Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 90 The Battle of Leo Town (5) is scattered

From the enemy's point of view, the actions of the Mukron Corps were elusive and unpredictable, so much so that it caused divisions and doubts within the enemy, but Mukron himself knew his situation, and he was really not as strong as the enemy thought.

Pulling dozens of times the number of enemies by himself, and taking the opportunity to sneak two waves, is almost the limit of his ability.

After marching at high speed in overclocking mode for a long time, even if Mu Kelong’s physical strength is exhausted enough, his soldiers are unable to fight anymore——

This game is very real. Although the soldiers of the non-hero template do not have a column of stamina on the surface, they are not without a stamina limit, but they are hidden to simplify the data panel.

Generally speaking, a soldier's stamina value is closely related to his own health value, which varies according to the different proportions of occupation and race.

According to a test compiled by a big V, the physical strength of regular soldiers is one-fourth to one-half of their health, the legal system has the least physical strength, the melee professional soldiers have the highest physical strength, and the agile professional soldiers are between the two. between.

If the soldier's physical strength is found to be slowly decreasing during the march, it is a sign that the physical strength is exhausted. At this time, the soldier's offensive and defensive attributes and lethality will decrease in steps, and he must rest.

Shortly after attacking the enemy Element C Corps for the second time, Mukron found that the soldiers began to reduce their own health one after another, and suddenly understood the limit, so after entering passive stealth, they slowed down and marched, leaving the river valley delta of Leo Town and heading east. Cross the [Leniok River] and rest in a hidden wood to recover.


For the next half-day, the enemy corps searched for the Mukron Corps to no avail. In order to prevent them from being attacked again, all the corps gathered back to the river valley delta to discuss the next move in the town of Leo.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss, it is nothing more than a break-up meeting.

It was the elemental faction players who first proposed to disband the team. The commander-in-chief of the Bounty Hunter C Corps directly expressed his unwillingness to waste time, suspending cooperation, and asking [Claudette Hamhir]—that is, " Huang Shao" to pay compensation.

"Blind" strategist Lao Liu - that is, [Edgar Kramer] wanted to keep one or two, but he was interrupted by another bounty hunter before he could say anything.

A fire elemental hero next to "Snow Fox" Ichabod, the commander-in-chief of Corps A of the elemental camp, directly stood up and loudly agreed.

"I don't want to waste my time here either!"

"It now seems that your so-called Leo Town siege campaign is simply a joke..."

There is no doubt that the person who said this is naturally a good friend of "Snow Fox" - "Fire Lion" Powers.

Powers has a lot of second-order powerful units, Thunder Elements, who are definitely the most capable of the Element A Corps, so he speaks very hard, and he almost scolded some people for sand sculptures by name.

Immediately afterwards, the commander "Snow Assassin" Lancelot, another core main player of the Element A Corps, also started to complain.

"Now the shadow of the Mukron Legion has not been seen. Nine times out of ten, it is far away. Now that Mukron has gone solo, we can't locate his position. Are we still here to wait for the New Year?"

After the two basic friends finished speaking, "Snow Fox" Ichabod also began to express his position.

"I don't need to say more about the rest. Let's discuss the compensation that we bounty hunters deserve. Everyone plays games to make money. Huang Shao, you are also a decent person. Don't be awkward and waste everyone's time."

For a time, the bounty hunters of the element camp expressed that they would take the money and leave.

If it were in reality, Huang Shao's face would definitely be as black as the bottom of a pot at this moment, but unfortunately he is a skeleton hero in the game, so he can't see his face.

However, the two groups of soul fires in his eyes flashed a few times, and he said something indifferently.

"The battle of Leo Town is only part of my plan, although it is a little rough at this stage,

But we can still plan the next encirclement plan..."

The blind strategist Lao Liu immediately picked up the conversation and laughed: "Don't forget, everyone, there are more than 100 players in the Mukron Corps hiding in the snow-capped mountains in Hebei, and there are quite a few of our eyeliners there. Once again with these players, we still have the opportunity to plan another siege."

"Take a ten thousand steps back and say that even if Mu Kelong is completely solo, we will go to Hebei Snow Mountain tomorrow to suppress bandits. Those players and Mu Kelong went on an expedition to gain a lot of benefits..."

"If the players in these mountains are destroyed, this battle will not be without gain!"

This time, before he finished speaking, "Fire Lion" Powers sneered, turned around and left.

"Ha ha!"

"Then you continue, I will not accompany you!"

After Bowers left, "Snow Fox" Ichabod sighed and left without saying anything.

"Snow Assassin" Lancelot suddenly snorted, leaving a murderous sentence.

"The cooperation between our two sides has ended. This time we can't get together or leave. Next time you see each other on the battlefield, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Seeing that the three main commanders of the Element A Corps have all left, the bounty hunter players of the other two Element Corps have also left Leo Town one after another...

It didn't take long for more than half of the players in Leo Town to leave, and those who stayed just didn't want to leave the town in the dark.

Leo Town is just a small remote village in the north of the cemetery camp. There are only a few dozen local residents, and the scale is not even comparable to the Blue Frost Castle. Naturally, there is no teleportation array. The nearest town with a teleportation array must be there. Leo Town is more than 100 kilometers south of the town.

As a village, Leo Town doesn't even have city walls and formal guards, let alone a high-end existence such as the Necromancer Tower.

For Mukron, the town of Leo is largely undefended.

After learning the situation in Leo Town from "Snow Fox" Ichabod, Mukron, who had been repaired in the east of the river, marched overnight and sneaked to the outside of Leo Town.

He let his invisible army patrol back and forth outside the town of Leo, and he himself sneaked into the town of Leo, intending to let the skeleton hero named [Claudette Hamhir] (Huang Shao) taste it again The taste of the dwarven hammer, ending the farce with the death of the initiator.

At this time, Huang Shao didn't know that a certain dwarf had lurked in Leo Town, and he was complaining with his "blind" military advisor Lao Liu.

Around the two of them, there were more than 20 other players from different factions and races grinning and watching. These people were Huang Shao's real friends, and some of them even set up a private chat group. Come to rant.

"I thought I was going to watch a good show, but I didn't expect it to be lonely, it was a waste of my time."

"Isn't it, if I knew I wouldn't come, it's very boring."

"You said that if Mu Kelong suddenly appeared at this time, wouldn't it taste so good if he exploded Huang Hao's skull with a hammer?"

"Haha, then Huang Hao didn't die on the spot?"

"Hey, what is that?"

"Fuck - this sliding shovel is beautiful!"

"A dwarf with golden light on his head and dual weapons? Isn't this Mukron!"

"This kid is for real!"

"It's a big deal—but why do I like it so much?"


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