"cooperate?"Li Yuewu couldn't think of anyone with whom to cooperate. Aren't they all the unlucky ones being chased?

"Yes, if we help you deal with our pursuers, you will also fight for us against those who pursue us!", Lin Feng said about his transaction

"Isn't that sending someone to death?"Even if Li Yuewu didn't learn tactical command, he still understood what three first-class armies and a dozen weaker heroic armies represented. It was a complete rhythm of death and no life.

"Yes, but you have no choice. Either die now, die later, or take a gamble on whether we can make a comeback!" Lin Feng stared at the other party seriously, because the other party had no choice at all.

It was like a person had a knife and a bottle of poison in front of him.

He had to choose a way to die immediately. One was to stab him with a knife right now. Himself, the other is to drink it and it will happen tomorrow, so this person will definitely choose the second one, because there is an old idiom on earth called" drinking poison to quench thirst!"

This actually means that the other party has no choice at all. If you choose to refuse cooperation, you are absolutely hopeless.

"I can only take the words back, I can't make the decision on this kind of thing!", Li Yuewu said seriously, because she knew that this kind of thing was not something she, a small student of the reconnaissance department, could make the decision about. It had to be decided by the class teacher who led the team.

For ordinary things, of course she wouldn't mind agreeing, but She didn't even dare to express her attitude towards this kind of issue that involved the life and death of a large number of soldiers and templates for hundreds of students.

"If you agree, then find a way to lead the other party to us, and then we will solve the other party for you!", Lilith did not mean to negotiate with the other party, and directly expressed her attitude, that is, either agree or refuse. If the other party refuses to cooperate, she can only deal with the encirclement network formed by the army behind her alone. If she cooperates, then It means both sides deal with it together.

At this time, the opponent's scouts have touched this place, which means that the army is not too far away. In other words, it has entered the encirclement network. It is completely impossible to break through with the opponent's strength. If all units are abandoned, only the players can escape. , then there is still a slight chance.

To put it bluntly, Lin Feng and the others are sure of the opponent. This is the advantage of being strong.

In the world of heroes, strength is the last word. If the opponent is stronger, the situation will be reversed. Got it

"Sir, do you want to take advantage of their power?", Lilith asked curiously. She could naturally see that her creator seemed to attach great importance to the other party's strength.

Of course, Lin Feng would not say that he wanted to save his sister, but also needed strength, so he admitted:

"Yes, the opponent's strength can allow us to reduce a lot of casualties!"

This is not wrong. Their strength is very strong, but there is a weakness that was only discovered, that is, there are too few cannon fodder!

The Centaur had more than 800 units before, which sounds like a lot, but no matter who they meet , just one round of arrow rain will cause some losses, especially in the battle just now, the number of remaining units is almost the same as that of the dwarves, both of which are more than 200 units.

Therefore, his number as an elite unit is several times that of the main unit.

The above is completely inconsistent with the principle that the cannon fodder troops of the normal army are several times, or even ten times more than other troops.

The consequence of not having troops is that the elite troops are forced to join, which will lead to a huge increase in losses for the troops of Tianhai University.

, if there are not many elite troops, there are definitely an astonishing number of cannon fodder troops.

If they cooperate with the opponent, their losses will decrease exponentially.

"Is that so?"

Lilith didn't ask any questions and directly included this matter in the plan, and they quickly looked at each other's choices.

As for how they saw it, of course it was because the gryphons of Tianhai University were hovering in the sky over the sea of trees, covering The troops below were advancing, and their position was about one kilometer ahead. Not far behind the opponent, there were two groups of gryphons watching eagerly, but they did not launch an attack immediately.

However, the commander of Tianhai University was not an idiot, and naturally he would not make a move to fight. It was all left to Lin Feng and the others, so when Lin Feng's army was about half a kilometer to the side of the opponent, they turned around and launched a counterattack.

‘Is it Zhao Qingye who is directing?"

Such a precise and decisive command reminded Lin Feng of his ordinary expressionless face and his tone of voice that seemed to contain very few emotions.

"Okay, the banquet ahead has begun, let’s take action!", Lin Feng said to Lancelot.

As for Falina, she has fully fulfilled her role as a tool without saying a word, because matters related to finance are her field, and combat and strategy are not hers. At the same time

, Lin Feng was very satisfied with a collaborator who was so practical. Even Lilith felt a little better about cooperating with a smart person. It's better than working with idiots who don't know themselves. This is very important.


Lancelot assembled the swordsman troops.

Because of the presence of the priestess, this army did not lose even a single unit.

It was also because the opponent did not focus fire from a distance, otherwise such a good thing would happen.

As long as there is no long-range focus fire, A total of 7,000 points of HP is completely a humanoid tank.

Even if it is replaced by a seventh-level unit to attack, it will take at least dozens of attacks to solve it.

This is why the swordsman can remain intact.

The healing unit is indeed effective on the battlefield.

It is too precious.

And they have been stalling for today. In less than an hour, the number of treatments will be refreshed, and the wood elf ammunition will be refreshed. They have consumed a lot of the remaining ones in the previous battle. With the number of treatments and ammunition, it was not a problem to deal with the two armies of second-rate heroes.

Soon, the vanguard of the army reached the side of the battlefield, just in time to see the chaotic coalition forces of Tianhai University falling into an absolute disadvantage, but the defense line was still solid and tenacious. to hold back the enemy

"kill!" Lancelot did not hesitate at all, and directly let the swordsman troops take the lead and cut into the battlefield from the flank.

Both second-rate armies had swordsman troops, but the number only exceeded three digits, almost two. If the squadrons were all added up, there would be 240 units in four squadrons.

However, the swordsman troops under Lin Feng had a record of breaking through the defense line of a brigade of 300 swordsmen with 193 units. How could they put the opponent on the spot? In my heart, especially when the opponent has no monks, these two words can only be used to describe the swordsman troops.

Any defense in the front is easily torn apart by the long sword, and most of the opponent's melee troops are deployed. In the front, there was no time to turn back. There were only fourth-level marksmen behind. Facing the long sword of the seventh-level swordsman, it was absolutely bloody.

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