Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 50 The first experience of Miss Golden Pegasus!

After reading the attributes of the troops, Mu Kelong's heart was half cold.

It's not that the dwarves are not strong, but the distribution of numbers is too pitiful.

There are a total of 121 dwarves, only 1 rune chief, 5 elite hunters, and the remaining 115 dwarves are shield guards!

Mu Kelong thought about it silently in his heart. The dwarf shield guard cooperated with the soul chain to completely resist the attack of the "Golden Horn King" in a short time, but the output ability of the shield guard can only be hehe.

As a priest of the elite-level template, the Rune Patriarch is powerful, but he is the only one, and the output is very limited.

The most important thing is actually the elite hunters of Mughur, because they have pure damage output, ignoring the two passive defense skills of the "Golden Horn King".

But the number is too small. There are only 5 hunters, with a total of 30 rounds of ammunition. According to the actual damage of 120 to 150 points per round of ammunition, it can cause about 4000 points of damage.

At this moment, Mu Kelong was in tears, speechless.

"Even if you give me 5 more Mughal elite hunters, this battle will be much better!"

On second thought, if there were so many elite hunters in the Mugul clan, I'm afraid they wouldn't be tortured by the iceberg snow monster clan, right?

The 121 dwarves in the team are likely to have all the fighting power of the small mountain dwarf tribe clan in Mugul.

It's not difficult, is it still called a hidden mission?

At this point, with Mu Kelong receiving strong reinforcements, he is still somewhat confident that the "King of the Golden Horn" will be exhausted to death.

So he transferred his own army and organized 115 dwarf shield guards into ten phalanxes, ready to start the final decisive battle.

After the army was arranged in place, Mu Kelong carefully led the "Golden Horn King" to the encirclement of the Shield Guard phalanx and started the general attack.

The first to take action was the rune priest patriarch behind a certain shield guard phalanx.

[Jimus Mugul] raised the red scepter in his hand and released a flame rune towards the "Golden Horned King".

The next moment, a fiery flame condensed and formed at the top of the scepter of the Mugul Patriarch, hitting the face of the "Golden Horned King" like an arrow from a string.

In an instant, a red light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and a mysterious fire-red magic rune mark appeared on the top of the "Golden Horn King"'s head.

——[Curse of Vulcan] (Intermediate)

The target marked by the Vulcan curse rune has its defense reduced by 12 points. When it is hit by fire magic damage, 70% of the damage is converted to pure damage, and the rune lasts for 30 seconds.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

At this moment, Mu Kelong's eyes shot brightly, and without hesitation, he summoned a wave of Golden Pegasus Sky Knights.

[Golden Pegasus Sky Knight] (4th-level 19th-level special arms, golden three-star blue extraordinary level Pegasus Knight)

Health: 490

Attack Power: 8 (27)

Defense: 10 (11)

Damage: (54~84)/(Ammo 36)

Morale: 2 (0)/(3 faction arms mix -2)

Lucky: 3

Movement speed: 1400 (1650) / (Golden Pegasus necklace +200, guerrilla tactics +50, flying units ignore terrain slowdown)

Skill 1: [Meteor Arrow] (Intermediate) Launches an arrow into the air, transforming into a flaming meteor to bombard all targets within 8 meters, adding 25 to 75 points of fire magic damage, with a range of 60 meters.

Skill 2: [Dive] (Intermediate)...

Skill 3: [Destroying Demons] (Intermediate)...

Skill 4: Melee damage is not reduced.


The next moment, three golden-armored female elf knights riding golden Pegasus appeared above the sky.

In an instant, three flying fire meteors fell from the sky and crashed on the head of the "Golden Horned King".



Lucky Strike!


At the same time, five Mugul elite hunters fired on the flanks of different shield guard formations!




Lucky Strike!


Lucky Strike!


In just an instant, the life value of "Golden Horn King" lost more than 1,600 points, nearly one-seventh!


Suffering a heavy blow, the King of the Golden Horn opened his bloody mouth, roared up to the sky, and rushed towards the Mughal elite hunter who had caused him the most damage.

Mu Kelong smiled, and one accelerated to the King of the Golden Horn, activating the taunting skill again.

【King's contempt】!

In the next 10 seconds, the King of the Golden Horn will lose his mind and go crazy to hunt down the dwarf who dared to mock it with his eyes.

It's a pity that the dwarf's movement speed is as high as 1500, which is a full 500 points higher than him.

Chasing me?

Don't think about it, you can't catch up in this life!

Just in case, Mu Kelong moved the ten shield guards phalanx several dozen meters back, expanding the encirclement of the King of the Golden Horn.

At the same time, the three Golden Pegasus Sky Knights hovered above the King of the Golden Horn and kept shooting with meteor arrows.

The other five Mughal elite hunters stood on the spot, resolutely filled their ammunition and shot steadily.

Soon, the ammunition of the five Mughal elite hunters ran out, and Mu Kelong ordered them to withdraw.

At this time, the three Golden Pegasus Knights in the sky each had 24 rounds of ammunition left.

The Ranger Love and the Mage Duke, who were watching the battle from a distance, stared blankly at the scene in front of them, their faces hung with thirst, and they swallowed a mouthful of saliva in unison.

"What kind of lady is this?"

"This is obviously a strategic bombing Ji!"

"—It's delicious!"

When the ten seconds of taunting ended, the King of the Golden Horn was left with only residual blood.

Its eyes were crimson red, like breathing fire, and it was madly chasing after the dwarf who could never catch up.

Suddenly, the King of the Golden Horn stopped and took a sharp breath.

In an instant, all the fog of war within a radius of several miles was sucked into its mouth.

The next moment, the hair on its body turned from white to gold, and together with the pair of golden horns on its head, it turned into a pitch-black color.

In everyone's astonished eyes, the white-haired golden-horned king not only swelled up in a circle, but also turned into a black-haired and black-horned king!


[Enchanted Iceberg Snow Monster Leader] (Tier 7 Level 70 Elite Monster Leader, Blue Gilt Rare Berserker)

Health: 13456/24000

Attack Power: 48

Defense: 60

Damage: (480~600)

Movement Speed: 1200 (1300) Snow Race +100

Skill 1: [Puncture Attack] (Advanced) When attacking, there is a 35% chance to cause an additional 300 piercing damage to the target, while reducing the target's defense by 8 points.

(Puncture damage ignores the target's physical resistance, and the target's physical defense attenuation effect is halved)

Skill 2: [Claw Crit] (Advanced) 30% chance to deal triple damage to a single target, ignoring enemy defense.

Skill 3: [Ice and Snow Physique] (Advanced) Water and ice magic damage is reduced by 90%.

Skill 4: [Frost Fur Armor] (Advanced) When receiving melee damage, ignore 50% of the attack power, when receiving long-range damage, ignore 75% of the attack power.

Skill 5: [Ferocious Roar] (Advanced) The base damage of friendly targets within 120 meters is increased by 40%, lasts 7 seconds, and has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Skill 6: [Teleportation Movement] (special) Demon race exclusive skill, it moves in the form of teleportation and can instantly appear anywhere within the movement speed range, but it can only be teleported once every 60 seconds.


In just an instant, the huge body of the demonized "King Noir", which was taller than two stories, disappeared in place.

The next moment, a startling number popped out of the head of a stunned dwarf.


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