If the thunderbirds were led by Lin Feng and the griffons were the wild guards, he would be confident of achieving even more exaggerated results.

However, if this group of thunderbirds were wild monsters, Lin Feng would have turned away long ago and would not have come directly. Therefore, although the damage was exaggerated, it was still within the tolerance range.

The most fortunate thing is that his resistance is high enough and he is not controlled by the paralysis effect of thunder and lightning. If he is also hit, it can almost be declared that as long as Thunderbird launches a thunder and lightning attack, the target will have no chance of successful resistance.

Lin Feng didn't just take a beating without fighting back, he also pulled out his tail with all his strength.


The tail hit a thunderbird like a heavy battering ram, knocking the opponent directly into the sky.

Of course, it can't be an instant kill, but it is definitely a heavy damage. You only need to see how heavy the opponent is when he falls to the ground for a certain distance and almost doesn't fly.

Claws, teeth, tail!

Lin Feng made full use of his physical advantages and continuously launched attacks, inflicting damage to the Thunderbirds one after another.

Of course, he also tried not to expose himself to attacks unless it was unavoidable, which was inconsistent with his previous hard-core fighting style.

But there is no way. Usually the opponents are either not strong, either the main force or the elite force, or they are small in number, such as the evil god king or the gryphon leader.

But this time the enemy is not only powerful.

The tenth-level Thunderbirds are very powerful even as a unit. Their level is no less than level 50, and there are many of them. They can account for 60 units in a squadron, which is quite a lot.

The core troops have a lot of health, at least the Thunderbird has a strength of over 15,000.

This is calculated based on level 50. If it is level 60 or 70, it will be higher. However, from the attack and damage, the opponent's level can be inferred, so the level should not be wrong.

Fifteen thousand blood points!

No wonder it is said that the higher the level of the soldier, the more exaggerated the blood volume.

This blood volume is too exaggerated, and it will undergo transformation when it reaches the ace level, so it is said that those below the ace level and above the ace level are two different concepts.

Even if one blow could cause hundreds or thousands of points of damage, Lin Feng could only slowly grind away at such an exaggerated amount of health.

The griffons dispersed to join the battlefield. If there were no griffons to distract the thunderbirds, it would have been a one-on-one fight. Even if Lin Feng was a fourteenth-level flame dragon, he would not be able to do it. He is only level 38 and is not yet an adult. A giant dragon.


Although the probability of triggering the continuous falling of pillars of thunder and lightning is low, in a full-scale battle, the probability is even smaller, but in a squadron of thunderbirds, it is not impossible to trigger the attack information.

As long as the griffin is hit by the thunder pillar, its body will turn black and its body will fall to the ground like a puppet.

Lin Feng had already prepared for this.

Directly move the battlefield to an area with a lush canopy, that is, a few hundred meters away from the side of the ground battlefield.

In this way, after the griffon falls, it will not hit the ground directly, but will be buffered by the branches and leaves before falling to the ground.

The difference between the two is huge!

If it falls to the ground from a height of tens of meters, the gryphon's body may not be able to hold it up, and its health may be completely wiped out.

But it's different if there are branches to buffer you. Although you will lose a lot of blood, you don't have to worry about not being able to fly after falling.


This is something that Lin Feng has long considered. He is not a brainless warrior. Although he likes to use the body of a dragon to charge into battle, it does not mean that he cannot think.

Strong generals are very scary, but a strong general who can use his brain is even more frightening. He is completely unable to survive.

At this time, the fighting instinct of the Thunderbirds was that they did not notice this small difference. If the tactics were too obvious, the Thunderbirds might have changed their fighting methods long ago.

The number of griffons is quite large. Even if Tianhai University's griffon troops leave, there are still more than 400 units. This number is far more than a squadron of Thunderbirds.

Just now, a unit of Thunderbirds was bitten by Lin Feng and refused to let go. All the attacks fell on the opponent, killing it directly.

At this time, Lin Feng also realized that if they just passed each other, he would not be able to kill these thunderbirds, so he directly changed his fighting method, biting the opponent's neck, and tearing the opponent to pieces with his claws.

The dragon's body is a perfect killing machine.

With the terrifying attack and defense combined with powerful strength, even creatures larger than himself may not be as powerful as himself, let alone a target that is several times smaller than the Thunderbird.

It was precisely because of his advantages in strength and size that Thunderbird had no chance to escape, allowing Lin Feng to complete the first kill.

The tenth-level troops that used to be extremely powerful to him now seemed like a slightly more difficult target that could be easily killed. Moreover, his fighting spirit was boiling, and he was completely aroused by this kind of hand-to-hand combat.

Of course, the seventh-level Pegasus naturally creates opportunities for the griffons, such as swiping a sword to kill some individual thunderbirds with lightning speed.

Pegasus is not strong in size and strength, not even as strong as a gryphon.

Not only is its health and damage lower than that of the griffin, but also its powerful mobility, it can attack like a killer.

The important thing is that when Pegasus attacks the huge Thunderbird, each team can attack at the same time without worrying about insufficient attack positions. This means that the ability to cause damage is terrifying.

As long as the Thunderbird is targeted by Pegasus, even if the counterattack is terrifying, facing the Pegasus like a colony of ants, especially under the command of the legendary hero Lin Feng, the ant colony will directly turn into a poisonous jaw. of ants.

In terms of attack power, Lin Feng's 40 points of strategic power + intermediate offensive skills have more than doubled the Pegasus' damage, and can already cause a lot of damage to the core arms.

No matter how high its HP was, Thunderbird could not be said to be unscathed when faced with a Pegasus attack that could deal triple-digit damage in one blow, let alone a continuous attack.

As a result, two more units of Thunderbirds were directly besieged by Pegasus until they died. Although they used counterattacks to severely damage more than a dozen units of Pegasus, and even launched two thunder and lightning attacks, they still did not cause fatal attacks. The opponent had no way to do it like Lin Feng. Just bite the target without letting go.

The sixty-plus-level Pegasus looks weak, but it is actually a seventh-level soldier with a blood volume of up to 7,400 points.

That's right, it has more than 7,000 HP, which is only more than 1,000 HP more than the fifth-level gryphon.

With so much health, no matter how powerful the Thunderbird's attack is, and the number of kills in one hit exceeds four digits, it still takes more than a few attacks to kill it. As long as you don't seek death and let the Pegasus attack with less than one-fifth of its health, why? Nor will it die.

The advantage of having a hero to command is this, it will not let the soldiers with weak health come forward and die.

The three units of Thunderbirds lost were not too many, but it meant that there was nothing wrong with Lin Feng's tactics. As long as this continued, there would be hope of solving the Thunderbirds squadron.

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