Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 84: The Thousand Mile Expedition Road (22) Crossing the River! Cross the river!

After the money was scattered, Mu Kelong continued to lead his army to break through to the north. The players in the team soon found that their movement speed became much faster, and many people began to mutter in their hearts.

"Is snow warfare in the primary stage so good?"

Doubts are doubts, but everyone can't find evidence, so they can only assume that nothing happened.

No one knows that if Mukron had not turned off the passive effects of high-level guerrilla tactics, I am afraid that these people would suddenly find themselves unable to see themselves...

With the high-speed blessing of high-level guerrilla tactics, and at the same time, the stamina consumption of all members of the Mukron Corps was reduced by 90%, the army roared forward like the wind on the northeastern desert snowfields of the Titan continent, throwing off all the pursuers along the way.

After crossing the Kebra River, which was completely frozen, the Mukron Corps left [Yakusaha State], entered the further north [Beboya State], and turned to the northwest at full speed...

When they came to the junction of the element camp and the cemetery camp, they had reached the border river between the two countries, the river of ghosts, the river of death - the mouth of the Arctic Sea of ​​the Usyaku River!

And the pursuers who have been following their buttocks, including the three bounty hunters who secretly made a "bet" agreement with Mu Kelong, have already given up chasing.

Among them, there are indeed those whose speed is no less than that of the Mukron Corps, but in the case of a long-distance expedition, their physical strength cannot keep up!

Simply put, when two snowmobiles have the same top speed, what if one of the snowmobiles consumes a tenth of the fuel of the other?

Even if there are gas stations all over the road, snowmobiles with low fuel consumption can gain an indisputable advantage by adding less fuel N times.

If there are few gas stations on the road, or there are no gas stations at all, it can only be hehe——

I'm going home, I won't play with you anymore!


When they learned from insider intelligence that the Mukron Corps had arrived on the shore of the Arctic coast, Huang Shao and his "blind" strategist Lao Liu were all confused——

Huang Shao scolded loudly: "His grandfather's really went to the Arctic Sea?"

As a "blind" military strategist, Lao Liu explained embarrassingly.

"I originally thought that what he called detouring behind the enemy was all in a circle, but I really didn't expect to be able to circle around the Arctic Sea..."

As we all know, the Arctic Sea is also known as the Sea of ​​Death. That piece of ocean is located at the northernmost tip of the world, so it is also called the North Pit.

Beiming, or the Sea of ​​Death is not just empty words, but its interior is full of dangers, and even the most powerful legendary Lich King would not dare to enter it easily.

Because it is said that Beiming is the tomb of the ancient gods and the dragon clan, and it is also the birthplace of the undead ghost empire of the cemetery camp.

In ancient times, a lucky man was swept into the depths of the Arctic Sea by a whirlpool, where he obtained the inheritance of undead magic...

After leaving the Arctic Sea, this lucky man created a precedent for undead magic. He used soul-calling and exorcism as his business, and finally developed into the current cemetery camp.

This lucky person is none other than the chief executive of the cemetery camp undead Nether Empire Elder Council, the immortal Frost Dragonbone Lich King, and the so-called Wing of Fear—His Majesty [Octavia Nicholas].

As we all know, His Majesty Nicholas I, known as the "Wings of Fear", never set foot in the northern underworld again in his life. It can be seen what kind of danger and great fear is bred in this sea of ​​death, which is located in the most arctic in the world. ?

Although they knew the current location of the Mukron Corps, Huang Shao and his "blind" counselor, Lao Liu, had nothing to do.

Because "Beijing" is very dangerous, neither the cemetery camp nor the element camp has set up towns within 3,000 miles of the Arctic Sea. Without towns, it is impossible to have a stable teleportation array, and without a teleportation array, it is impossible to spend money. Perform long-distance jumping displacements.

Therefore, their bounty hunters could not catch up with the Mukron army, so the army they organized could not besiege and intercept Mukron in the cemetery camp.

Therefore, they could not organize troops to intercept the Mukron Army to cross the boundary river, and all plans had to be re-planned, and the previous arrangements were all in vain!

That night, the "blind" military teacher Liu felt a little sore in his eyes...


A certain dwarf's brain is still normal, and he didn't even think about breaking into the sea of ​​death known as "Northern Ming" to take a look.

Fortunately, among the other players in the Mukron Corps, there was no such stubborn party that wanted to die.

After a night of repairing at a place called [Brennaya Bay] on the southern coast of the Dead Sea, when the mild sunlight dispelled the strange fog, the dwarf commander stood in front of the team, pointed his warhammer forward, and burst out with a sonorous cry. ——

"Brothers, the territory of the cemetery camp is ahead, and we are about to usher in the real battle!"

"A true warrior, who dares to face the dangerous life, dare to face the dripping blood..."

"Although the Usyaku River is known as the River of Netherworld and the River of Death, it is nothing compared to the Sea of ​​Death known as Beiming, not to mention I have a magic scroll at the bottom of the box!"

Having said that, the dwarf commander took out a sheepskin scroll from his belt and shouted loudly: "This one-time scroll is the key treasure I have prepared for this expedition. After activation, our entire army can be invisible for ten minutes... "

"In these ten minutes, as long as we don't stop moving forward, or make active attacks, even the eternal ghosts floating on the river of death Usyaku cannot find us!"

After speaking, the dwarf commander stretched out his hand and unfolded the parchment scroll...

After three seconds, everyone was surprised to find that the rest of the legion had disappeared.

The next moment, everyone turned their attention to themselves, only to find that they themselves could not see their existence.

In an instant, countless amazed, amazed, and amazed voices rang out one after another on the uninhabited ice and snow wasteland.

At this time, the roars and shouts of the dwarf commander could be heard in everyone's ears——

"Brothers, rush with me—"

"Cross the river!"

"Cross the river!"

"Cross the river!"


At this moment, a sense of pride rose up in everyone's heart, and everyone shouted along with them, roaring in unison—

"Cross the river!"

"Cross the river!"

"Cross the river!"


No one knew that the so-called sheepskin magic scroll that recorded "Invisibility" was actually a "Return to the City" magic scroll, but it was just a prop used by a dwarf to perform tricks.

He just unfolded the magic scroll, and then silently recited a limerick—

"One, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain to fight the tiger; the tiger is not at home, the dwarf is called the king..."

As a result, before the limericks were finished, everyone disappeared, not to mention the friendly troops, not even themselves.

As a result, a certain dwarf put away the magic scroll in a hurry, planning to take it out and put it on the next time he needed it.


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