However, the road had only been built for more than ten kilometers, and when we got here we entered a dangerous area. We had to reconnoiter and clear the danger before we could continue. However, the large armies did not pay attention to this and went straight into the lush woods.

Hero + army, ordinary monsters have to retreat when encountering them, because no matter how strong they are, unless there is an absolute gap, they will be overwhelmed by the army commanded by the hero.

With the heroes opening the way, the troops leading the way were relaxed a lot.

Lin Feng and the others led the army on a road that had only been cut down and cleared of vines. Even country roads at this level were countless times better than here.

But it was pretty good to have this kind of road in the woods, so they quickly reached the end, and there was no road after that.

"This way!", Lancelot looked at the map in his hand.

This is a map where the closer to the red circle, the more blurry the information becomes.

It is impossible for the coalition forces to manipulate this kind of information. It is completely seeking death, but this information There are countless dangers in the area. Even the scouts have no way to enter those areas. They can only move forward slowly while scouting and supplementing.

The copy in the hands of the Bull Principality will not be more detailed than this one. It can only be said that everyone has the same starting line, but they can. It all depends on the individual.

This area was considered a high-risk area in the past, so no players would come. If it weren't for the discovery of the Miracle Leader here, no players would be willing to come. Therefore, there is very little information, and it needs to be re-examined. Reconnaissance.

After advancing not far, there is no movement around except the army under your command.

This is the wilderness! In addition to strength and luck, leading an army also requires enduring loneliness.

A truly solo player may even be driven crazy by this environment. The wilderness has never been a place for vacation. This is a hell for the weak, regardless of strength or soul.

As he progressed, Lin Feng encountered many monsters. It's just that they are aware of the danger of the army, so they all flee quickly.

If they encounter a small number of monsters that refuse to leave, the fleeing party may have to switch, because the strength of such monsters is very terrifying, even if they are. There is no shortage of champion creatures in the wilderness.


The deadwood guard troops at the forefront broke through the vines and grass, forming a 'passage' for the following troops to move forward.

Although there were many large-sized troops. The place has disadvantages, but it also has advantages in some aspects. It can be regarded as having advantages and disadvantages.

Although the number has dropped to 37 units and 14 units were lost in the previous battle, in terms of strength, this number can definitely beat the previous ones. The number, due to the improvement in level, and the changes in the hero Lin Feng, the combat effectiveness has naturally increased.

The same is true for other troops. Although the number has decreased, the combat effectiveness must have increased.

Among them, the swordsman unit is in the best condition. , because of the careful care of the priestesses, not a single unit died. All 193 units were online, plus the priestesses themselves, they were the only units that had no losses.

As for the other units, even if they kept playing soy sauce, there was no loss at all. The number of third-level dwarves fighting head-on has decreased.

There is still more than ten kilometers away from the dragon tribe in a straight line. There are no markings on the map of any dangers in this distance, because only the monsters found during reconnaissance are marked, and there are no marks in other places. No, this is something that no one can guarantee.

Soon, they encountered something that almost made Lin Feng jump up.

The mercenary camp~!

This thing is an enhanced miracle building. , although it is a one-time use, it is sought after by countless heroes.

The effect is very simple, that is, strategic power +1. It is such a simple and unpretentious strategic attribute that ordinary heroes can only get one after leveling up to level 20. However, you can get five points, but you can gain one point when you encounter this kind of miraculous building. This is too important.

Lin Feng is sure that the scouts sent by the Bull Principality never knew this, otherwise it would be such a good thing. How could it be his turn.

And this is also the benefit of wilderness reclamation.

Because you can encounter enhanced miraculous buildings, as well as a large number of precious items, plus lairs, resource points, treasure chests and other harvests, this is the fundamental reason why countless heroes rush forward to open up the wasteland.

If there are not too high rewards for opening up wasteland, the heroes are not masochists, and they will not dig into the wilderness desperately. This is one of the rewards.

The guards are a large group of seventh-level lizards. That's right, they are seventh-level lizard monsters, not third-level lizard men. Although there is only one word difference, the two are completely different.

Lin Feng had encountered monsters like lizards before.

It's just that his strength was not strong at the beginning, and it was difficult to deal with even an eighth-level monitor lizard leader. But now his combat power is catching up with the ace unit, so of course he doesn't bother to take action.


The wood elves just rained down arrows on the ground, giving no face to this group of nearly a hundred three-meter-tall, six-meter-long guys who looked even stronger than elephants.

Arrows shot through the scales and penetrated deeply into the lizard's body.

A large amount of blood gushes out, causing these lizards to scream and crawl towards the direction of the army. When enraged, these guys will not consider what is rational.

The swordsman troops emerged in greater numbers, although they were half shorter than their opponents, with a difference of two meters and three meters, and their weight was even lower.

But the result of the battle was completely opposite.

Because the more numerous swordsmen can cause terrible damage with every sword strike, the lizard, unless it has the ability to petrify, is not even half a threat and will be chopped down to the ground by random swords.

Although these are monsters rather than soldiers, which means that the level after adulthood is at least level 7 and above, the swordsmen can now crush them in terms of combat power.

First of all, the level of the swordsmen is over 60, so they will not be much disadvantaged in terms of attributes. The most important thing is that they are led by the legendary hero Lin Feng. With the blessing of his terrifying strategic power and intermediate killing skills, the swordsmen can In terms of damage, it is several times higher than the opponent.

Not only did the two sides have such a huge attack gap, but their numbers were also nearly twice as different. It would have been strange not to be crushed. In addition, the two rounds of arrow rain from the wood elves directly disabled the lizard group first, and the swordsmen left the rest. tidy.

The system doesn't even give a prompt, indicating that the experience will be given as usual, but no additional ones will be given. Don't expect the world consciousness to give a good evaluation to this kind of completely mindless crushing battle.

"Sir, please!"

Lilith placed Lin Feng in front of this miraculous building consisting of several tents and bonfires. This kind of reward-type miraculous building is not easy to encounter, and they can encounter it so quickly, which shows that they are lucky.

The energy-saving form is not It does not hinder the use of the miraculous building, which is good news, so Lin Feng's paw touched the transparent light curtain in front of him.

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