part-time work value by giving out bonuses.


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